Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Walther’s Criminal Behavior – No Secret To Historians

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Walther’s Criminal Behavior – No Secret To Historians

The keepers of the Walther shrine have hidden the syphilis story,
but the rest is well known.
Part I

One of the UOJ lapdogs claimed I was writing about a secret LCMS history, smirking as if I were making up details or digging up legends known only to a few. The material below is from Zion on the Mississippi, Walter O. Forster, 1953. The book is older than the UOJ Enthusiasts Paul McCain, Jay Webber, Preus Inc, and Jumpin’ Jack Kilcrease (who jumps synods and confessions with the greatest of ease). Concordia Publishing House printed the book, which was a doctoral dissertation that employed the resources of the Concordia Hagiography Institute, where McCain had a sinecure.

My copy was owned given to Arthur Stellhorn Welch, whose mother wrote this in 1984:
“This is the authoritative soruce of the history of the Saxon Pilrims who came to America for religious as well as other freedoms. My father’s parents, Stellhorn and Buenger, are of this company. I see in your nature and life that cultural and genetic strain.” (Emphasis in original)

Zion has been required reading for seniors. Vehse has another account. Now the Stephan records are available in the book above, whose title I modified somewhat.

As I wrote before, Stephan was investigated many times for his obvious immoral behavior with young women. Louise Guenther was the main mistress, but there were others investigated by the police and church officials. The groupies were jealous of each other and vied for Stephan’s attention. Two of the lawyers were participants in the court action just before the Saxon departure, which led to Stephan’s house arrest. His long-suffering wife gave detailed testimony about Stephan’s infidelities, which his lawyers knew about, although they were happy to go to America with him. Vehse and Marbach were brothers-in-law.

Note that Suelflow solemnly recorded Walther blaming Mrs. Stephan for the bishop’s adultery!

All the historians know that C.F.W. Walther’s future mother-in-law was jailed for her part in kidnapping and hiding the niece and nephew of Ferdinand and his brother. According to the Stephan book, police issued warrants for the arrest of Walther, who left his port early, like Jonah, on a fast ship West, regardless of the fare.

Download it here.

Landing in New Orleans, Walther swore allegiance to Bishop-for-Life Stephan, known adulterer. A few months later, Stephan was suddenly revealed to be an adulterer and a false teacher, for calling himself bishop. Actually, the pastors elected him bishop, so that made them false teachers as well.  As for the lying, let me get started.

Stephan and his group were being dissed in America and Europe for their lawlessness. That is no secret – Zion, p. 345. Stephan’s pastors defended their effort and their bishop – in print.

Money was loosely handled, but the laity had control of that, even though they obeyed the directives of Stephan. The bishop showed the signs of third stage syphilis, with many strange delusions and impractical, improvident plans. The unemployed pastors also paid themselves out of the common fund. Ferdinand’s brother did not even account for the huge sum, $400, he requested and received. Zion, p. 364.

“The Bishop always had a number of women staying with him at his St. Louis residence.” Zion, p. 355. The women included – “Louise Voelker, Louise Guenther, Mrs. Schneider, Pauline Weidlich, and the youthful Marie Schubert, niece of the Walthers.” (ibid) He resumed the evening strolls with women, the practice in Germany that attracted police attention. It is no secret that he left his wife behind in Dresden, to fend for herself, and abandoned all his children except his healthy son, who came over and established his own LCMS dynasty.

The clergy were loyal to the hierarchical order, even after the removal of Stephan. Zion, p. 357.

Walther was happy to carry out Stephan’s abusive orders. Zion, p. 358.

The Saxons were offered a good deal on land, right in St. Louis, (p. 376) but Stephan wanted to be in the wilderness, so they bought in Perry County. They were running out of money. Zion, p. 373. Stephan the Bohemian had no problem with human slavery. They could have purchased better land for less in Illinois or in another territory. Perry County had spas good for additional syphilis treatment and the advantage of obscurity, away from prying eyes and urban newspapers.

The stories of Stephan’s “stupid vanity and gross incompetence” suggests syphilitic dementia rather than the effects of the bishop’s title. Zion, p. 387.

On April 24, 1839, five of the pastors (Loeber, Keyl, Oertel, Buerger, Walther) replied to an attack by the St. Louis newspaper, Zion, p. 388. They defended their enterprise and their bishop, but the paper said they were all under a cloud, both in Europe and America. The five pastors reversed themselves a few days later – in print!

The Rogate Sunday sermon (May 5, 1839) and confession story is recorded on p. 392 of Zion. Loerber (a great friend of Walther) preached a sermon. Two women confessed adultery, and Loerber told Walther. But they already knew, and Forster does not seem to believe the story he repeated about the shocking discovery.

“In Germany they did not want to believe ill of Stephan because of their high regard for him and their close association with him. Hence they closed their eyes to all evidence and their ears to all ‘slander’ against him and pronounced him an innocent martyr.” Zion, p. 394

The facts are known to those who investigated them. Stephan became more contagious (third stage syphilis) and shared his disease with his mistresses. The community suddenly became aware that the overlooked adultery had bequeathed a slow, shameful death sentence on their young women, thanks to their bishop. His children and wife were already suffering from syphilis, abandoned in Dresden.

On May 15, Walther and a layman traveled from St. Louis to Perry County. Zion, p. 403. Forgetting Matthew 18, Walther did not confront Stephan but instead defrauded him of the land given by the Saxons (80 acres).  That behavior shows the common understanding in the group, that Stephan had his female groupies and no one really saw anything. After years of ignoring all the girlfriends and the bishop’s wife being left behind in Dresden, Walther could not act suddenly outraged over adultery.

Part II

Something else was brewing. The only explanation is an outbreak of syphilis. To defend themselves against the charge of Loerber and Walther revealing a confidential confession (the cover story), Missourians have said, “But everyone already knew.” That shows the cover story to be a lie – and not a well crafted lie at that.

Above on May 15, Walther and a layman traveled to Perry County, but not to confront Bishop Stephan. Walther needed to organize the Perry County residents, since the St. Louis Saxons were already united. Recall that Stephan was with his groupies in St. Louis before he moved down to Perry County. The entire Saxon group was in the public spotlight because their sordid reputations followed them. The kidnapping, immoral behavior, and money issues were reported in Germany and in America, although the apologists make it sound like persecution, remaining vague about why two newspapers were so antagonistic about this Holy Spirit anointed immigration.

In Perry County, Walther openly defied Bishop Stephan. The New York group came to Perry County at that time. Zion, p. 408. That included three of the Buengers, “who had been separated from the rest of the family by the performance of the Walther brothers in the incident involving the Schubert children.” Zion, p. 404f. Incident? Incident? I wonder if Forster was a little more direct and found his prose edited by the LCMS public relations experts.

The Saxons consisted of three groups at this point: the St. Louis residents, the Perry County pioneers, and the newly arrived New York contingent. The New Yorkers were still loyal and obedient to Stephan. So were the Perry County residents, although they chafed at Stephan’s spending and spirochete-fueled delusions.

Walther stayed with the Buengers in Perry County and got them on his side. They were already Waltherians via the kidnapping. J. F. Buenger was one of Walther’s closest friends. Zion, p. 408.

“Walther, of course, immediately instructed J. F. Buenger on the state of affairs but did so in the sleeping quarters of a group of about twenty-five to thirty men, and the fact that it was done in Latin did not prevent others, such as Ernst Buenger, from understanding it. This episode is typical of Walther’s methods on his mission. He did not make the mistake of immediately mounting a stump and denouncing Stephan, but gave his information to hand-picked individuals, always with the caution that they were to keep it to themselves for the time-being.” Zion, p. 409.

By May 19th the “entire colony was seething.” Zion, p. 409. Stephan took note, telling Ernst Buenger, “Beware of that Ferd. Walther, that fellow is a fox.” p. 409.

That Sunday, May 19th, Pentecost, Walther had everyone listen to him preach, although they had been directed to hear Stephan at a different location. Walther said after his sermon:
“Many of you will have been surprised this morning that I preached in spite of the invitation and against the orders of the man who until now has been beloved and respected by us all, but terrible things have happened, which I shall now communicate to you.” Everyone believed Walther, so all three groups were united against Stephan. No one went to Stephan in obedience to Matthew 18. Walther began with “tell it to the church,” but not until he had most of the people on his side by his crafty spread of the story. Zion, p. 410.

Walther went back to St. Louis to bring those residents to Perry County for the climax of his excellent adventure.

The tacky Walther shrine has been refurbished.
Walther did a superb job in organizing the mob against Stephan
and serving as spin-doctor about his own history.

Part III 
In Pursuit of Religious Freedom describes the arrival of the St. Louis mob and the many criminal acts against their leader:

  1. Invading his home.
  2. Threatening his life.
  3. Strip-searching him for money.
  4. Stealing all his money, a large sum of gold.
  5. Taking away his books and personal possessions.
  6. Making him leave his house and sleep outside.
  7. Kidnapping him at gunpoint and forcing him to live in Illinois.

Not one act against Stephan was justified by his adultery. But everything is understandable in light of the spread of syphilis. Daughters and families were humiliated. The Saxon group was shown to be a degenerate cult carrying the most dreaded plague of the time. No real cure was available. A young woman with syphilis would give it to her husband and to her future children. Severe rashes would give away the disease until it went into latency, only to emerge again later with final, deadly results.

The clergy were all in trouble for their published support of Stephan, just before the expulsion. They were just as quick to accuse the bishop in print was they were to defend him in print. Both actions were only a few days apart. This reversal did not come from a dramatic confession or two, but from a much darker source and their justified fears of facing a mob in St. Louis.

I went over the Forster account in Zion to find who was organizing and leading the mob action against Stephan. No other name appears in leadership. Walther acted on behalf of the St. Louis Saxons, coming down to Perry County to steal the bishop’s 80 acres and organize the colony. He used the Buenger family to convert the newly arrived New York group to his side. Then he returned to St. Louis to bring those people down to Perry County in the dramatic purge, robbery, and expulsion.

Walther never wanted an early history of the Missouri Synod written down, because he was so much a part of the story. (Suelflow) O. H. Walther married one Buenger daughter and died, so Ottomar Fuerbringer married the widow. C. F. W. Walther married another Buenger daughter and took over his brother’s congregation in St. Louis when O. H. died.

Ludwig Fuerbringer was the son of Ottomar, so he was a double-Buenger (mother and aunt) and the nephew of C.F.W. Ludwig also skipped over the early years of the Saxon adventure in his two little books about the Missouri Synod. I find much to admire in Ludwig’s life, ministry, and teaching. His books prove the saying that always comes to mind when dealing with historical accounts, “The unspoken word is the most important.”

This Walther statue is at the Purple Palace, the LCMS Vatican.
The original is at the Concordia Hagiography Institute.
Another copy is inside the Walther shrine.
Three idols are erected to the same kidnapper and thief in the same city.
CFW is the ruling norm of the Olde Synodical Conference.
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Melanchthon Doctrinal Graphics. Feel Free To Copy and Share. No Permission Is Required

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Historic S t. John Lutheran Church

Showing posts with label Historic St. John Lutheran Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historic St. John Lutheran Church. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Remember the Mother Church Kicked Out of WELS and Stolen Back?
WELS Is Thanking God

We thank and praise God, that He has blessed the ministry at Historic St. John’s Lutheran Church on the Hillside for 171 years! On this day in 1848, their congregation was officially formed as the “evangelische lutherische St. Johanneskirche.”
Our Triune God has provided for them in times of abundance and times of need.
We thank our heavenly Father, that He has provided them with pastors faithful to His Word; that He has provided them with a beautiful worship space, which silently proclaims the Gospel when we fail to; that He has provided them with loving, caring, and active brothers and sisters who are part of the St. John’s family as well as many friends who support their ministry.
We trust that our Triune God will continue to provide for them as they enter another year of faithfully preaching Law and Gospel to the Hillside neighborhood, downtown Milwaukee, and to their members and friends across all of southeastern Wisconsin.
Soli Deo gloria!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

RIP, Pastor Kevin Hastings, Kicked Out of WELS with His Congregation, Only To See It Stolen Back by the Same Thugs

Some history from Pastor Hastings is posted here.

Hastings, Reverend Kevin R. was called to Eternal Life on October 10, 2018 at the age of 60 years. Preceded in death by his parents, Ralph and Mabel; siblings, Kathy and Allen; and nieces, Tammy and Jennifer. Survived by his sister, Jennifer, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, other relatives, and friends. Funeral service will be on Friday, October 19, 2018 at Molthen-Bell Funeral Home at 11:00 AM. Visitation at the funeral home on Friday from 9:00AM-11:00AM. Interment at Arlington Park Cemetery.

 The theft of St. John is told here.
Lots of photos. Hastings knew too much about WELS.
The sect protects some, squashes others. How many throw away a priceless building and congregation, then grab it back again?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Note – Historic St. John Lutheran Church Is Just North Of – Across 145 –
Historic Trinity Lutheran LCMS, Milwaukee

 WELS kicked Historic St. John Lutheran Church out of the synod over an act of petty vandalism. Under Mirthless Mark Schroeder, they stole it back – with the endowment. The last I heard, they still had two members.
 We can give you a deal on the rental fees.
 St. John is possibly more beautiful than Trinity was.
Mark and Avoid Jeske wanted to buy this altar at one time, long ago, when he was high church instead of clown church.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

From 2014 – Historic St. John Lutheran Church – Urban Spelunking.
Now WELS with an ELCA Pastor

Long ago, WELS kicked the congregation and pastor out of its infallible sect,
but recently –  stole the property and endowment with the help of Jeske employees.
This happened to prevent new members from
getting involved and broadcasting services,
just the opposite of the claims in this article.
SP Mark Schroeder did nothing to stop the theft.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Urban spelunking: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

St John’s is one of Milwaukee’s finest examples of high Victorian Gothic ecclesiastical architecture. Designed by architect Herman Paul Schnetzky, it was completed in 1890. The East tower, with 3 bronze bells weighing 6 tons, is 197′ tall while the west tower is 127′ tall. Unique theatre style lighting featuring 800 individual light fixtures was installed in 1909 and is seldom seen in churches. The church seats 1,100.

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

WELS Documented – St. John

Urban spelunking: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
On Milwaukee

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 804 W. Vliet St., is a bit like Milwaukee’s own Mont Saint-Michel. Its imposing Gothic spires sprout from a high point in the city, soaring above everything around it.

But, geographically, it also feels a bit cut off, like the French religious site at high tide, with the expressway to the west, the freeway-like McKinley Boulevard to the south. You can see it from everywhere, but it’s not immediately clear how to reach it.

Trust me, it’s worth the minor effort of getting there.

These days there are no services held at the church – designed by Herman Schnetzky and his then-draftsman and foreman Eugene Liebert and erected in 1889-90 – where there are just two trustees and a congregation whose members can be counted on one hand.

Designed by Herman Schnetzky

It’s a major shift for St. John’s, founded in 1848 and housed originally in a frame church on 4th and Highland that was rented – and later purchased – from Trinity Episcopal. Over the next two decades the church had to be enlarged at least three times. By the 1880s the congregation boasted, according to an unsigned church history, “well over” 2,500 members.

In spring 1889, the congregation hired Schnetzky to design a church, a school and a 14-room cream city brick parsonage. (A stuccoed bungalow caretaker’s residence was added to the property in 1914 and still stands and serves its original purpose.)

The cornerstone for the church was laid that same year and on July 28 of the following year, the cream city brick Victorian Gothic church, which could seat 1,200, was dedicated.

The church is imposing. Supposedly inspired by St. Peter’s Church in Leipzig, the building boasts a pair of towers, one taller than the other, with long, sleek steeples that rise toward the heavens. The west tower is 127 feet high and the east tower, which houses three bells that still function, climbs an impressive 197 feet.

Both towers boast the elegant turrets that often distinguish Schnetzky and Liebert churches.

Inside, there is a gorgeous carved wooden Gothic altar – donated by local lumberman, and church member, Johann Schroeder – and matching pulpit and sounding board. There is a solid marble baptismal font and an unusual solid brass lectern with an eagle that was reportedly purchased from Tiffany’s, though another source says it was imported from Germany.

Hand-carved wood altar and pulpit

While the interior of the church was once heavily decorated with painted motifs, much of that was whitewashed over in 1962. Even without the stencilwork, the sanctuary is lovely, especially in the morning when sunlight floods in through the stained glass windows in the east facade, generating a kaleidoscopic rainbow.

In 1890, a writer for a national Lutheran publication called St. John’s the most beautiful Lutheran church he’d seen. It was also among the largest Lutheran churches built “in the west” in the 19th century.

In 1909, the congregation undertook the unusual step of adding rows of light bulbs to the arches of the sanctuary, creating strips of what look like theater lighting.

Up in the U-shaped balcony, there’s an Herculean organ that was donated by parishioners the Kieckhefers, who also donated the large stained glass windows in the east and west transepts.

There is stained glass throughout the building, on both sides of the sanctuary, above the entrance, in the vaulted narthex (which also houses a stupendous electric fuse cabinet that must be seen), in the towers … everywhere. My tour guides – trustees Paul Demcak and Tim Kitzman – say that the church opened with all that glass in place. Clearly, St. John’s was a wealthy – and therefore influential congregation.

But that’s changed now. In 1950, the neighborhood around the church was condemned, bulldozed and replaced by the Hillside Terrace public housing project. In 1985, the church ended German-language services. By 1988, there were roughly 80 members at St. John’s and within just two years another 10 percent of the congregation was gone.

The parsonage sat empty from 1958 until Demcak moved in a few years ago.


“It’s a good vantage point to see the church and worry about its future and dream about it also,” says Demcak.

These days, because services have been suspended, the church doors are almost always locked.

“We could start up immediately but with so few members we want to appropriately use our resources,” Demcak says as we chat in a parlor in the parsonage. “We didn’t think the resources were being used appropriately to just go on the way we were without refocusing on a mission that would work today. We were just kind of going on and on each month, inwardly focused. We want to have outreach, we want to be vital again.”

The problem, the trustees say, is that church leadership in the past never really embraced its changing neighborhood, my guides say. As the original German immigrants and the generation that followed died off and/or moved away, no one replaced them in the pews.

This is not a recent issue, either, adds Demcak.

“The church has been seriously hemorrhaging membership off of its books since the 1960s,” he says. “So you’re talking 50 years – a very long decline.”

At one point the church school welcomed neighborhood children at no cost. But, the church itself didn’t appear to take a similar approach. When the school closed, it was turned over to a mission group that occupied it until 1961, when it could no longer afford to maintain it and by the mid-1960s it had been demolished.

Amazingly, in its 166-year history, St. John’s – which is a Milwaukee city landmark and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1992 – has had just seven pastors. Two of those pastors account for 90 years of the church’s history, from 1868 to 1958. In more recent years, politics divided the congregation and church leadership (you can dig up the nitty gritty online if you want to know more).

German immigrant church

“That’s a turn-off for us,” says Demcak. “We’re all too aware of that, we’ve seen it too much and that’s so much about what was going on here in the past and to me that’s not the focus if you really consider yourself Christian, Lutheran or whatever. That should not be the focus on your mission. The focus should be people.”

So, that’s where St. John’s stands at the moment. Thanks to an endowment fund, Demcak and Kitzman have been able to keep the church complex in good repair. But that money will not last forever, says Demcak, who vows that St. John’s surviving trustees are looking toward the future.

“We want to turn this around,” Demcak says. “We’re a few blocks from things that are very exciting the way they’re happening. We have a footbridge that goes across McKinley, which comes out right on the Pabst property. You have two residential units operating (there), you have three more on the drawing board, you have the Brewhouse hotel. You’re going to have real residences there, including upscale (and) mixed income. Our church is right on the edge of that. We’re the gateway to Downtown.

“Let’s move on to the 21st century. In many ways the church had continued in a 19th century tradition.”

That’s the challenge, then: connecting the rich history embodied by an impressive and imposing Milwaukee landmark with a changed and again changing neighborhood.

“We are (working on a plan), exploring how we can build bridges to some of the congregations around here, possibly some of the ministries that are already going on in those congregations, exploring how we might do that in some sort of cooperative manner with our former synod,” Demcak says.

“I would hope that in the future we can have a presence here that shows we are not afraid to rub elbows and be here and get to know our neighbors. This is a very historically important church but we don’t want to be a museum.”

Further Reading:
Milwaukee Sentinel; July 6th, 1991 – Future of Church in God’s Hands
Wisconsin Historical Society Property Records

Monday, June 27, 2016

Donut Disturb Leads for the Last Seven Days.
WELS Pride Month Accomplishment – Second Place

Jun 21, 2016, 

Jul 5, 2011, 

Jun 24, 2016, 

Jun 21, 2016, 

Jun 22, 2016, 

 Irrelevant kitty graphic.
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Hitler Loses the UOJ War

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hitler Loses the UOJ War

Tim Glende:

He has even gone so far as posting a comedic video clip of Hitler discussing UOJ. Jackson’s buddies seem to revel in it all.

bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/)
has left a new comment on your post “Hitler
Loses the UOJ War

I heard Hitler’s secret bunker is under the
Walther mausoleum. There’s an access point in the tunnels of Concordia Seminary,
and under the Purple Palace.

Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “Hitler
Loses the UOJ War

Priceless. My Ichawidow and I are crying we’re
laughing so hard. The best part is that it’s spot on.

Posted by Brett Meyer to Ichabod, The Glory Has
at March 31, 2012 9:11 AM

LPC has left a
new comment on your post “Hitler
Loses the UOJ War

I hope you guys can hear me from here. This is
the best laugh for this week.

Very much ROFL.


has left a new comment on your post “Hitler
Loses the UOJ War

Well, we know the WELS pastors won’t know what’s
really being said. I believe German is now an elective. Who wants to read that
Luther guy anyway?


I think I’ve watched it
ten times now.  The Hitler saint in hell, Sodom and the ladies making the irony comment
lines were brilliant.

Someone else:
I like the video!  It’s funny because it’s true.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/)
has left a new comment on your post “Hitler
Loses the UOJ War

I heard Hitler’s secret bunker is under the
Walther mausoleum. There’s an access point in the tunnels of Concordia Seminary,
and under the Purple Palace. 

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year, Soldiers

These are times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Thomas Paine

How Conservatives Can Win by Losing, Through the Efficacy of the Word Alone

The Word of God (A Scripture Fragment) and the Book of Concord Editors

Christians have a weapon far more powerful than the combined crafts and assaults of the apostates: the Word of God. Conservatives should not aspire to take over the reigns of power. We end up accomplishing only what we concentrate upon (and often not even that).

When the Cloaca Maxima of Hell, Fuller Seminary, got ministers, members, and mission boards to think about numbers, all the energy and focus turned on “How do we increase our numbers each year?” Gone was any thought of being faithful to the Word of God and the Confessions. In a few years, Biblical and Confessional thinking became the enemy.

Nevertheless, the great power of the Word is revealed in the demonic hatred of the apostates toward any semblance of fidelity to the Scriptures. The wrath and vindictiveness of these people can be stunning. They are not nice people, as they pretend. They cry out “Slander!” when questioned about their false doctrine and run the crudest slander machines on the planet, making the secular politicians look tame.

Believers only have the Word and the Confessions. Satan cannot tolerate ordinary, weak, fallible humans having a weapon that will always defeat him, so he rages without mercy. He will tear apart pastor’s families, divide friends, ruin people financially. All this is cloaked with sanctity, but there is no doubt about the malice behind it. That is why so many are afraid of synodical apostates. Pure poison is beneath the buttered words.

Therefore, believers will always seem to be in a weak and losing position. Faithful pastors will get the two-point calls to Forgotten Lutheran and Misbegotten Lutheran, in Buffalo Chip, Oklahoma. People will sneer at their misfortune, as they should. As Luther said, “What the world loves, God despises; what God loves, the world despises.”

A faithful layman or pastor will fulfill the dream of Archimedes: “Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.” The lever for the faithful pastor or layman is the Word of God. Archimedes’ hyperbole is reality with the efficacy of the Word.

The Invocation of the Holy Trinity is calling upon the power of God. The Absolution is the Promise of God fulfilled. The Creed, the liturgical service, and genuine hymns all support the proclamation of the Gospel, justification by faith alone. The Votum is a prayer by Paul and by the pastor for all the worshipers in the Lutheran service. The Aaronic benediction is not a sign-off, a time for grabbing the coat, purse, and kids, but the blessing of God Himself: the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Each time we hear those words we should think of the Trinity implicitly taught already in Numbers 6–The Lord, The Lord, The Lord.

Who can predict what one baptism will accomplish when accompanied by the nurture of the family (and even without it)? One believer marries another or converts the spouse. In a few years, that one baptism has turned into 100 family members as people gather for the funeral of a matriarch or patriarch. Some family members drift away from the Gospel, but others are converted by marriage or association. No one will write this up in Time, Newsweek, or the National Enquirer: Baptism in Steam Corners, Ohio lays foundation for 100 Christians.

Lutherans have forgotten the cross. The cross consists of those experiences directly related to being faithful to the Word. Cancer is not bearing the cross. Heart disease is not bearing the cross. Nor is homework, as one seminary student suggested.
When the synodical pope kicks congregations and pastors out for questioning his ambiguous political statements, that is bearing the cross. When the district popes remove pastors for questioning Church Growth doctrine and support known false teachers, that is bearing the cross.

The Wisconsin Synod ministerium has an informal communication system (much like a prison) called the Grapevine. The pastors are deathly afraid of the Grapevine. The apostates feed excuses for their fellow-apostates into the Grapevine and pitch slander against the faithful in the same way. For example, the former seminary president was called senile by the Grapevine, because he opposed the NWC-DMLC Anschluss. While he was dying of a stroke, a highly respected pastor was called brain-damaged for writing against Church Growth. He published his article before the stroke, but the Grapevine does not care about facts.

We should be afraid of God, not the Grapevine.

For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. Isaiah 66:2 KJV

Benefits of Being a Faithful Pastor, Ascending Order
1. Frequents moves. The adulterous (whether spiritually or carnally, often both) cannot abide the Word of God. They keep pastors moving.
2. New friends. The political pastors will not associate with anyone tainted by dissent from apostasy.
3. Lasting friends. Those who love orthodox Lutheran doctrine are united across synodical lines.
4. Renewed friends. Some people turn away when the painful truths are made known, but return to say, “It’s worse than anything you ever said or wrote.”
5. Knowledge that God’s will is accomplished through His Word alone and never apart from His Word.
6. Seeing God at work in the Means of Grace, pastoral visitation, and teaching.

There is an abundant supply of evil people in the visible church. As Rauschenbusch said, religion is powerful. When united with good, it is a powerful good. When united with evil, it is a powerful evil.

However, God is just. Time wounds all heels.

The temptation is great to compromise for a better position, a chance to leave the cares and concerns of a congregation. The warped and twisted nature of our world is revealed in that pastors long to leave the Means of Grace to sit around at synodical meetings dealing with everything except the Means of Grace – and for higher pay and benefits. The rich, black suits and oreo collars! The new model cars! Housing allowance! Trips around the world on the synod’s budget! Hobnobbing with the nabobs of Wikiletics! Name-dropping: Maxwell, Sweet, McNeal, Warren–at a seminary reunion!

Unfortunately, ministers are not encouraged to think of their work as worthwhile. Even if no one else thinks so, each minister should realize the power of God’s Word and the wisdom of the Confessions.

Reading small histories has always been a hobby. Booklets tell about one small group of Lutherans, a group of missionaries, a district, a synod that emerged from various trends and merged into a new one. My dissertation was about the Augustana Synod, which lasted 100 years. The puzzle is figuring out who those leaders were. Many mother churches are gone, due to demographic and doctrinal trends. I wonder, “What remains?” Those who liked to strut about because of their power are forgotten by everyone. The Word of God remains forever. When those leaders were faithful, the Gospel bore fruit one hundred-fold. The faithful of those years embarrass the mods of today. The faithful are forgotten but God’s work and will remain. The faithful win by losing.

Apostates Win by Losing When Conservatives Are Weak

“Whoa! That’s my job, Antichrist.”

How the WELS Apostates Won Big with Leonard Sweet, Kent Hunter, and Waldo Werning

I put together material about the infamous Leonard Sweet, Kent Hunter, Waldo Werning conference promoted and canceled by WELS Church and Change. The WELS conservatives celebrated their brave stand and the results in 2005. I started to take notice of Leonard Sweet because several WELS contacts let me know about the proposed event in advance.

Step by step, this is how the apostates won by losing. Take note, Hot Air Merchants of the Right. You may learn something from the Left.

First the apostates proposed the most obnoxious speakers they could find. Sweet is so fatuous, Left-wing, and ridiculous that a mildly Lutheran minister should have fits over the Methodist guru. Kent Hunter is a Lutheran version of the same model – the Church Doctor, as he calls himself. If Hunter has been helping his own LCMS, here is some news – the patient died under your care. His elder brother in promoting WELS/LCMS/ELS Church Growth is Waldo Werning.

By the way, the Church Growth Movement–favored so much by Werning and Hunter–is moving into New Age mysticism, through Leonard Sweet and his pal Rick Warren. Just study Leonard Sweet’s website for proof. Or his vita for a Robert Schuller conference: “LEONARD SWEET, Ph.D. Morristown, NJ – Leonard is author and founder of Wikiletics, a futurist, a semiotician, and a preacher who communicates the gospel to a postmodern world.” (He forgot to list – Hippy Gasbag.) More content can be found on the Sweet website.

Second, the WELS apostates played the role of victim when the furor forced them to cancel the 2005 Church and Change conference. The Leonard Sweet-hearts sent their letters to Charis/Church and Change, and their names were omitted from the published letters. Critics sent their letters, which were also published – with the names included. How convenient. The Sweet-hearts could remain a closely knit and secretive group while their opponents were revealed. The whole withdrawal process was done not in the spirit of godly contrition. Instead, the leaders were resently, self-pitying, and accusatory.

Third, the conservatives suffered from a collective case of premature celebration. They won! Charis (the journal) was crushed. Church and Change was no more. The deceivers at WELS headquarters really pulled the wool over the critics’ eyes. While the critics were high-fiving across the country, the apostates were making Church and Change an official part of the WELS.net website, not just part of Wisconsin Lutheran College/Charis.

The conservatives forgot that Wayne Mueller was voted out of office, waited for the new VP to refuse to serve, and then voted back into office. He turned that defeat into victory and even saw his defeat omitted from the magazine’s account of the convention. The canceled conference was a minor setback.

Fourth, when the 2007 conference was set up on the WELS.net website, no one objected. The conservatives–who tire easily and often–did not put up a fuss. There may be some hope. The Church and Change jumpword is gone from the WELS website. Church and Change has the same website as before, but the lack of an official link is telling.

Conclusion. The apostates have won in all the denominations by being persistent. They retreat two steps and then move three steps forward a bit later. They lose the vote on the third day of the convention and reverse the vote on the fourth day, when everyone is packing up the suitcases and heading for the airport. The apostates have won by avoiding the doctrinal battles in favor of the political fights. That is where their Father Below always wins. As I heard so many times, “He is not a false teacher. He is a nice guy.” One WELS circuit pastor defended a Fuller Seminary graduate by saying, “I drank a lot of beer with him in school.” I never determined how beer consumption made someone a sound teacher.

Episcopal Congregation Leaves Behind Building

This is fun, getting rid of conservatives!

Leaving A Church Behind

Congregation Prepares For A New Beginning

By KATIE MELONE | Courant Staff Writer

December 31, 2007

WATERTOWN — – It was the last Sunday service at Christ Church. Unable to go “further in a church that continued in a false gospel,” the entire congregation, including the rector and church leaders, will sever ties with the national Episcopal Church and reform under a new name: New Hope Anglican Church.

One of the “Connecticut six,” the half-dozen churches in the state diocese that disagree with national leadership on departure of scripture, including the appointment of a gay bishop, the congregation will trade its historic building on the town green for a free community room at the Thomaston Savings Bank around the corner.

The Sunday service will be held at the bank, starting Jan. 6, until they find or build another house of worship.

“We need to celebrate today, but we need to recognize there is a dying,” the Rev. Allyn Benedict said in his final homily at the church. Reading off an overhead projector, church members sang hymns enthusiastically, clapping and raising hands in acknowledging their faith. They hugged one another, wishing peace.

The church was founded under the Church of England in 1764. In 2003, Benedict and several other Connecticut rectors clashed with Connecticut Bishop Andrew D. Smith, who supported the naming of V. Gene Robinson as New Hampshire’s bishop. Robinson is gay. Benedict and Christ Church leaders also feel the national church is rejecting scriptural authority and traditions of the church.

In cutting affiliation with the national leaders, the congregation has agreed to give up its church buildings and property, estimated to be worth $7 million, and its name, “Christ Church Parish.” The congregation also ended its participation with the other Connecticut churches in a protracted legal battle against national leadership over church real estate, deciding that “it’s not worth living under this oppression just for the property,” said Paul LePine, the senior warden. Four of the “Connecticut six” have also ended their connection to the national church, LePine said.

“It’s a tragedy when relationships fail,” LePine said. “There’s a relief of being free of that dysfunctional relationship we’ve been in for many years.”

LePine’s daughter, Rachel, 15, commented that while leaving is the right thing to do, “it is sad.”

“That’s kind of why we named it New Hope,” she said.

“We’re just moving on to where we’re supposed to be,” said Chris Varian, who was married at the church and has been a member for three years. “It’s a transition. It’s a lot of history and a lot of memories. It’s bittersweet.”

Contact Katie Melone at kmelone@courant.com.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

First Sunday after Christmas Sermon

Rembrandt’s The Magi

Wisdom from Above

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

The Wise Men or Magi have always been a problem for liberals. They are so closely woven into the birth of Christ that one must eliminate all the miraculous elements of Christ being born if this one item is omitted or explained away.

There are several requirements for the Wise Men to be true historical figures.
1. Some culture had to view the stars, planets, and comets so that their view of the sky suggested a change in the future.
2. Something had to happen in the sky to lead the Wise Men to Jesus.
3. There had to be interaction between the Wise Men and Herod.

Rationalists want to prove that all of God’s actions are substantiated by human reason. We can now point to several candidates for the Star of Bethlehem. There are two sources for this. One is the evidence left behind by Asian star-gazers, who recorded celestial events with great diligence. Unfortunately, their vocabulary was rather imprecise. We know of several “guest-stars” appearing at the time of Christ’s birth, but we do not know if the Chinese and Koreans were referring to planets, planetary conjunctions, comets, or supernovas. But they saw something remarkable and recorded it. The second source is the sky itself. The years before Christ can be reproduced in planetiariums.

We also know that the ancients were as religious as we are secular. Where our society looks strictly at non-religious causes, the ancients always looked at divine intervention.

No one can prove that the Wise Men met with Herod. Most of history is lost forever. We might be blessed by that fact. Even recent history is hotly debated. In reading about the Battle of Leyte Gulf in WWII, I noticed that scholars were not sure of why Halsey chased the decoy fleet heading north (abandoning his position guarding the area of the landings) or why Kurita abandoned a battle he should have won for the Japanese. We have access to many living witnesses, but still the debate continues.

When Kepler identified the Star of Bethlehem as real, his fellow scientists disregarded him as being a mystic, too religious. His calculations were easily reproduced, but rational proof does not make a believer out of a scoffer. In fact, Kepler hardened people against the Star of Bethlehem by being correct. We can see that effect in all topics involving the Gospel.

The real issue is why the Star of Bethlehem happened. God made sure that the Jews and non-Jews knew of the Savior’s birth. The angels sent the shepherds to the manger, where they worshiped the baby Jesus. The Star of Bethlehem sent the Magi to Herod, who was given a chance to repent. Instead, he sought to murder the Savior and slaughtered the new-born babies to make sure.

Herod was very religious. He knew that his reign as a non-Jew meant the Messiah was coming. We can imagine how secure he felt when the Magi added to his fears by identifying the Star of Bethlehem with the Savior.

Everyone expected a powerful king. For a king like Herod, that meant unemployment for him. Jesus’ power would come from His everlasting reign and the constant growth of His Kingdom, as Isaiah 7 and 9 predicted.

During Christmas and Easter I think of Jewish Christians I know. The Old Testament leads people to Christ. One doctor said to Mrs. Ichabod, “Merry Christmas. I mean it. I am a believer.” He was thrilled to receive Jesus, Priceless Treasure. That is how the Gospel works. I do not know how he was converted from Judaism to Christianity, but he felt compelled to communicate that to my wife. And a book about the Christian faith was a gift he really wanted.

The Gospel is so powerful that it creates its own opportunities. No one has to force them. Some people are made to feel guilty that they are not out on the streets knocking on doors. One victim of this thinking said, “If I don’t witness to my faith, God won’t let me grow.” I quickly assured her that God is not mean, petty, and vindictive: He is not at all like a Mission Board chairman.

The power of the Gospel is visible at Christmas, when people are especially aware of God becoming flesh, dwelling among us, full of truth and grace. People are more generous. Strangers are especially friendly and helpful. Christmas reminds people of God at work among us through Jesus the Savior, just as Easter reminds us of the Savior’s triumph over death.

Jesus is the wisdom from above. Faith in Him means receiving all His benefits daily through the Holy Spirit at work in the Word. Daily forgiveness is the Gospel message. God has blessed us by giving us certainty in this forgiveness. We know that we are forgiven and inherit eternal life because the Instruments of Grace (Means of Grace, Word and Sacrament) give what God promises.

Not Feelings
That is very important to realize and emphasize. We are not forgiven because we feel forgiven, feel exhilerated, feel anything. In fact, we can be suffering the worst emotional stress and turmoil and yet know this forgiveness is ours because it is based on the bedrock of Christ, not the quicksand of our emotions.

Prayer Is Not an Instrument of Grace
We are not forgiven because we pray for forgiveness. Prayer is the fruit of salvation, not the cause of salvation. If we make prayer the Instrument of Grace, then how much is enough? Those who pray long and hard for assurance often find people who say, “Oh no, you are not really praying. You have to pray in tongues, like the Apostles. Then you will be an Apostle.” From there they move to dancing in the Spirit, being slain in the Spirit, sacred laughter, and miraculous golden dental work. (No joking.) And they raise the dead (but on another continent).

Not from Membership
We are not forgiven because we belong to the right organization. Sadly, people are taught put their trust in a man-made organization, to worship it a infallible, and to assume the leaders make all their decisions with perfect divine guidance. I am not just talking about the Wisconsin Synod. The Church of Rome is just as bad, perhaps worse.

We are not forgiven because we are perfect. All the forms of Pietism emphasize works and outward performance of religious duties (but indifference about doctrine). Teaching perfection will always create Pharisees who see themselves as without sin or people in despair. Not surprising, the Mormons pretend to be perfect and suffer from the highest emotional stress, measured in many different ways.

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Enough To Make Me Eastern Orthodox, If I Were ELCA

“What do you mean US?”

Waldo Werning was also invited to the 2005 Church and Change conference, as well as Kent Hunter.

As I said to several WELS and CLC pastors, “I think the Indians have us surrounded, Tonto.” Each one said, eventually, “What do you mean US?”

In searching for a photo of Werning, who must be 90 years old, I found this information from a district of the ELCA. Three of the authors are Fuller Seminary Church Growth gurus of the worst sort. I imagine the unknowns on the list are clones.

Ministry Evaluations

Regular evaluations serve the purpose of keeping congregations on course with their missional objectives. The following resources and sample evaluations can provide a beginning for your congregation to fine tune its ministries to be in line with its missional objectives. They can also assist congregations with established evaluation patterns to keep their processes moving and growing as contexts change and new missional opportunities present themselves.

Avery, William O., Revitalizing Congregations, Alban, 2002
Easum, Wiliam, Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Abingdon, 1997
*Barna George, Habits of Highly Effective Churches, Regal, 1999
Branson, Mark Lou, Memories, Hopes, and Conversations, Alban, 2004
Cahallan, Kathleen A., Projects That Matter: Successful Planning and Evaluation for Religious Organizations, Alban, 2003
Ferguson, Dave, The Big Idea, Zondervan, 2007
Foss, Michael, Power Surge, Fortress, 2000
Foss, Michael, A Servant’s Christian Leadership Manual For Tomorrow, Fortress, 2002
Goodwin, Steven, Catching the Next Wave: Leadership Strategies for Turn-Around Congregations, Augsburg, 1999
Herrington, Jim, Leading Congregational Change, Josey-Bass, 2000
*Kallestad, Walt, Turn Your Church Inside Out, Augsburg, 2001
Mann, Alice, Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition, Alban, 2002
Mann, Alice, Can Our Church Live? Redeveloping Churches in Decline, Alban, 1999
Minatrea, Milfred, Shaped By God’s Heart: The Passion and Practices of Missional Churches, Josey-Bass, 2004
Nessan, Craig L., Beyond Maintenance to Mission: A Theology of the Congregation, Fortress, 1999
Oswald, Roy M., Discerning Your Congregation’s Future; A Strategic and Spiritual Approach, Alban, 1996
Poling-Goldene, David, Discovering Hope; Building Vitality in Rural Congregations, Augsburg, 2001
Schwartz, Christian A., Color Your World with Natural Church Development, ChurchSmart, 2005
Senge, Peter M., The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization, Currency-Doubleday,1990
Sitze, Bob, Not Trying Too Hard: New Basics for Sustainable Congregations, Alban, 2001
*Werning, Waldo, 12 Pillars of a Healthy Church, ChurchSmart, m2001
Wood, Gene, Leading Turnaround Churches, ChurchSmart, 2001

Walt Kallestad is the pioneer of Entertainment Evangelism in ELCA. He earned a D.Min. at Fuller Seminary, just like WELS’ Larry Olson. Kallestad’s church is Community of Joy in Phoenix. I went there with Mrs. Ichabod. We were appalled.

Werning, like Valleskey and Bivens, has affirmed and denied his study at Fuller Seminary. I assume he went there but did not inhale. His books are derived, if not outright copied, from Fuller Seminary. He recently got an award from his pals at the beehive. WELS is still using his materials.

Barna’s book title is derived from Covey’s. How original. Barna is the official mascot of Fuller Seminary. He loves them. They quote him. The Lutheran synods (ELCA-WELS-LCMS) quote him as if he just came down from Mt. Sinai.

I added an asterisk to the people clearly identified with Fuller Seminary and the Church Growth Movement. Does anyone wonder why ELCA pastors are joining the Eastern Orthodox and the Church of Rome?


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post “Enough To Make Me Eastern Orthodox, If I Were ELCA…”:

Occasionally, readers here at Ichabod ask you to substantiate a claim that you make. Yes, WELS is still using Waldo Werning’s material. I can back that statement up as my WELS congregation recently used “Your Service and Giving – It’s All About God and You!” in our latest stewardship drive. The leaders used the guide “Ambassador Briefing”. Both can be found at http://www.healthychurch.com/bookdesc.htm#GROUP
This is Werning’s website to obtain the discipling materials.
Where’s Waldo? – In a WELS Ambassador Briefing.


GJ – Occasionally? Daily the same person ignores a mountain of evidence and says the same thing. Funny, he is always anonymous while the pleasant communications are always signed.

The Leonard Sweet-hearts War, 2005

Leonard Sweet, New Age theologian, personifies cool – if your emotional development was arrested in the 1960’s by drug abuse.


Quantum Spirituality: A Postmodern Apologetic

by Leonard Sweet

Quotes from the book

Quantum Spirituality is available as a free download from Leonard Sweet’s web site, here: http://www.leonardsweet.com/Quantum/index.asp

Leonard Sweet is scheduled as the keynote speaker for the (sort of WELS) Church & Change 2005 conference to be held in November.

As the book is described at Leonardsweet.com:

Already called “a spirituality classic,” Quantum Spirituality: A Postmodern Apologetic is the book that launched what today is called “postmodern publishing” as well as Len’s ministry to postmodern culture. A book written in a circle, the reader is invited to begin anywhere, stop anytime, and end wherever. This was Len’s “coming out” book as a postmodern disciple after his 1987 knockdown, drag-out Damascus Road encounter with God, who (as he describes it) “knocked me off my high academic horse and said, ‘Sweet, are you going to get a mission for the world you wish you had or the world that’s actually out there.’

The author of this web page will have comments written in red. The black, in general, are quotes from the book, Quantum Spirituality: A Postmodern Apologetic. The page numbers are listed with Sweet’s page numbers first and the pdf file page numbers in parenthesis. Extra commentary from other web sites appears in purple. I will keep my own commentary to a minimum, as I believe the book speaks for itself, if you can wade through its rhetoric. I encourage you to download the book and read it for yourself. It is somewhat challenging, as the author sometimes intentionally hides what he’s really saying. And, in between the few clear statements are words, words, words.

He begins by saying that he wants to start a “New Light Movement” as a Christian alternative to the New Age movement. The book tries to use modern physics (quantum physics) to show that the mystics had it right all along.

NOTE: This page doesn’t read well in Netscape, for some reason. If that is your normal browser, try using Microsoft Explorer instead.

New Light Movement

P 1 (1) The Christian mind is failing to comprehend the times, our times. The New Light apologetic chronicled in this book is devoted to enfranchising and energizing Christians to connect their faith with the indigenous historical place in which God has chosen them to live. It aims to jolt Christians into a sense of their own time, out of their fashionable out-of-itness. For the God who exists beyond time is the God who lives, moves, and has being in this time.

P 7 (5) The nascence of this hermeneutical consciousness, or what Max L. Stackhouse would call a “metaphysical-moral vision,”24 I am calling the New Light apologetic. It is already present in bits and pieces, here and there in this discipline and that discipline, in this denomination and that denomination, in this thinker and that thinker. The NewLight apologetic represents a Christian alternative to the largely Old Light “New Age”movement.

P 7 (5) The emergence of this New Light apologetic is a harbinger and hope that anew, age-old world is aborning in the church, even that the church may now be on the edge of another awakening. Amidst all the cliffhanging circumstances and conditions of the church, the Spirit is at work. All around there is evidence that the church is learning to dance to a new rhythm, to adapt the metaphor of Harvard Business School professor/economist Rosabeth Moss Kanter. The New Light movement is characterized by bizarre, sometimes anxious alliances of a ragbag assortment of preachers, theologians, pastors, professors, artists, scientists, business leaders, and scholars. What ties their creative piracy together is a radical faith commit ment that is willing to dance to a new rhythm.

P 117 (84) The danger of evaporating the individual self in the “wholeness” of the group is one of the key differences between the New Age movement and the New Light movement. Please take note of this sentence. The difference is not that one is true Christianity based on a crucified savior who died and rose again and that one is New Age. No, the difference is that the individual is not lost in the group!!!!! Understand what he’s saying here. He is saying, as he said on page 7 (5), that his brand of spirituality is “Christianized” New Age! Both reject individualism. But New Age posits in its place a cosmic Oneness. Fritjof Capra celebrates the time when “all individuality dissolves into universal and differentiated oneness.” Hence the New Age madness of “You are god.” Not so New Lights. The Christian tradition has invested heavily in the process of individual identity formation. It never sacrifices the individual for the community. Indeed, individuals often have access to deeper truths than the established authorities and larger communities. But this access is combined with, not opposed to, membership in the community. Community deepens and harmonizes the individuality of each member. Mathematician/philosopher Alfred North Whitehead pointed this out in his illustration of the cathedral of Chartres, whose sculptured figures on the cathedral porch retain their individuality while adding beauty to the whole.

p. 123 (88) Communities have souls, not just individuals. The modern era downplayed a biblical doctrine of salvation that had this communal dimension. In contrast, the New Light movement is concerned about the salvation of ensouled communities as well as individual souls, and the salvation of community souls relating synergistically to one another.

P 124 (89) Second, New Light embodiment means to be “in connection” and “information” with all of creation. New Light communities extend the sense of connectionalism to creation and see themselves as members of an ecological community encompassing the whole of creation. “This is my body” is not an anthropocentric metaphor. Theologian/feminist critic Sallie McFague has argued persuasively for seeing Earth, in a very real sense, as much as a part of the body of Christ as humans. This book takes much of its “theology” from quantum physics, which theorizes that at the subatomic level, particles somehow are everywhere all at once. They are so small that they lose their locality. They seem to somehow be in “communication” with every other particle in the universe. Because these particles make up everything, and seem to be completely connected to each other in some way, they’ve earned the nickname “god particles.” Sweet feels that modern science validates the idea that God is IN everything. God is IN the rock. God is IN the tree – a very weak distinction from typical pantheism, which says God IS the rock. God IS the tree.

Cosmic Christ

P 124 (89) Second, New Light embodiment means to be “in connection” and “information” with all of creation. New Light communities extend the sense of connectionalism to creation and see themselves as members of an ecological community encompassing the whole of creation. “This is my body” is not an anthropocentric metaphor. Theologian/feminist critic Sallie McFague has argued persuasively for seeing Earth, in a very real sense, as much as a part of the body of Christ as humans.65 We are all earthlings. Indeed, in the biblical view of creation human earthlings do not stand at the apex of God’s handiwork. Above us are the angels. The medieval great chain of being preserved this emphasis by placing humans at the midpoint, not at the peak. The world of nature has an identity and purpose apart from human benefit. But we constitute together a cosmic body of Christ.66

(p 195) The footnote: 66. Sec Matthew Fox, The Cosmic Christ: The Coming of the Cosmic Christ: The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988).

Here, he gives credit for this idea to Matthew Fox’s book, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ. Here is a review of that book at Amazon.com:

Uniting mysticism and spiritual development with ethical and exemplary witness, the “creation spirituality” articulated by Matthew Fox presents an inspiring vision of an alternative Christianity for the postmodern world. Freeing himself from the chains of stale Christian dogma while protesting the cold emptiness of agnostic modernism, Fox fashions a theology and spirituality that combines mysticism with a “first world” liberation theology. Fox is a panentheist, experiencing the Divine in all of nature and humanity. The Cosmic Christ is that incarnation of God in the universe and especially in Mother Earth. He develops a relevant, postmodern interpretation of the Paschal Mystery, imaging Mother Earth as Christ crucified, resurrected, and come again. Fox’s union of mysticism, science, and art, and the four spiritual paths he outlined in “Original Blessing” open up individual and communal possibilities for a spirituality that is inwardly personal and contemplative, yet outwardly driven by justice and compassion. If you want to reconnect to a progressive Christianity, this book ties together ethics, myth, and theology like no other.

More on Fox’s beliefs, here: http://www.faithnet.org.uk/Theology/cosmicchrist.htm

Fox believes we need to embrace a new cosmology; one that is built on the foundations of modern science but one which also includes a mystical awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. This new ‘cosmology’ will be expressed largely through art (creativity). (This is also what Leonard Sweet suggests)

Fox believes we are out of touch with the planet (we have forgotten our ‘original blessing’ of ‘healthy soil, living forests, singing birds, clean waters and healthy DNA in our reproductive systems’ (Fox p.17)), and ourselves. The symptoms of this can be seen in the following ways:

MOTHER EARTH IS DYING (As discussed above)
THE MYSTICAL BRAIN IS DYING (We currently value ‘left-brain’ activity (analytic and verbal reasoning) more than ‘right-brain’ activites (synthetic, sensual and mystical tasks). Both left and right brain activities need to embraced (and valued), in all aspects of society.)
CREATIVITY IS DYING (Human imagination and creativity need to be reawakened. Imagination is an important part of finding solutions to our current problems (‘The left-brain cannot go it alone!’ (Fox p.21).)
WISDOM IS DYING (We need to listen to all the earth’s wisdom. We must move away from a ‘parts-mentality’ (E.g. We only study sociology or psychology or science or art or maths or religion). Ignoring the ‘mystical brain’ means, ‘No attempt at integration, or the understanding of the whole that is wisdom, is made (Fox p.22).)
THE YOUTH ARE DYING (Young people have often been ignored when decisions have been needed to be made in society but they have an important part to play in the world. The child in society and in ourselves needs to be acknowledged and embraced as an important part of the whole. Adultism is currently killing the planet; the young are bored, disillusioned and despair at their future.)
NATIVE PEOPLES, THEIR RELIGIONS AND CULTURES ARE DYING (Colonial exploitation and Christian missionary activity have gradually destroyed the cultures of those who celebrated the earth and lived in harmony with it (‘They have been robbed of their own cosmology by a white society and religion that felt it had outgrown cosmology’ (Fox p.26). Much wisdom has been lost in the process.)
MOTHER CHURCH IS DYING (Christian fundamentalism (patriarchy) has killed the ‘mother’ in us all by devaluing the body (the earth) and the mystical traditions within the Church (‘It is dying on top of its own treasure of mystics and prophets, of good news and wisdom stories’ (Fox p.28)). Much of what constitutes religion has become authoritarian (a slave to creeds) and unwilling to allow the mystic within us all to take it beyond fundamentalism and matricide.)
MOTHER LOVE (COMPASSION) IS DYING (We need to be compassionate as God is compassionate.The Church needs to be ‘born again’ into the spirit of the Cosmic Christ (‘… an awakening of passion with God and in all God’s creation and children, especially the suffering ones… a shared interdependence , an intuition of and sense of awe for the wondrous fact that we all live and swim in one primordial womb’ (Fox p.32). Mystical experience (notably silence/reflection) is vital for achieving this.)
OUR MOTHER EARTH IS DYING BUT NOT DEAD (Things are bad but our ‘mother’ is not dead – yet. Whether things get better depends on our ability to change)
The solution to these problems is ‘mysticism’ (the ability to reflect on the wider aspects of life (and not simply a withdrawal into solitude!)). Fox calls mysticism a ‘resurrection story for our time’. Just as Jesus died and rose again so we can begin a ‘new life’ with each other and the world (and through this give ‘life’ to a dying world). Just as the earth is our ‘mother’ (she gave ‘birth’ to us), so we are the womb of God, the place where the Cosmic Christ can be ‘born’ in the world. Fox believes mysticism has been largely ignored in the Christian Church because the emphasis has generally been on ‘left brain’ activity (dogma/creeds), rather than the more experiential facets of understanding, and relating to God, the world and each other. As such, the Christian faith has lost much of its life and vitality. Fox also believes Christians have forgotten (or ignored) the mystical aspects of Jesus’ message in that he taught God’s Kingdom on earth now and developed in people compassion, awe, affirmation of the world as a whole, employed his right brain, was self-critical, developed heart knowledge, was a feminist, was a panentheist (God in all; all in God), used birthing images, used silence, experienced darkness/nothingness and was a ‘child at play’.

These are Matthew Fox’s beliefs. Please note how very, VERY, New Age this is. This is what Sweet is endorsing!!

Creation Spirituality

P 124 (89) In an ecological model of the church, the earth is not separate from us; indeed, we are in symbiotic relationship with the earth. Creation spirituality is of tremendous help here in weaning us from this homocentric warp.67

(p195) The footnote shown above: 67. Books on creation spirituality include Matthew Fox, Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality Presented in Four Parts, Twenty-six Themes, and Two Questions (Santa Fe, N.M.: Bear and Company, 1983); Fox, Creation Spiuiutality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990); Ron Miller and Jim Kenney, Fireball and the Lotus: Emerging Spirituality from Ancient Roots, Santa Fe, N.M.: Bear and Company, 1987). See also other volumes in the Creation Spirituality Series published by Bear and Company issues of Creation. A Magazine of Earthly Spirituality for an Evolving Planet published by Friends of Creation Spirituality and other resources available from Friends of Creation Spirituality, P.O. Box 19216, Oakland, CA 94619.

This is Matthew Fox, again – with the idea of the coming Cosmic Christ. He advocates the idea of panentheism, which Sweet picks up on and endorses (see below). Do you understand the implications of his endorsement of Creation Spirituality?

P 124 (89) So woven together are the destinies of heaven and earth that it is impossible for us to sin against one part of the body without doing damage to the whole body. No one suffers alone, as Pythagoras perceived when he said that if there is but one suffering soul in the universe, all other souls will be affected with suffering until that one suffering soul is restored to health. An ecological model of community is something on which even sociobiologists can agree with Christians. Edward 0. Wilson argues that we humans require life around us, that we cannot do without the living world any more than we can do without food or sleep, because our ancestors who survived were the ones who harmonized with what was around them. With nothing around us, we die.

Quantum spirituality bonds us to all creation as well as to other members of the human family. New Light pastors are what Arthur Peacocke calls “priests of creation”–earth ministers who can relate the realm of nature to God, who can help nurture a brother-sister relationship with the living organism called Planet Earth. This entails a radical doctrine of embodiment of God in the very substance of creation. (This is completely New Age!!!)

See the following sources for more understanding of Creation Spirituality:

Matthew Fox’s CreationSpirituality.com

What is Creation Spirituality? from here: http://theoblogical.org/dlature/itseminary/creaspir/whatis1.html

Ten Principles of Creation Spirituality from here: http://www.tumc.org/csprinciples.html

1. The universe is a blessing, that is, something God created and we experience as “very good.” (not cursed – no sin of Adam)

2. Humans need to relate to the universe as a whole as we are a microcosm of that macrocosm.

3. Everyone is a mystic, born full of wonder and capable of recovering it at any age and of not taking the awe and wonder of existence for granted.

4. Everyone is a prophet, a ‘mystic in action’ who is called to interfere with what interrupts authentic life. We are called to the margins of the status quo to interrupt systems that marginalize other humans, creatures and our Father, the Earth.

5. Everyone is an artist. Art as meditation is a primary form of prayer for releasing our images and empowering the community and each of us. Art finds its fulfillment in ritual, the community’s art.

6. Everyone and everything expresses divinity. All humans are all children of God; therefore, we have Divine blood in our veins and the Divine breath in our lungs; and the basic work of God is Compassion.

7. Divinity is as much Mother as Father, as much Child as Parent, as much Godhead [mystery] as God [history], as much beyond all beings as in all beings.

8. We experience the Divine in all things and all things are in the Divine. This mystical experience supplants the experience of the Divine as separate and unattainable.

9. Humans have to dig and work at finding the deep self, the true self, the spirit self. This is the spiritual journey. It is not so much about “adding on” as it is “letting go.” If we do not undergo the spiritual journey, we live superficially out of fear or greed or addiction or someone else’s expectations of us.

10. The spiritual journey is an ever-expanding spiral encompassing four paths.

Via Positiva: Befriending Creation – wonder, delight, revelry Via Negativa: Befriending Darkness – emptiness, sinking, suffering Via Creativa: Befriending Our Sacredness – creating, awakening, birthing Via Transformativa: Befriending New Creation – coming home, doing, justice

Endorsement of Creation Spirituality is present in the United Methodist Church (Leonard Sweet is a leader in the United Methodist Church), as in Trinity United Methodist Church’s Statement Regarding Creation Spirituality here: http://www.tumc.org/creation.html

Trinity’s clergy support Creation Spirituality, a movement that draws on ancient spiritual traditions and contemporary science to awaken authentic mysticism, revitalize Christianity and Western culture, and promote social and ecological justice. Creation Spirituality teaches that God permeates all things and that humanity is created blessed, not tainted by original sin.

Panentheism (As in Creation Spirituality, above)

P 124 (89) The OxfordDictionary of the Christian Church (1974) identifies the difference between pantheism and panentheism: Pantheism is “the belief or theory that God and the universe are identical”; panentheism is “the belief that the Being of God includes and penetrates the whole universe, so that every part of it exists in Him, but. . . that His Being is more than, and is not exhausted by, the Universe.” New Light spirituality does more than settle for the created order, as many forms of New Age pantheism do. But a spirituality that is not in some way entheistic (whether pan- or trans-), that does not extend to the spirit-matter of thecosmos, is not Christian. A quantum spirituality can in no way define God out of existence. (He denies pantheism – everything is God – in favor of a slightly different idea that we are all IN God. This term – panantheism – is what Matthew Fox uses. You saw above the endorsement of Fox’s ideas. I strongly encourage you to download Sweet’s book and read this for yourself)

Panentheism is further explained here: http://www.websyte.com/alan/pan.htm

This universal arrangement is not pantheism (all is God), but panentheism, a term devised by Karl C. F. Krause (1781-1832) to describe his thought. It is best known for its use by Charles Hartshorne and recently by Matthew Fox. Panentheism says that all is in God, somewhat as if God were the ocean and we were fish. If one considers what is in God’s body to be part of God, then we can say that God is all there is and then some. The universe is God’s body, (remember above, where he was arguing that the earth is Christ’s body) but God’s awareness or personality is greater than the sum of all the parts of the universe. All the parts have some degree of freedom in co-creating with God. At the start of its momentary career as a subject, an experience is God–as the divine initial aim. As the experience carries on its choosing process, it is a freely aiming reality that is not strictly God, since it departs from God’s purpose to some degree. Yet everything is within God.

Panentheism gives all that one could want: an all-encompassing, growing, perfect God, everywhere present and containing everywhere within himself; and the reality of oneself and others, freely deciding within God, responding to God’s overtures in the process of co-creation. Theism denies that the world (including us) shares in God’s being. Panentheism recognizes that everything shares God’s being (or becoming) but that God’s being operates from innumerable relatively freely-choosing centers or perspectives of existence. God and the world, which is God’s body, are interdependent.

Or from this Christianity Today article: What you need to know about New Age beliefs:

New Age spirituality says: God is either in all things or he is all things.
Christianity says: “For by him all things were created … all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:16-17). We worship the Creator, not what he’s created (Rom. 1:25).
Be wary of: Panentheism, which says “God is in the tree,” or pantheism, which says “God is the tree,” as opposed to theism (Christianity), which says “God created the tree and holds it together by his power.”

New Age spirituality says: We’re on a continual journey to “know all” by achieving cosmic consciousness (also referred to as Nirvana, “going clear,” Christ-consciousness, individual divinity, or fulfilling the dharma).

Christ Consciousness

Please note that “Christ Consciousness” is a New Age term and has been used for many years. If Sweet meant something orthodox by this, he should have explained himself fully. Instead, he endorses the men who have blatantly used this term to refer to a Gnostic “Christ.”

P. 48 (38)New Lights offer up themselves as the cosmions of a mind-of-Christ consciousness. As a cosmion incarnating the cells of a new body, New Lights will function as transitional vessels through which transforming energy can renew the divine image in the world, moving postmoderns from one state of embodiment to another.86

(p179) Footnote: 86. I am grateful to David Spangler for his help in formulating this “new cell” understanding of New Light leadership.

David Spangler is a prominant New Ager. Here is one of his quotes from here:

David Spangler, for instance, has stated: Christ is the same force as Lucifer… Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator…. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age … each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation … for it is an invitation into the New Age. (David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ p.44-45)

And, David Spangler according to Britannica Online

New Age movement : Birth of the movement

In 1970 American theosophist David Spangler moved to the Findhorn Foundation, where he developed the fundamental idea of the New Age movement. He believed that the release of new waves of spiritual energy, signaled by certain astrological changes (e.g., the movement of the Earth into a new cycle known as the Age of Aquarius), had initiated the coming of the New Age.

Sweet also quotes & endorses Spangler here:

P 232 (143) Only when the paranormal and spiritual combine in ways that foster ethical and philosophical development “of the highest order,” as metaphysician/author David Spangler puts it, will the differences be illuminated between “psychism and mysticism, information and insight, knowledge and wisdom, and sell-development and service.”42

(p 212) Footnote: 42. Private correspondence between the author and David Spangler.

P 63 (47) Metanoia can mean, literally, “after thought.” What metanoia does is turn our minds after the mind of God, transform our consciousness so that it is connected to the divine consciousness, tune us into a logos logic. In other words, metanoia enables a metanoized self to think God’s afterthoughts. Metanoia bestows on the believer a Logos-Christ consciousness, a logos logic that is based not on dialectic and struggle, but on harmony and wholeness.

P 70 (53) Faith is the synergy of the most powerful united fields in the universe–reason and emotion, mind and body, cognition and action, theory and practice, object and subject, spirit and matter, spiritual and physical senses –working together to form Christ consciousness experiences. Faith makes a metanoized mulch of all dichotomized selves and heals all discursive dualisms (one of the worst of which was “sacred” and “profane”), all disastrous separations that threaten our existence.

P. 71 (53) Quantum spirituality is more than a structure of the intellect; it is more than a structure of emotion; it is more than a structure of human being. It is most importantly a structure of human becoming, a channeling of Christ energies through mindbody experience.

P 74 (55) A stranger approached a little boy flying a kite so high it was out of sight. “What are you doing?” the stranger asked. “I’m flying a kite,” the boy replied. “How do you know there is a kite?” “I can feel the pull of it” was the reply. How do we know there is a living Christ in a postmodern world? We can sense the pull of the Christ consciousness. We can experience the depths, the energy, the ecstasy of life. We can see his face in the faces of those we touch, as Jacob was the first to notice: “To see your face is like seeing the face of God” (Gen. 33:10 RSV). Postmoderns feel in order to think. Partly for this reason postmodern theological understandings need to be built on aesthetic categories, the most basic of which is beauty. Thirteenth-century scholastic philosopher/theologian/saint Thomas Aquinas defined beauty as a triangle of three interlocking, interacting components: radiance, harmony, and wholeness.

P 77 ( 58) New Light believers are a people possessed, bursting with energy that comes from a sensual experience of God’s presence–and absence. New Light believers are a possessed people: Possessed by a higher power, possessed by a Christ consciousness that is a heartfelt knowledge of God’s love and forgiveness; possessed by a “sober intoxication” (in the early words of Jewish philosopher/community leader Philo of Alexandria), even a “divine intoxication” (in the words of New England poet Emily Dickinson).

P 123 (88) The church is fundamentally one being, one person, a communion whose cells are connected to one another within the information network called the Christ consciousness. No congregation or denomination can go it alone in being the body of Christ. No congregation or denomination is accountable only to itself. To be “in connection” and “in-formation” is to be related to other Christians and the shared culture of all Christians and to grow a set of organic relationships and coalitions around a common love for God and a common desire to do what Jesus did and go where Jesus went.

P 148 (105) The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people “in-phase” with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another.

P 278 (237) The New Age movement tells postmodern culture that all people have within them what it takes to get them through life- their mind power, their higher consciousness, their “getting in touch with themselves” is going to do it for them. “Wrong!”, to quote country-western singer/guitarist/composer Waylon Jennings. It is Christ’s power, the Christ consciousness, our getting in touch with who Christ is, that is going to do it for us.

What, exactly, does Sweet mean by Christ Consciousness? Could he mean something completely orthodox? Given the number of times he quotes and endorses Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (see below), it seems very unlikely – especially given his endorsement of Fox’s Cosmic Christ, which is along the same lines. Matthew Fox also argued for the Christ Consciousness. You can find a number of interesting articles here.

What is Christ Consciousness?: “THE HERMETIC MYSTERY OF CHRIST”

In the context of hermetic and metaphysical philosophy, what do we mean by the words Cosmic Christ? In addition to this and mystically, what does the essence of Christ represent? We have to understand that the essence and nature of the Cosmic Christ is universal and beyond the scope of any kind of investigation because in itself it is not and never will be a personality, something that can be objectively proven due to the fact that it has never been an individualized Energy. How could it be? The Essence of the Cosmic Christ is simply the REGENERATIVE and RECONCILING aspect of the force of pure Being and the Soul Essence within each one of us. Hence in itself, it represents the unfolding energy of wholeness in human nature. In other words, Christ Energy is a divine Energy that brings and blends together the essence of Soul and Spirit within each one of us (to use a symbolic image, we could say that Christ Energy brings together and “marries” the Permanent and Spiritual Witnesses within each individual.

Edgar Cayce On The Christ Consciousness

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (known as the father of the modern New Age movement)

P 25 (20)Every age proclaims itself in one way or another at the “turning point in history,” a turnpike of accelerated change on which everyone is undergoing a “crisis in meaning” or a “crisis in consciousness.” We can all get a little too pleased with our knowledge, with our place in history, with our living, as Eve is supposed to have said to Adam as they left Eden, “in a time of great transition.” Paleontologist/geologist/philosopher/Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, however, argues that there are times when humanity is actually perched on some chronological fulcrum: “But there are moments when this impression of transformation becomes accentuated and is thus particularly justified.”

P 60 (46) Great souls have depth, and begin in depth. As early as 500 B.C., the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus, the first to use Logos as a term for the underlying coherence of the cosmos, brought together spirit and the depth dimension in his concept of “the deep”: “You could not discover the limits of the soul [psychel] even if you traveled every road so deep is its measure [logos].” Quantum spirituality does more than join together as one two words in all their complexity and nuance: energymatter, mindbody, spiritmatter (as Teilhard de Chardin called it). It also argues that the deep matters of faith begin in the realization of what Albert Einstein called “the law of the equivalence of mass and energy.”

P 106 (76) God makes things make themselves. Twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice/philosopher/geologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

P 113 (81) Christian identity is multidimensional. Embodiment works both ways, including both individuation and aggregation, personity (as it were) built out of community, a yoking and splitting that Teilhard de Chardin called not only compatible but inseparable. In the words of biblical scholar Robin Scroggs, “The individual is not complete apart from the community; the community suffers loss if an individual leaves or does not participate.”41 (Robin Scroggs is a very liberal theologian, as are nearly all the theologians that Sweet quotes)

p 226 (139) One is ready for threshold experiences when there appear on one’s list things that are truly breathtakingly wonder-full, such the wonder of who you are (Augustine said, “Man himself is a greater wonder than any wonder done through his instrumentality”), human consciousness (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin accorded the awe-inspiring phenomenon of consciousness the deepest religious significance), a tree (World War I casualty/poet Joyce Kilmer’s first pick), the big voice of a little cricket, West Virginia, unselfishness, and God’s continuing love.

P 259 (162) Something can be all new, yet nothing of the old be lost. The Christian tradition of old-new thoughts mandates a strict diet of “re-” words, preferring instead the prefix “in-” á la “inscendence” (Thomas Berry’s version of “transcendence”) and “involution” (a substitute for revolution first encountered in Teilhard de Chardin’s diary dated 12 November 1919). The Third Testament is thus no simple extrapolation of the First and Second Testaments into the future, but a divine inbreaking into the historical moment through which Alpha beginnings and Omega endings (see below) converge. The Third Testament is everything new about the old, old story. Or in Teilhard’s more mystical phrasings, a “descendent divine involution” combining with the “ascendent cosmic evolution.” Please note that Sweet is endorsing Teilhard de Chardin’s cosmic evolution theory!! See below.

“Quantum Spirituality” by Leonard Sweet is basically a re-working of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s philosophy. It’s more obscure than Teilhard, but if you dig into the way that Sweet uses the language, it’s basically the same thing. He is combining modern Science with Christian terminology to explain his idea of God being in everything. As he said, his “New Light apologetic” was a Christian alternative to the New Age Movement. Also, as you see above, he seems to be endorsing the idea of a coming evolutionary “Omega Point.”

Teilhard de Chardin’s Evolutionary Philosophy from here: http://www.kheper.net/topics/Teilhard/Teilhard-evolution.htm

According to Teilhard, Consciousness and Matter are aspects of the same reality, and are called the “Within” and the “Without” respectively. Evolution is the steady increase in the “Within” or degree of consciousness and complexity, through a number of successive stages: the various grades of inanimate matter; life or the “Biosphere”; man or thought or mind, the “Noosphere” (Teilhard’s cosmology reflects the Christian anthropocentric bias in having man as the first species capable of self-reflective thought); and finally the uniting of all humans in a single Divine Christ-consciousness.

Teilhard thus follows the evolutionist understanding of an evolutionary progression from inanimate matter through primitive life and invertebrates to fish, amphibia, reptiles, mammals, and finally man; always an increase in consciousness. With man a threshhold is crossed – self-conscious thought, or mind, appears. But even humans do not represent the end-point of evolution, for this process will continue until all humans are united in a single Divine Christ-consciousness, the “Omega Point”

TEILHARD, DARWIN, AND THE COSMIC CHRIST from here: http://www.trosch.org/for/teilhard-keene99l.htm

Teilhard (1881-1955) taught that humanity is evolving into another form, and that “all that arises; converges”. Humanity, he said, is converging toward an Omega point, at which collective consciousness will find a new unity. According to Teilhard, Christ is the force behind a collective “Christ consciousness” of Man, which will culminate in the emergence of a “Cosmic Christ” – the true parousia.

Teilhard de Chardin and the Omega Point: An excerpt from the Encyclopedia Britannica from here:


Teilhard’s attempts to combine Christian thought with modern science and traditional philosophy aroused widespread interest and controversy when his writings were published in the 1950s. Teilhard aimed at a metaphysic of evolution, holding that it was a process converging toward a final unity that he called the Omega point.

View of the Bible

p. 257 (161) The Word of God is not to be exclusively identified with the words of the Bible.

259 (162) The message of Jesus is so profound that the world is still deciphering it thousands of years later. God’s purposes are veiled and understood only “in the fullness of time.” Truth often unfolds as slowly as a symphony. A note struck early on might be picked up much later and developed fully even later than that. The music of truth may take centuries to play itself out. Not all of God’s communications are released overnight. Indeed, many of them may be in the process of being created as we go along.

Pagan/New Age Ideas

P141 (101) In the modern era worship was demystified and denatured. Postmoderns are driven by desire to explore and celebrate an ever-deepening intimacy with the Great Mystery that is the universe. Liturgies of the earth–fire, land, wind, and water–can restore the biological and physical rhythms of the planet to our computer-programmed consciousness. Outdoor earth rituals can also provide worshipers with experiences of connectedness to all earthlings: What the Sioux Indians call the creeping people, the standing people, the flying people, and the swimming people. All earthlings must be incorporated into the body of Christ in more ways than just through the “blessing of the animals.” We must find ritual ways to make earthlings’ presence felt, their participation solicited, their voices heard, if the ideal of ecological worship is to be realized.

P. 300 (254)

7. Stand in front of a picture of a family member who has died. Recall joyful memories of them and laugh. With the breath you took for that laugh, your loved one literally became a part of you. In every breath there are more than a million atoms breathed personally at one time or another by every breathing earthling that has ever lived.

8. Hold your Bible and breathe meditatively. (This is nothing less than Transcendental Meditation – the type of meditation designed to get you to an “altered state” where you become aware of the one-ness of everything) The breathtaking, nay, breathgiving truth of aliveness is more than Methuselean in its span: Part of your body right now was once actually, literally part of the body of Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Esther, David, Abigail, Moses, Ruth, Matthew, Mary, Li ke, Martha, John, Priscilla, Paul… and Jesus.

9. Keep breathing quietly while holding your Bible. You have within you not just the powers of goodness resident in the great spiritual leaders like Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, Lao Tzu. You also have within you the forces of evil and destruction. The youthful comrade and confidant of Joan of Arc was Gilles de Rais, a marshall of France and one of the wealthiest men in Europe, who was condemned to the stake in 1440 for the crimes of witchcraft, heresy, sodomy, and the sexual abuse and murder of over 140 children. Resident in each breath you take is the body of angels like Joan of Arc and devils like Gilles de Rais, Genghis Khan, Judas Iscariot, Herod, Hitler, Stalin and all the other destructive spirits throughout history.

10. Gather a group together for a Navajo breathing ceremony. Stand in a circle, everyone facing the center of the circle. If there are any present in special need of prayer, ask them to “center” the circle. Place your hands in the center of the backs of those standing on either side of you and observe silence. Get in touch with one anothers’ breathing patterns. Now breathe together as a circle, bending the knees slightly as you inhale, straightening up as you exhale. Keep doing this until the circle becomes one breath.

P 125 (90) Third, New Light embodiment means to be “in connection” and “information” with ancestors and ancestral memories. One of the most significant things that can be said about New Lights is that they know their ancestors–not in the name of individual fulfillment, as in so much New Age raijing and raping of others’ religious traditions (while at the same time reaping little benefit from its own) but for the sake of communal identity and integrity. In the same way earth is now receiving light from that Big-Bang moment when the stars first clapped together, so the church must allow in light from its first ancestors, who have now become as numerous as the stars. In the doctrine that Jesus “descended to the dead,” the early Christians extended the gospel’s boundless compassion even to those who had already died. The greatest Eastern Orthodox theologian of the twentieth century, Georges Florovsky calls this the church’s “ecumenicity in time,” which needs to exist alongside its “ecumenicity in space.” Unfortunately, relations with the dead are no longer normative features of the church’s existence. In earlier days we were able to make concrete connections in time though doctrines like purgatory, or the solemn reminder of the churchyard cemetery, or, in rarer cases, the coffins of prominent parishioners and lionized preachers buried under the sanctuary floor. The closest moderns came to extending connectionalism in time was on ETC Sundays (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas) or memorial dedications, when bulletins listed who gave Easter lilies, Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas poinsettias, or memorial contributions–all of which inserted into sacred space an economic criteria for remembrance.

View of Other Religions

P 114 (82) All religions have something to do with the whole, the totality. Parts have no existence apart from wholes. In the modern era religions largely succumbed to the Enlightenment’s fragmented, fetishistic love for the part. This is the essence of sin: Mistaking the part for the whole, or separating the part from the whole. Sin is falling into the trap of synecdoche–taking a part for the whole (pars pro toto) or the whole for the part (totum pro parte), the sin of individualism and the sin of collectivism.

P 130 (93) Modern nuclear families “stew in their own juice,” as process theologian/Anglican priest Norman Pittenger puts it; so too do modern nuclear congregations. We must enlarge the family circle if our churches are to become nuclear-free zones. Just as physicists cannot understand truth by one model alone–that is, either the wave nature of light or the particle nature of light–so one model may not suffice to understand God completely. In fact, Bohr’s Complimentarily Principle, which he used the yin/yang imbalances to symbolize, says that both features can’t be brought into existence at the same time even though both are true. One can be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ without denying the flickers of the sacred in followers of Yahweh, or Kali, or Krishna. (!!!!!)

P 130 (93) Fourth, New Light embodiment means to be “in connection” and “information” with other faiths. To be in-formation means to know each other’s songs almost as well as one knows them oneself, and to enlarge the community to include those whose conceptions of God differ from ours in form. To be in connection means to be able to sing, not only selected stanzas, but all the verses.

P 131 (93) A globalization of evangelism “in connection” with others, and a globally “in-formed” gospel, (What, exactly, is a globally in-formed gospel?) is capable of talking across the fence with Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim–people from other so called “new” religious traditions (“new” only to us)–without assumption of superiority and power. One Caribbean theologian has called this the “decolonization of theology.”~ It will take a decolonized theology for Christians to appreciate the genuineness of others’ faiths, and to see and celebrate what is good, beautiful, and true in their beliefs without any illusions that down deep we all are believers in the same thing.

P 131 (94) The interfaith embodiment of a quantum spirituality is based not on the Enlightenment search for what the world religions hold in common but on the multitudinousness and uniqueness of each particular vision of truth.

P 236 (146)A surprisingly central feature of all the world’s religions is the language of light in communicating the divine and symbolizing the union of the human with the divine: Muhammed’s light-filled cave, Moses’ burning bush, Paul’s blinding light, Fox’s “inner light,” Krishna’s Lord of Light, Böhme’s light-filled cobbler shop, Plotinus’ fire experiences, Bodhisattvas with the flow of Kundalini’s fire erupting from their fontanelles, and so on.53 Light is the common thread that ties together near-death experiences as they occur in various cultures.

Understanding of the True Gospel?

P 79 (59) It takes more than one “conversion experience” in life to keep up “passion-at-a-distance,” to maintain a faith that effervesces from the depths of being and endures to the end. Multiple conversions and deep-flow experiences can arise from the curious, the consequential and the otherwise uncommon moments of life. This has no more, or no less, to do with salvation than the heart has to do with pumping lifeblood into the organism. Mega- and micro-flow experiences are what keep the fire of ecstasy alive, the pot boiling, the heart hot, the rapture alive. Of course, the subtlest form of “works righteousness” is the notion that we are “saved” by our religious experience. God has not redeemed us by doing something in us. God has redeemed us by doing something for us in the person of Jesus Christ. Grace is not a subjective event but an objective reality. Nevertheless, that objective reality takes on multidimensional life and power, polymathic vitality and victory, only when it is mediated, registered, claimed, and connected.

p. 80 (61) God did not send us a statement. God sent us a story. God did not send us love. God sent us God’s only Son who loved. God did not send us a principle. God sent us a person who embodied those principles. Jesus did not say, “Follow the way.” Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6). The gospel is not the excitement of an idea (though it may begin that way). The gospel is the flow experience of a living person. The kingdom of God is not a place or a principle (which is what many physicists mean by “God”). The “kindom” of God is a person (Jesus Christ), and the “kindom” of God is a people (the Christbody community). We must have more than a principle within, regardless of what John Wesley’s brother Charles’s 1749 hymn says (“I Want a Principle Within”). We must have a person within. We must have a divine consciousness within. (We could agree with this if he meant the Holy Spirit – but given his other ideas, I’m not sure that’s what he means)

P 114 (82) All religions have something to do with the whole, the totality. Parts have no existence apart from wholes. In the modern era religions largely succumbed to the Enlightenment’s fragmented, fetishistic love for the part. This is the essence of sin: Mistaking the part for the whole, or separating the part from the whole. Sin is falling into the trap of synecdoche–taking a part for the whole (pars pro toto) or the whole for the part (totum pro parte), the sin of individualism and the sin of collectivism.

P 117 (84) The discovery of truth moved in the modern era toward the privacy of individual illumination and away from community, tradition, and authority. America’s romance with “individual salvation,” which maximized self-interest and dismembered spirituality, began with the Puritan heresy making the individual self, not the communal individual or the social self, the sole interpreter of God’s word. Through his epistemology and ethics Immanuel Kant did more than almost any modern figure to enthrone the autonomous individual at the center of the universe.

P 123 (88) Communities have souls, not just individuals. The modern era downplayed a biblical doctrine of salvation that had this communal dimension. In contrast, the New Light movement is concerned about the salvation of ensouled communities as well as individual souls, and the salvation of community souls relating synergistically to one another.

These notes are not an attempt to be exhaustive, but just to give you the flavor of the book. Besides what I’ve mentioned, the book also goes into odd environmentalism, where Sweet attempts to prove that the First Commandment is not “You shall have no other gods before me” but “Care for the earth.” He tries to show that Jesus is the four elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, well known in paganism. There are several quotes from Thomas Merton, the Catholic mystic who became a Zen Buddhist and believed that any spiritual experience was a good one. There are also extensive footnotes, many of which read like a Who’s Who of liberal theology and New Age spiritualism.

I believe it is obvious that Leonard Sweet has endorsed a New Age spirituality in this book. It seems that is what he means when he says the church is learning to “dance to a new rhythm.” I find no indication of any understanding of true salvation in this book. While Christian terminology is used, on close examination, it doesn’t seem to mean the same thing as we would mean.

I don’t believe that I have pulled any quote out of context (like leaving out where he refutes what was quoted), but I encourage you to read the book for yourself and make your own judgment.. As I mentioned, the author uses many, many words, and much of the book is confusing. It is not my intent to slander him. Instead, I just hoped to weed through the extraneous and let him show us his beliefs in those places where he is more clear.

While there is certainly “postmodern” thinking in the world, I believe it is evidence that we are nearing the very end of the age. In my opinion, perhaps the best way to reach postmoderns is with warning of approaching judgment, not by attempting to reach them through “EPIC” worship (What Sweet advocates in his other books. Explained here). Sweet and other postmodern writers say that your spiritual journey is more important than the destination, and of course, that’s certainly true for anyone immersed in mysticism, but the Bible says the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and judgment:

John 16:7-8 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.

If the Holy Spirit is active in someone’s life, he should become concerned with the consequences of his sin. Perhaps the message for these days is simply this: Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready?



GJ – Sweet was going to be the featured speaker for Church and Change in 2005. Here is what WELS AnswerMan said about that:

The Church and Change conference is put on by leaders of a number of WELS congregations, but it is not sponsored by WELS. Church and Change people have, however, reported to our Conference of Presidents in regard to their activities and WELS does send one of its administrators to attend the conference. The Conference of Presidents has in the past urged discretion on the part of all WELS affiliated organizations who use speakers from outside our doctrinal fellowship. We do not have a web link to connect you to information on the speaker.

GJ – Note that WELS never does anything wrong. The leaders should just “show discretion.” The conference was canceled and conservatives rejoiced. Church and Change was finished. Or was it? A WELS pastor and a WELS layman told me that Church and Change no longer existed. And yet, I found the link on the WELS.net website, which was used to register people for the latest conference. Someone has read Sherlock Holmes, “Church and Change was hidden in plain sight. Elementary, my dear Watson.”

GJ – More information: In searching for WELS and Sweet, I found these comments on some kind of Internet chat. This seems to be the person who blew the whistle on on WELS, Prophecy Fellowship:

LLeeApril 21st, 2005, 12:53 PM
Thanks so much for the prayers!!!! Wow, I’m in awe of God’s timing. He had you praying right when I needed it! Yesterday I finally got brave and posted the link to my paper on the Yahoo group. (I didn’t use my name) Most of the leaders of my synod belong to this group. It started an instant firestorm. Some people were outraged, and others immediately started defending their right to invite whomever they want.

What a mess it all is. Thank you sooooo much for your prayers! (As I’ve been attempting to write this, I’ve been continuing to get e-mails. I’ve been responding privately – not to the entire group). Ack.

LLeeApril 26th, 2005, 01:12 PM
The fallout from what I did continues. I’m not sure where it will lead. There are pastors who are now publicly saying they WANT this man to come, even though it is now known widely that he (Sweet) is completely New Age.

I can’t imagine what God is going to do with it all. As it turns out, there just “happened” to be a meeting scheduled for yesterday and today for our pastors who are concerned over the direction our synod is heading. They expected up to 250 pastors to attend (a huge number considering the size of our synod). The organizer of that group contacted me to ask if he could post my paper on his website. I definitely added fuel to the fire. Amazing how the timing of everything fits together.

I am praying for God to help me have and keep the right attitude. It’s so easy to fall into “look what I did.” Yet, if anything good comes from this, it was all God’s doing.

Edited because I can’t spell!


Church and Change compiled letters against the Sweet invitation and published them. As Mao said, “Let the flowers bloom, so their heads can be cut off.” Here is the link:


The same folks also copied the positive letters from Sweet-hearts and posted them. Note the difference. The supporters are anonymous while the critics are named. How fair and balanced is Dr. John Bauer, PhD. There is one critical letter in this link, and the pastor is named. See for yourself:

Church and Change, Part Deux.


Here is a WELS blog supporting Sweet, the Moose Report:

Doctrine of Fellowship Misapplied?
Church Door Symposium Cancelled!

Due to the brotherly concerns expressed by numerous clergy and Synod officials around the issue of church fellowship, the 3rd Annual Church Door Symposium has been cancelled. Although the Executive Director and the members of the CHARIS Board of Directors disagree with the judgments that hosting non-WELS speakers represents a violation of Scripture and WELS doctrine, concern for maintaining harmony in the church, coupled with concern for the continued success and vitality of CHARIS and Wisconsin Lutheran College, override any reasons for taking a stand on this issue at this time.

I’m not quite sure how hosting non-WELS speakers constitutes prayer fellowship and a violation of Scripture. Pretty soon we’ll get to the point where just talking to people who are non-WELS will be breaking fellowship.

It is an unfortunate fact that great confusion exists among clergy and laity alike around applications of the church fellowship principles.

“Confusion” is an understatement.

Rather than contribute to this confusion, the leaders of The CHARIS Institute have decided to cancel this year’s symposium. Our prayer is that we will find a way to resolve this confusion about church fellowship so that CHARIS can again host outstanding scholars on relevant subjects in the future without controversy.

May God guide us to live and work in the freedom of His Gospel so that we can be salt and light to a dying world.

This symposium was on evangelism. Apparently it is breaking fellowship by bringing in those who have effective evangelism programs that actually work because they are not WELS. Our synod is losing members faster than they are gaining them. You’d think they’d be open to new ideas. There is a serious danger here in this fellowship misapplication. Those planning to attend have lost the opportunity to learn about other evangelism methods to win souls for Christ.

Here is the link I have quoted.


GJ – I see a familiar name associated with the Moose Report.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Consenting Adults

“Hi. I am the former Archbishop of Milwaukee. I was the featured speaker at Wisconsin Lutheran College.”

brucefoster has left a new comment on your post “STS Union Service Getting More Interesting”:

Do you have additional information on Archbishop Weakland? Calling him a pedophile seems a stretch. The only reported fornication was with a 27 year old man. Mortal sin yes, Pedophile no.


GJ – Here is one link about Weakland. The author is a conservative, pro-life Roman Catholic. I doubt he would invite Weakland to speak anywhere.

Here is a second, even more hostile response to Weakland. And I quote:

Along with Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, Archbishop Weakland has led the push for a far more distinctively “American Church”, as independent as possible from Rome. Associated with this ‘push’ have been Weakland’s highly controversial policies and views on abortion, homosexuality, AIDS education, sex education, clerical pedophilia and feminism. Presumably these developments would make the American Church more American. That it would also be less Catholic is equally clear. Whether it would be Catholic at all remains an open question. That is what makes Archbishop Weakland’s invitation to Australia – even to a liturgical convention – more puzzling. That the invitation will be construed as an act of support for him and of his less than solidarity with the Holy See can hardly be questioned.

From the same source:

Less than a month later, Milwaukee’s diocesan paper, the Catholic Herald reported the Archbishop’s views on clerical pedophilia (May 26, 1988): “Not all adolescent victims are so innocent. Some can be sexually very active and aggressive and often quite streetwise. We frequently try such adolescents for crimes as adults at that age.” The prosecutor of the Fr Pecore case, Milwaukee’s Assistant District Attorney, criticised the Archbishop for perpetuating the “victim-must-share-the-blame syndrome.”

In spring 1989 Weakland called on all archdiocesan schools to teach students how to use condoms as part of an AIDS education program. Despite the U.S. Bishops’ statement that “teaching on chastity, not condoms” was the appropriate response to AIDS, the Archbishop retained the condom policy. He also approved a graphic sex education program “Valuing your Sexuality” which teaches 6th-9th grade students, for example, that “There is no right and no wrong” when it comes to contraception, abortion or sex before marriage. All of Milwaukee’s Catholic schools are required to provide AIDS and sex education on the above lines to retain diocesan accreditation.

In a published interview in the Milwaukee Sentinel (May 21, 1990) headlined “Weakland: Pro-choice could be OK”, the Archbishop replied to a question on whether a person could be a good Catholic and hold a pro-choice view about abortion: “Yes. There are possibilities there. One could reconcile their stance with a Church position. I think that is a possibility.”

Weakland is known for saying that children had sex with adults because the children wanted that activity. That could only come from a profoundly disturbed man – just the guy to speak at a public forum sponsored by Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS). Of course, WELS went into damage control right away. They claimed it was not a public function, even though it was a public forum, a series of lectures which included other Roman Catholic priests. Also, WLC is not a WELS college when WELS wants to disavow anything (like Charis or Church and Change).

I once held the publicity brochure from WLC in my hand. It was not a “private luncheon for a few,” as they tried to claim. If it had been, the apostasy was the same, as everyone realizes.

Exactly how this developed is difficult to tell. One does not just bump into an Archbishop at the YMCA and invite him over for a carefully orchestrated public forum. Considerable effort went into this shameful debacle. It not only compromised the Lutheran position on the Antichrist, but also managed to include the worst of all Roman Catholic prelates (except perhaps the San Franscisco apostate).

The ELS was silent, as always. The ELS only disciplines those who disagree with WELS.

I have a question for those who act shocked and doubtful every time I post some well known information – Would you want Weakland speaking at your congregation? More importantly – Would you want those WELS leaders who invited him and lied about the event to speak at your church? Would you like the ELS leaders who stifled themselves to serve you Holy Communion while clearly and openly despising sound doctrine?

Women Leading in Worship: ELS and WELS

“Let’s just say it never happened. Everyone behind me? Shake on it.”

jeremy has left a new comment on your post “STS Union Service Getting More Interesting”:

Please substantiate your claim that there have been women leading worship at Trinity Chapel at Bethany Lutheran College. As a recent graduate of the college, I find this hard to believe, unless it’s practice has changed in the past few months.


GJ – I am glad to repeat what is public knowledge. Professor Kuster organized a chapel service at Bethany around 1996 where women were the lectors. There was a fuss about it, so Bethany said, “If the seminary objects, we won’t do it again.” Notice the patronizing tone. The WELS/ELS approach about their depredations is to say, “For those who are weak in faith, we will abstain for their sakes.” Very thoughtful.

The practice stopped after Kuster’s experiment. But that was just the first attempt. More will come in the future, perhaps more from WELS. See below.

WELS? According to my source, who works in the prison system, once as a guard over WELS DP Ed Werner–A WELS DP in state prison? Yes–James P. Tiefel organized a chapel service at Mequon with young women as lectors. The former prison guard was a student there and an eye-witness. But wait, there is more.

James P. Tiefel arranged the pan-denominational worship conference at Carthage College (ELCA) where women taught men. Same difference. Then there is the Church and Change hive meetings, where ministry teams (men and women) teach. The ELS has not been known to object to this, to Church and Change, or anything else of substance.

Now there are women giving communion. I do not know the whole story, which is just more of the same anyway. The WELS approach is that it is not wise, not that it is wrong. The ELS is a little antsy about it.

Watch what Team Kelm is doing in WELS and you will see the future of the Wisconsin Sect and the Little Sect on the Prairie.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The America I Love

The story below is “The Mail” from John Mooy, of Interlochen, Michigan, about his father mailman Nat Mooy (1905-1985).

World Net Daily ^ | 10/13/2006 | John MooY

Posted on 12/25/2007 6:34:12 PM PST by clilly54

The original server has been overwhelmed, so I’m using the Fark mirror to post. Watch out, the comments can get a little on the wild side, as most of the members are younger. Still worth posting.

‘It was your dad that answered all those letters that the kids wrote to Santa every year’

Background: Tim Russert’s Wisdom of Our Fathers has hundreds of stories men and women tell about their fathers, including the one below. It’s a remarkable book–to learn more, see my co-authored column America’s Father Hunger (World Net Daily, 10/13/06).

The story below is “The Mail” from John Mooy, of Interlochen, Michigan, about his father mailman Nat Mooy (1905-1985).

“As a young boy, I sometimes traveled the country roads with my dad. He was a rural mail carrier in southwestern Michigan, and on Saturdays he would often ask me to go on the route with him. I loved it. Driving through the countryside was always an adventure. There were animals to see, people to visit, and freshly-baked chocolate-chip cookies if you knew where to stop, and Dad did. We made more stops than usual when I was on the route because I always got carsick, but stopping for me never seemed to bother Dad.

“In the spring, Dad delivered boxes full of baby chicks. Their continuous peeping could drive you crazy, but Dad loved it. When the peeping became too loud to bear, you could quiet them down by trilling your tongue and making the sounds of a hawk. When I was a boy it was fun to stick your fingers through one of the holes in the side of the cardboard boxes and let the baby birds peck on your finger. Such bravery!

“On Dad’s final day of work on a beautiful summer day, it took him well into the evening to complete his rounds because at least one member of each family was waiting at their mailbox to thank him for his friendship and his years of service. ‘Two hundred and nineteen mailboxes on my route,’ he used to say, ‘and a story at every one.’ One lady had no mailbox, so Dad took the mail in to her every day because she was nearly blind. Once inside, he read her mail and helped her pay her bills. And every Thursday he read her the local newspaper.

“Mailboxes were sometimes used for things other than mail. One note left in a mailbox read, ‘Nat, take these eggs to Marian; She’s baking a cake and doesn’t have any eggs, and don’t stop to talk to Archie!’ Mailboxes might be buried in the snow, or broken, or lying on the ground, but the mail was always delivered. On cold days Dad might find one of his customers waiting for him by the mailbox with a cup of hot chocolate. A young girl wrote letters but had no stamps, so she left a few buttons on the envelope in the mailbox; Dad paid for the stamps. One busy merchant used to leave large amounts of cash in his mailbox in a paper bag for Dad to take to the bank. On one occasion, the amount came to $32,000. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.

“A dozen years ago, when I traveled back to my hometown on the sad occasion of Dad’s death, the mailboxes along the way reminded me of some of his stories. I thought I knew them all, but that wasn’t quite the case.

“As I drove through Marcellus, I noticed to aluminum lamp poles, one on each side of the street, reflecting the light of the late-afternoon summer sun. When my dad was around, those poles supported wooden boxes that were roughly four feet off the ground. One box was painted green, and the other was red, and each had a slot at the top with white lettering: SANTA CLAUS, NORTH POLE. For years children had dropped letters to Santa through those slots.

“I made a left turn at the corner and drove past the post office and across the railroad tracks to our house. Mom and I were sitting at the kitchen table when I heard footsteps on our porch. There, at the door, stood Frank Townsend, who had been Dad’s postmaster and great friend for many years. So of course we all sat down at the table and began to tell stories.

“At one point Frank looked at me across the table with tears in his eyes. ‘What are we going to do about the letters this Christmas?’ he asked.

“The letters?”

“I guess you never knew.”

“Knew what?”

“‘Remember, when you were a kid and you used to put your letters to Santa in green and red boxes on Main Street? It was your dad that answered all those letters that the kids wrote every year.’

“I just sat there with tears in my eyes. It wasn’t hard for me to imagine Dad sitting at the old oak table in our basement reading those letters and answering each one. I have since spoken with several of the people who received Christmas letters during their childhood, and they told me how amazed they were that Santa had know so much about their homes and families.

“For me, just knowing that story about my father was the gift of a lifetime.”

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

MLC board OKs senior housing for New Ulm – NUJournal.com | News, Sports, Jobs – The Journal, New Ulm, MN

MLC money-making project.

MLC board OKs senior housing for New Ulm – NUJournal.com | News, Sports, Jobs – The Journal, New Ulm, MN:

‘via Blog this’

Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “MLC
board OKs senior housing for New Ulm – NUJourn…

You will soon be
going out penniless and unwillingly. Unfortunately the Lutheran Synodical
leaders have swindled the laity into giving Thrivent their money in exchange for
doubling the bake sale proceeds. They also gave generously to Lutheran World
Relief (LWR) which is an NGO of the United Nations. Both have used your
financial support to advance the New Age agenda through ELCA and the United
Nations. Not only has this allowed the incessant slaughter of the unborn
children of ELCA called workers, it has exported this same slaughter around the
world of men, women and children. You see, Thrivent’s direct support, amoung
other things, for the New Age United Religions Initiative is the direct support
for worshipping the earth as God and Mother and condemning humanity as it’s
worst plague which must be eliminated to sustainable levels while establishing a
global governement and religion (headed by the Antichrist) required to enforce
such satanic doctrines. This is why the value of your dollar has collapsed to
it’s current point, represented so perfectly by the current value of gold. Thus
the retirement age of 20-25% of Boomers is 80yrs and realistically – never. Now
would be a good time to humourously say BAZINGOO! but it is far to terrible to
joke about. MLC is just buying time – of which there is very little left. In
view of the events depicted in Matt. Chapter 24 Christians pray that Christ
would return soon, knowing fully what that entails and ought to know just how
much the so-called Lutheran Synods are doing in opposition to Christ and His



California wrote:

Reading about WELS’ venture into Senior Housing linked to Early Childhood 
Learning, is an idea lifted right out of the womb to tomb Big Brother agenda
being put in place by government across the nation.   For half a century, WELS
has always been playing “catch-up” with the latest socialist utopian scheme to
come along, and even the terminology reminded me of one California County’s
Early Learning Master Plan (2010) which I have in my hand as I write.  It is
just one of other clones across the nation for government schools and
communities.   In that plan, even the carefully crafted terminogy is explained
as  follows:  “By the way: we titled the effort an ‘early learning plan’
advisedly.   We wanted to convey the message that early learning is not an
‘extra’ or preamble to ‘real school, but rather a vital component of the BIRTH
TO ADULT LEARNING CONTINUUM”.  (emphasis added by me)

The terminology is
subtley changed from Early Childhood Education or Preschool, to ” Early
Learning” in order to accommodate the idea of institutional oversight from birth
to old age.   Elsewhere in the same document, prenatal home visits are
programmed into the scheme.

According to the November 2011 publication
from MLC in which the planned Early childhood Learning Center and the New Senior
Housing Facility are reported  to be linked together for a continuum of
generations  with “classrooms for infants and toddlers and well as 3, 4, and 5

No mention at least in the MLC publication of prenatal visits to
prospective homes of families by WELS overseers, but can that be far behind as
WELS agenda is gravitating to institutionalizing functions for which God
provided families?.  

WELS is obviously following models being put in place by
government at Federal, State and local levels, with schools to become the
centers for the socialist community utopia.  WELS and other church related 
entities should instead be encouraging parents to rsist the paradigm,
and “parent” their own young children at home in family context, not lending
their infants and toddlers to instutional instruction, observation, and
assessing, then planning and programming for housing of surrogate grandparents
in the “grand” scheme of instituionaling all of society.  

Granted  that
participants will be willing or nudged to be participants since the power of the
sword is not yet employed to enforce participation,  but it will be interesting
to know whether government funding is a factor especially  re: the “Senior
Housing” Project.  The Plan fits the Agenda 21 Model regardless of where the
funding comes from, but then should anyone be surprised? Way back in the 1970s
, this observor complained about DMLC recommending that WELS teachers obtain
social studies lessons and material from the UN.

California on the Dunning-Kruger Effect:

In a comment re: “Post Dunning-Kruger Effect in the OldenSynodical Conference”, rlschultz says,   “So much of CG nonsense creates
the illusion of participatory democracy.  As has been pointed out elsewhere here
at Ichabod, this is usually done to draw out the dissenters and find the

rlshcultz is exactly right in
the observation about the system being designed to draw out the dissenters and
find the yes-men.   However, it is not to “create the ILLUSION of participatory
democracy”, for it IS THE ESSENCE OF PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY.  “Participatory
Democracy” is one of those clever euphemisms created by the antagonists of
democratic representative governance. The terms are often confused,
but couldn’t be more different.

The term, “Participatory Democracy” was
coined in the document, “The Port Huron Manifesto” attributed
largely to leftist activist, Tom Hayden and published by Students for Democratic
Society in 1962 during days of student revolutions.   The text of the Port Huron
Manifesto is still posted on internetaccessible with a simple google search. Those who are old enough to remember
the national turmoil during the 1960’s will recognize the name of Students for
Democratic society (SDS), a leftist student
revolutionary movement.

It came to my attention during my research and
battles with the government schools system’s planned, programmed, “unfreezing of
the system”.

In researching the system we discovered PPBS, Planning Programming, Budgeting System, which
was a new form of governance being superimposed on our representative form of
governance in education as well as most other governmental agencies starting
with the Department of Defense.  That’s all documentable.   It was that research and involvement
in secular arena which sharpened my antenna as a member of a WELS congregation, when I happened to have access
and see a memo from  Norman Berg to pastors, in which he used the term:
“Participatory Democracy”.   I thought then that surely the origin and real
meaning of the term must not have been known or understood. In retrospect, maybe
or maybe not.   

My research resulted in activism, some writing and a speech in 
1972 re: PPBS in schools.  In the speech I quoted a book, MANAGEMENT OF
EDUCATION, by Shelly Umans who said it well:  
“If people are involved, then whole new strategies must be developed to ‘engineer’ people into accepting change. Projects
that do not take into account the need to involve the people affected are not
likely to succeed……In discussing strategies for affecting
change, we are talking about broad plans, the over all plans for gaining
acceptance.  How will the person out there be convinced that he wants to adopt
the change?”

 “They call it people technology in the same book.  So
involving the potential adopter in the development of innovation is the strategy
for overcoming resistance both within the academic community and the general

Another name for this process is Participatory Democracy,a term by
the way, which was coined by SDS in their Port Huron Manifesto, to identify the
process for citizen participation in destruction of their own political
institutions. Participatory Democracy is not to be confused with
participation in representative government.”  Speech titled PPBS

Participatory Democracy is designed to let everyone think they are
having a voice in an already predetermined objective, but it is designed to
identify resistance in order to either circumvent it or ultimately isolate or
eliminate absolute resistance which can’t be presented in the
resulting “consensus”.   

When I discovered  in the 70’s
that WELS had adopted PPBS as its modus operandi in the late 60’s, I knew the die was

Efforts to explain the toxicity of PPBS and the systems driven term:
Participatory Democracy fell on deaf or ears of those who couldn’t conceive of
Synod leaders allowing anything like I described or on ears already committed to
the Process.

Participatory Democracy is such a nice sounding term, but
one which is a clever deception in itself, whose meaning is well understood by
the perpetrators of destruction of  institutions.

TODAY Entertainment – Russell Brand, Katy Perry are divorcing

Their transforming ministry had no effect on Katy Perry’s
crude lyrics and behavior.

TODAY Entertainment – Russell Brand, Katy Perry are divorcing:

Rumors have been swirling for some time, but now it’s official. Comedian and actor Russell Brand has filed for divorce from singer Katy Perry. He cites “irreconcilable differences” in the petition, filed in Los Angeles.

‘via Blog this’

WELS church
has left a new comment on your post “TODAY
Entertainment – Russell Brand, Katy Perry ar…

Forward In Christ
A Lutheran Voice, January 2012:

I was reading the Changes In Ministry
section for the pastor list, and discoverd that Pastor Philip A Koelpin has
accepted a call to St. Peter, Appleton. One would have to be dead or in a coma
to not know about the apostasy of Tim Glende. May the Lord guide Pastor Koelpin!
Perhaps he can shepherd Brother Glende in the true path. Please refer to the
older posts concerning Pastor Christian in the Light From Light blog.

message for Pastor Koelpin: Are you aware that Pastor Glende fired his own
circuit pastor? Accepting a call takes many days of prayer and family

Current Lulu Discount

Get something for yourself. 25% off any order. Code: ONEMORETHING. Save up to $150 through January 6, 2012.


Emmaus Conference – Lutheran Trifecta.
Olde Synodical Conference Style, ELCA Substance

“Guys, you are a riot.
What was the part about not agreeing with ELCA?
Homosexual college video and man-boy files at the Love Shack?
Bueller, Bueller, anyone?”

Emmaus Conference:

February 9-10, 2012
Lecturer: President, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, St. Louis, Missouri 
Assistant Pastor, Village Lutheran Church, Ladue, Missouri.

‘via Blog this’


GJ – What a snorer for a conference title! “Let’s talk about us instead of justification by faith.”

This is a good goal for the new edition of Luther versus the UOJ Pietists – having it ready for the conference. Watch them invent reasons why the book cannot be distributed free, as it was last year.

Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “Emmaus
Conference – Lutheran Trifecta. Olde Synodi…

Currently the LCMS
is not a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Although they do
participate in meetings of the National Council of Churches. The LCMS CTCR
documents state,

“D. Other Christian Groups
Although the LCMS is not a
member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) or the National Council of
Churches (NCC), the Commission makes an effort to keep abreast of the latest
developments within these groups. At the request of the President and the CTCR,
the Executive Director of the CTCR participates in meetings of the NCC
Faith and Order Commission and, whenever possible, attends meetings of the
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and Christian Churches Together

Through the CTCR and the President’s office, the Synod takes part in
various ecumenical discussions and dialogs. In past years the Synod has
participated in discussions with Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, the
Orthodox, Baptists, the Reformed, and Evangelicals. The LCMS is a participant in
Round XI of the USA Lutheran/Roman Catholic Dialogue under the theme of “The
Hope of Eternal Life.” In the Fall of 2010, the LCMS began a series of
theological discussions with the Anglican Church in North America. The goal of
these dialogs is for our churches to gain a greater understanding of and
appreciation for one another and to affirm each other insofar as we are

Clearly the LCMS doesn’t need to be a member in order to
participate, work with or coordinate efforts with these groups. LCMS’ heavy
involvement and financial support for the ELCA and Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
is evidence enough that they have no issue with financiing the brutal murder of
unborn babies, children, women and men around the globe.


GJ – The LCMS would be considered backwards if they did not participate actively, so they try to shine up to the unionists while playing it safe about “being a member.”

Likewise, WELS has been working with Lutheran World Relief for decades, a fact kept hidden from the members and pastors.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just a Vacation in Walther-Land:
Publishing Updates

This is a drawing of Walther before he died.
I am surprised a halo has not been drawn in.

I started the mystery-apologetics book, but that will be a hobby this year. In short, a novel is more difficult to write than most people imagine.

I just finished my high school reunion book. That was fun and fulfilling. Four media stars are from my high school, plus one opera star, one rocket scientist, and some other interesting characters. You like Tolkien? The wife of my classmate is in New Zealand helping with the latest Peter Jackson project – The Hobbit.

My main project in January is the re-write of the Justification book. I will post the two new sections here while adding them to the book.

As I told 29A, the Walther mythology really needs to be examined closely. The newest Missouri Synod President actively participates in it. So does Perry County – Walther-Land – not too far from where we live.

Recently I learned that telling the truth about Walther is “slander.” Legally, the truth is not slander. That method works well in the Old Synodical Conference, whose leaders gladly slander anyone who gets near to telling the truth. The complete story is much worse than anyone imagines.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Steadfast Lutherans » More on the Preus Era — Waldo Werning and David Settje review Burkee’s Book

Steadfast Lutherans » More on the Preus Era — Waldo Werning and David Settje review Burkee’s Book:

Jack Preus did a lot to get Chemnitz published in English and wrote a biography of the Concordist.
Robert Preus was respected by all conservative Protestants,
but hated by liberal Lutherans.

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Andy Stanley Cool Is Not Lutheran Worship

AC V has left a new comment on your post “Where Does Anti-Confessionalism End?Universalism a…”:

Let’s see now, that was a service and sermon about John Parlow, Mike Westendorf, Herod, Mary, Joseph, and YOU/ME, but….Jesus? Not so much.

Also, how hypocritical to preach against a secular Christmas, but then worship and preach in a secular setting: Pre-December on the calendar, but full Christmas decorations in front of the hidden altar (which is there to receive the offering plates apparently because Parlow made special mention that the ushers couldn’t get to the altar because it was backstage behind the props), and Scriptural texts that are appointed for the church year calendar festival of Epiphany which always falls on January 6, the 12th day of Christmas. Remember that song?

And on and on and on….

Make no mistake about it, WELS readers, that way of “doing church” is being encouraged in WELS and along with it a (further) departure from Confessional Lutheranism.



“and talk about a guy (Christ) whose
life didn’t work out the way he planned….”
John Parlow
Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “Where
Does Anti-Confessionalism End?Universalism a…

My apologies,
(W)ELS Pastor Parlow’s statement about Christ begins at 32:00

Even more
disturbing is Parlow’s statements at 34:20 where he teaches the real message of
Christmas – “The real story is not hat you are promised a merry Hallmark
Christmas. It is the good news of God the child, born in a manger, died on a
cross, laid in a tomb, risen from the grave, seated at the right hand of the
Father, coming back one day to set the world right, your world right. And
more importantly, right now for you, to make your messy world

REALLY?!? The message of Christmas is that Christ will return
one day to make our messy world right? That is a New Age millennialist teaching.

AC V has left
a new comment on your post “Andy
Stanley Cool Is Not Lutheran Worship

And more importantly,
right now for you, to make your messy world right.

Jesus is going to
get my mother-in-law to go back home after Christmas?

AC V has left
a new comment on your post “Andy
Stanley Cool Is Not Lutheran Worship

Excellent article by John
Pless linked below: “Delivering Forgiveness of Sins.”

The reason WELS is
so readily jettisoning the liturgy and replacing it with Evangelical worship
forms is because of UOJ.

A few quotes:

The crisis over the
liturgy is a result of confusion over the forgiveness of sins. As such it is a
doctrinal issue and therefore, ultimately church

Liturgy, as it is divine service, delivers the
forgiveness of sins. The liturgy does not exist to provide edifying
entertainment, motivation for sanctified living, or therapy for psychological
distresses, but the forgiveness of sins.

The forgiveness of sins
has no real presence within the theology of Evangelicalism. At best, troubled
sinners are pointed back to Calvary. The problem is as Luther has reminded us –
that forgiveness was acquired at Calvary but not delivered there. Calvary is
back there in time almost two thousand years ago. At its worst, Evangelicalism
turns the troubled sinner inward to his own conscience.

The cultus
of Evangelicalism exchanges the absolution for assurances of grace, the Gospel
as the efficacious Word of salvation for a gospel that invites and requires a
human decision, and the supper of the Lord’s body and blood for a symbolic
recollection of the upper room. Where is the forgiveness of

Read it


Always Learning – A Message from a Layman

rlschultz has
left a new comment on your post “Dunning-Kruger
Effect in the Olde Synodical Confer…

“The almost universal
attitude among the clergy is – ‘I graduated from x seminary, so I have nothing
left to learn.'”

A critical analysis of this statement would reveal that this
is really nothing to brag about. Being a perpetual student should instill a
sense of humility. Here at Ichabod, I appreciate the fact that comments from
laity are almost always posted and are often used to create a new post. For one
of my hobbies, I write an e-mail newsletter with a very small circulation. In
every issue, I solicit comments and feedback. When I get them, usually the first
thought that crosses my mind is – “I did not know that”.

The naive and
unsuspecting are usually the first victims of expertitis. Perhaps, there is a
connection between this and a faulty view of the doctrine of public ministry and
the Office of the Keys.

So much of the CG nonsense creates the illusion of
participatory democracy. As has been pointed out elsewhere here at Ichabod, this
is usually done to draw out the dissenters and find the yes-men.


GJ – I like featuring the thoughtful comments, like the one above, and the negative ones. But I fear that the Shrinker finally realized they were doing their cause harm by coming out in the open. They have nothing to lose by staying in their pestiferous lairs and plotting additional assaults on the sly.

The fake blogger, also known as WELS Pastor Tim Glende, has ceased posting again. I am grateful that he has posted something about WELS sexual predators, his top post, with six manufactured comments. Eventually the rest of the synod will find out that hundreds or even thousands of felonious images were stored and used at the yet-unsold synod headquarters.

I learn the doctrinal quotes better by using them and even better by combining them with graphics. The more I quote orthodox Lutherans, the more hateful the “conservative” Lutherans leaders are. The more hateful they are, the more I value the lessons of Luther and the Book of Concord.

In sales, the takeaway close is effective. “You really cannot afford this car, sir. It is way above your budget.” The answer, “I can too afford it. No problem.”

When the WELS and Missouri leaders tell me that the Book of Concord is boring and irrelevant, I am sold on it. When I listen to them talk about evangelism or the basics of the faith I realize how little they know about Luther’s doctrine, the spiritual wisdom of the Bible. They must know better. They studied under Fuller graduates (who lie about studying at Fuller, unless they are with allies).

Where Does Anti-Confessionalism End?
Universalism and Crack-pot Sermons like John Parlow’s

ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and
Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
have the same agenda.

I read the Lamentations of the Episcopal Church at Virtue Online, my looking glass into the future of the Lutheran Church.

Bishop Kate is busy suing her own congregations, to steal their property and drive away all traditional priests and bishops. Note her bio:

  • She was an oceanographer, born in 1954.
  • Ordained in 1994.
  • Elected bishop in Nevada in 2000.
  • Elected Presiding Bishop in 2006.

Bishop Mark has a similar background, with more parish experience.

  • Born in 1946, his father a pastor of the ELC (Norwegian side of The ALC).
  • Educated at the Devil’s Playground (Union) and Luther Seminary.
  • Ordained in 1974.
  • Served three congregations, elected St. Paul bishop in 1995.
  • Elected ELCA Presiding Bishop in 2001. Re-elected in 2007.

Both of them won national office through the power of the homosexual network in their denominations. Both bishops rewarded their followers by approving the ordination of homosexuals, a practice which had already been accepted for decades. Both are admired by mainline leaders for the way they are driving out all opposition.

Once the confessions are abandoned, anything is possible, and the radical extremes are quickly embraced. The liturgy and readings can keep faith alive during such crises, but church leaders are working hard to eliminate both in the name of being relevant and transforming lives. They also want to be sensitive and selectively diverse in a rainbow coalition of the Left, favoring the red and lavender shades.

Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie supposedly prefer adulterous millionaires to the Lavender Mafia, although that is hard to believe with a homosexual serving as Director of Communications for WELS for five years.

When I was imprisoned at Mequon in 1987, I heard about a Steve Witte, whose congregation in the Appleton area had 5,000 members thanks to cell groups. He was quoted as saying, “I don’t care what they study, as long as they have cell groups.” Witte was a founder of Church and Change, along with Aderman, John Johnson, and some others, including Mark Jeske the Orange. (Watch him on Time of Grace – he is using Snooki’s bronzer, making him look like a tall Oompa Loompa.)

Parlow: “Ski, you are not going to publish this photo, are you?”
Drive 08 Babtist Worship Conference

Appleton was anti-confessional 25 years ago. Now John Parlow is abusing the same parish. Here is an sample from Parlow:

“and talk about a guy (Christ) whose
life didn’t work out the way he planned….”
John Parlow
If I remember the phony doctorates right – 
  1. Parlow got his DMin from Denver, 
  2. Witte from Gordon Conwell, 
  3. Kelm from St. Louis, 
  4. Olson from Fuller, 
  5. Richard Krause from an Ohio union group. 
All of them call themselves “Dr,” which is really a belly laugh. When convenient, such as fooling the rich and gullible, or the rich buying indulgences, they are Lutheran. The rest of the time they are lazy, plagiarizing Universalists.
If you want to see the future of the Olde Synodical Conference, study The Episcopal Church. They were conservative traditionalists too, at one time. The “conservative” Lutherans are going the same way, but they will not have the same endowment funds to prop them up.

Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “Where
Does Anti-Confessionalism End?Universalism a…

My apologies,
(W)ELS Pastor Parlow’s statement about Christ begins at 32:00

Even more
disturbing is Parlow’s statements at 34:20 where he teaches the real message of
Christmas – “The real story is not hat you are promised a merry Hallmark
Christmas. It is the good news of God the child, born in a manger, died on a
cross, laid in a tomb, risen from the grave, seated at the right hand of the
Father, coming back one day to set the world right, your world right. And
more importantly, right now for you, to make your messy world

REALLY?!? The message of Christmas is that Christ will return
one day to make our messy world right? That is a New Age millennialist teaching.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Evangelism Resources.
LERG, When Gimmicks Are Not Enough

Women rabbis and women bishops –
just don’t seem right somehow.

Evangelism Resources:

The Local Evangelism Resources Group (LERG) aims to help make parishes aware of initiatives and resources which will assist their outreach efforts.

Back to Church Sunday
This national initiative is helping churches to develop a culture of invitation and has helped hundreds of people in our Diocese to reconnect with their parish church.

London 2012 Olympics
The Diocese is encouraging churches to make the most of the excitement surrounding the 2012 Olympics to connect with people locally.

Experience Easter
Invite children from your local school into church to experience the Easter story.

Mission Teams
Revitalise your church and reach out to your neighbours with a Mission Weekend. A Mission Team from the Diocese can be a support and an inspiration.

Inspired by the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, we would like to encourage churches to make the message of the bible heard and experienced.

Enquirers’ Courses
Many churches use short courses to help enquirers work through the questions which need to be addressed before they are ready to believe in Jesus and join a church.

Discipleship Courses
Growth to maturity in faith can be helped if people take part in a discipleship course.

Links & Resources
There are many organisations who provide courses and resources for evangelism and outreach.

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Evangelistic events focus of GPS 2012 – Babtist Bandwagon

Evangelistic events focus of GPS 2012:

ALPHARETTA, Ga. – Following the inaugural success of GPS (God’s Plan for Sharing) 2010 two years ago, GPS 2012 will focus on attractional evangelism events enabling Southern Baptists to share the Gospel across North America in the days leading up to next Easter and beyond.

In 2010, thousands of Southern Baptists trooped door-to-door in American neighborhoods, placing door-hangers, Gospel tracts and invitations to attend church on front doors. Attractional evangelism in 2012 will include block parties, wild game dinners, sports clinics, antique car shows, golf tournaments and other events, according to Thomas Hammond, the North American Mission Board’s evangelism team leader for the biennial GPS initiative.

Hammond said training for such events—to be selected by local churches—started this fall across the country. For the majority of the 42 state conventions, the GPS “window” of evangelistic events will run during the three-week period leading up to Easter Sunday, which falls on Apr. 8 in 2012.

“It’s vital that churches participate in GPS 2012 at a high level,” said Hammond. “If the local churches get behind it, we’ll have a much greater level of success. Just a billboard here or there isn’t enough. Churches must support it and follow up.”

With a theme of “Hope: Find It Here,” GPS 2012 will utilize more Internet social media – like Facebook and Google Ads – along with “drive-time” radio spots and less TV advertising, although some TV ads will continue to run in dozens of markets across the United States. A half-dozen 30-second TV spots in English and Spanish have already been produced.

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FAQ’s – Babtist Easter Evangelism


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6 Easter Outreach Ideas | Evangelism.net.
Bunny Power!

6 Easter Outreach Ideas | Evangelism.net:

Easter is a unique time for evangelism because many people are more open to going to church and talking about the meaning behind Easter. To give you some ideas for how you can use this time evangelistically, our staff has thought of 12 ways you can reach out to your friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

Prepare and deliver gift Easter Baskets for the children in your neighborhood. Hand deliver them and include a book that tells the Easter Story like “An Easter Gift for Me” by Crystal Bowman. If you have a lot of children in your neighborhood, check your local dollar store. They usually stock baskets, decorations, candy, and other goodies at reasonable prices.

Invite a neighbor or coworker to Easter services at your church followed by Easter brunch at your house or at a restaurant. Studies prove that people are more likely to go to church on Easter than any other time of the year. You can relax and let your pastor preach the gospel, with follow-up conversations at brunch.

Consider organizing an Easter outreach for kids at your church. The first station could be for a photo station with live animals if you have access to rabbits or lambs. Another station could be a craft table where the children make a simple craft. Another station could be a stage in a room where the resurrection story is told by someone playing one of the disciples or women who visited the tomb. Another station could be a room with an egg hunt every 10 minutes for 5-8 kids at a time. The final station could be a giveaway of a book telling the true reason for Easter or a New Testament along with information about your church.

Easter Bunny—Do you have some neighbors or friends with kids? Dress up as the Easter bunny and bring some candy, or an Easter Basket over. It will show that you enjoy having fun with them, and make them more inclined to talk about important spiritual issues or join you for other activities such as a church Easter Play. Need a question to break the ice? Try, “Did your family have any religious traditions during holidays when you were growing up?” It is almost always fun to share and listen to each other’s family traditions.

Sunrise Service or Breakfast—There is something glorious about seeing the sunrise in the morning, particularly on Easter Sunday! Consider going to a location close by where you don’t normally hold services, such as the lake or the park. This tends to work especially well for churches with older members, although sometimes younger people enjoy it as well too.

Resurrection Eggs—consider purchasing plastic Resurrection Eggs (link:  http://www.shopfamilylife.com/res-eggs-2011.html) created by Family Life as a memorable way to retell the Easter story to your friends, at Christian schools, or perhaps in Sunday School classes at church.

Join us on Wednesday for the other six ideas, and in the meantime tell us any ideas you have for outreach this Easter!

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Easter Planning for Churches – 4 ways to prepare

The Easter bunny sends a profound message to
the unchurched:
We do not trust the Word of God, just gimmicks.

Easter Planning for Churches – 4 ways to prepare:

“Overall, 31% of active churchgoers said they would definitely invite someone they know who does not usually attend a church to accompany them to a church service on Easter weekend this year.” Barna Group

What the numbers might mean for Easter Sunday.

Let’s say this statistic would hold true for your congregation.

If you had 100 members, and 30 of them made personal invitations.

We know that not all invitations will be accepted.

But if half of them accepted and brought their families, you will have 15-60 visitors in your congregation on Easter.

That’s huge potential!

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WELS Hands Congregation a Fish.
Courtesy of the Fuller Aquarium

James Huebner, Fuller alumnus.
Adam Mueller, Church and Change leader.
James Tiefel, Church and Change leader, DUI.
Doug Tomhave – all the “mission” people are CGM.
Attached you’ll
find the first letter inviting WELS pastors to enroll their congregation in the
E12 program offered by the Commission for Congregational Counseling.    It
contains a link to a www.easter12.com, where congregations can go to

I had the
privilege of joining you in October to explain the program, but perhaps a brief
recap is in order.  
·         E12, short for Easter 2012, is a comprehensive
leadership training program that includes components of worship, outreach, and

·         We are, in essence, giving our churches a fish: provide
high quality worship and outreach materials for this Easter.
·         We are also teaching them how to fish, for along
with those materials will come instructions of how to reproduce similar
materials in upcoming events. 
·         Along with the materials and instructions will come
rationale for “doing things this way,” getting the leaders to think about how to
carry out ministry more aggressively with the gifts God has granted them.  So we
don’t just want to provide materials but shape a confessional,
evangelical mindset.  That’s why we view this as a leadership
program, not just a worship or outreach program.
·         Along with that rationale will come devotional
materials, since God’s Word provides the foundation, the content, and the
motivation for all we do.

This is all being
produced by people whom God has gifted to our church with Fuller expertise in these
areas.  It is pulling together some very talented individuals from the
Commission on Evangelism, the Commission on Worship, the Commission on Adult
Discipleship, and the Institute of Worship and Outreach.   

We are asking
congregations to provide 5 e-mails: pastor, church president, an outreach
representative, a worship representative, and a graphics/design
representative.   I know full well most of our churches won’t have all of
those.  Some might not have any other than pastor and church president. 
That is fine!   We still want five e-mails as we’ll be providing
training throughout the E12 program.  For example, if a church doesn’t have a
lay person working in outreach/evangelism, they still need to provide someone
for that slot.   After using the E12 program that person will at least be
familiar with 1) why we do outreach, 2) the basics of outreach, and 3) a rough
idea of how to plan for it with the resources available in their specific
congregation.   We will have helped that congregation equip a saint for service
in this vital area. 

All this
information will be disseminated electronically beginning in mid-January.   ALL
materials will go to pastors and the church president.   They will see
everything that is being sent out.   Some materials will be directed only
to the appropriate people. (e.g. The outreach rep will receive only
the material that pertains to outreach.)   Weekly e-mails from early January
through May will let the groups know what the others are doing, provide
encouragement, keep them on pace, and provide opportunities for feedback and

material begins to roll out in mid-January, prompt registration is
.    Thus, if you could
forward this to the pastors in your district ASAP, I’d appreciate it.  I know
it’s right before Christmas.   I feel that crunch myself.  But registration
takes minutes.    

And it needn’t be done by the pastor.  His secretary or
another church leader can easily do it.

I’m sending this
to you, the COP, not just to save postage.   I’m sending it to you because, as I
mentioned in October, the CCC wants to be a tool for you to use in your
calling.   We want to be a way for you to provide nuts-and-bolts help that will
have an immediate impact in your congregations.    Having you disseminate
this information to our pastorate, we believe, helps drive that point

Through his
Means, may Immanuel be with you and yours in his grace and his

Your servant in
Jonathan Hein
720 Old Trolley Road   Summerville, SC 
843.873.5522 (office)
843.860.1838 (cell)

AC V has left
a new comment on your post “WELS
Hands Congregation a Fish. Courtesy of the Fu…

“We still
want five


AC V has left
a new comment on your post “WELS
Hands Congregation a Fish. Courtesy of the Fu…

participation in E12 requires FIVE e-mails be




GJ – Franchisees will note that WELS can contact any member of the congregation at any time. Posting their emails and contact information will help the Shrinkers in getting rid of any dissent by speeding up the process.

When the Son of Man Returns,
Will He Find Faith…among the Hierarchy

This is a good time to review
as Joel Hochmuth suggested.

I remember the day in Greek class when I learned that “hierarchy” means “the rule of priests.” History records many examples of the corruption, greed, and depravity of the priestly class. WELS is now vying with the Borgia popes for record-setting violations of all the commandments. I have more information coming through, but that has to wait.

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie have a lot in common. In each franchise, decisions are made on the basis of friendships, classmates, and DNA. The Scriptures never enter the discussion until the conclusions are drawn.

Today I had four interesting contacts about what is happening in the Olde Synodical Conference. That is all I can say.

Mrs. Ichabod, “How about a hint?”

No hints. But the contacts show how the apostate leadership is unraveling. The shun him button is not working effectively.

SP Mark Schroeder, like the rest, came into the position by never offending anyone. I do not recall Schroeder, Harrison, or Pope John the Malefactor ever speaking against false doctrine. Compare that to the public positions of Jack and Robert Preus, or the days when WELS had big conferences about the apostasy of the Missouri Synod. Those people would be called fanatics, unbalanced, and crazy today.

Schroeder is a product of the system and owes the system. His best opportunity to show leadership is to oppose the New NIV, but he is silent. His timidity speaks volumes. Either he favors the New NIV or he is too chicken to oppose it. Either version suggests he should be not a leader of anything.

Mrs. Ichabod asked if Schroeder should step down. The problem is, there is no one to provide any positive leadership. The only leadership is on the Shrinker-Emergent side, where Mark Jeske the Orange runs the whole show from behind his curtain.

These people are not impressed with Schroeder’s response to the Hochmuth crimes. They are WELS members. The Wisconsin sect seems content to lose a few people at a time until they are pure Emergent Babto-Methodist.

I could say the problem is CGM, or Emergent Church, or the New NIV, but those cancers are not the cause. They are just symptoms. The cause is lack of faith in the Word of God. Starting with Walther and his dominance of the Olde Synodical Conference, faith in the Word of God has been trained out of the clergy and members.

Walther, the American Pope, kicked out Bishop Stephan, committing and supporting many crimes in the process: land fraud, grand theft, armed invasion, physical threats, and armed kidnapping. Walther took over the cult and maintained the same level of control that Stephan demanded.

But Walther, trained in rationalism and Pietism, was in no position to establish Lutheran orthodoxy. He established his own quirky ideas and false doctrine with dubious theses, which were delivered and accepted the way Mormonism was revealed to the gullible masses. Even today, something is true just because Walther wrote it, even when he contradicted himself in the same paragraph. To question Walther is slander, although the synodical Lutherans have no trouble dissing Martin Luther himself. The Reformer is good for statues-preps-colleges, not for doctrine.

Watch the ELS, LCMS, and WELS continue to use the process learned from ELCA and the secular change agents. Full participation is welcome, as long as dissenters are removed and everyone drinks the purple Kool-aid. They let the flowers bloom, as Mao said, so the heads can be cut off.

Faithful laity, pastors, and teachers remain, but the Synodical Conference is doomed by its own lack of faith.

The Olde Synodical Conference teaches the Huber fallacy,
excommunicating those who teach justification by faith.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dunning-Kruger Effect in the Olde Synodical Conference

Paul Wendland, NNIV Salesman,
is a member of the Moo herd, bovine in IQ,
ovine in courage.


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognize their mistakes.[1] The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority.

Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. As Kruger and Dunning conclude, “the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others” (p. 1127).[2] The effect is about paradoxical defects in cognitive ability, both in oneself and as one compares oneself to others…

Although the Dunning–Kruger effect was put forward in 1999, David Dunning and Justin Kruger have quoted Charles Darwin (“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge”)[3] and Bertrand Russell (“One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision”)[4] as authors who have recognised the phenomenon.

UOJ is the path to Rome or Pasadena:
either route is the path to perdition.


GJ – Indeed. Chesterton noted the same thing –

“Modesty has moved from the organ of ambition. Modesty has settled upon the organ of conviction where it was never meant to be. A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth: this has been exactly reversed. Nowadays the part of a man that a man does assert is exactly the part he ought not to assert-himself. The part he doubts is exactly the part he ought not to doubt – the Divine Reason… The old humility was a spur that prevented a man from stopping: not a nail in his boot that prevented him from going on. For the old humility made a man doubtful about his efforts, which might make him work harder. But the new humility makes a man doubtful about his aims, which will make him stop working altogether.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

LI gave me a name for this syndrome, which is difficult to miss in the Olde Synodical Conference. As James Tiefel said about the odious Christian Worship in the making, “I have the title, so I will do what I want.”  I heard Tiefel make fun of The Lutheran Hymnal in his worship class. Tiefel and Iver Johnson moved forward with a hack job worse than the remake of The Jazz Singer:  the booze and broads edition of the hymnal.A sober analysis would say that TLH is vastly superior to Tiefel’s Church Growth, feminist, Pietist parody.

The almost universal attitude among the clergy is – “I graduated from x seminary, so I have nothing left to learn.” That could be Ft. Wayne versus all the others, St. Louis versus all the others, Mequon versus all the others, or the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie versus all others.

Most of them have a favorite professor who stands between them and the Word of God, so they stick to the instructor’s talking points. The same clergy are scornful of laity who have studied the Word of God decades longer, without an intervening filter. A genuine Lutheran will concede that the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word, but the incompetents wave their diplomas around: the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The Lutheran Church during the Reformation expected a high level of training for men to be professors or bishops. A doctorate was common. The current Synodical Conference leaders think their worthless MDiv degrees qualify them as experts on everything, even though they could not get a job teaching at a community college with that seminary diploma. They wangle their positions through politics, but imagine the office is their
weapon, not a challenge to devote a lifetime to scholarship.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains why the LCMS, WELS, and ELS have abandoned Lutheran doctrine for Fuller or Rome, never acknowledging the five-decade slide into doctrinal torpor. They cannot even admit  what they have done, spending millions on subsidies to CG projects and tuition, millions more on conferences to bring more false doctrine into their parishes.

Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post “Dunning-Kruger
Effect in the Olde Synodical Confer…

Even the self titled
conservatives in the (W)ELS have declared Siegbert W. Becker

Elevating doctrinal ignorance to an art form he said, “But
universal and objective justification is one doctrine whose place in the
victorious Christian life is clear. Wherever men teach that faith comes first as
a condition that must be fulfilled or a work that must be done or even as a fact
that must be recognized before forgiven [sic Becker – forgiveness ] is bestowed or becomes real, men will be
trained to look into their own hearts for assurance rather than to the words and
promises of God. If my sins are forgiven only if I first have faith then I
have no solid foundation on which to rest my hope for eternal life. I must then
know that I have faith before I can know that my sins are forgiven. But there
are times when a Christian does not know that he has faith. And many people who
think they have faith do not have it, and many that think they are not believers
are believing children of God.
In regard to our own faith we may be in error
or filled with doubt. But there is nothing uncertain in the truth that is
proclaimed in the Gospel. Your sin is taken away, wiped out, forgiven,
cancelled, swallowed up in the empty grave in Joseph’s garden. To that we must
cling. To that we can cling. On that we can build a solid hope that will not
make us ashamed.
In times of temptation when I am no longer aware of my
faith, when my heart tells me that I am an unbeliever, I have no place to turn
for assurance if faith must come before forgiveness. But if forgiveness comes
first, if it is always there, if it is true whether I believe it or not, I do
not need to know whether I have faith or not before I can cling to God’s
I know that my sins are forgiven whether I feel forgiven or
unforgiven. I know that my iniquity is pardoned whether I believe it or not. And
when I know that, then I know also that I am a believer.” Page


GJ – No wonder the WELS clergy and laity listened to Paul Calvin Kelm with rapture and awe. They had already been hynotized by Sig Becker, who did not understand faith, forgiveness, or the Means of Grace.

Pietism Begets Rationalism

Johann Salomo Semler, Pioneer of Lutheran Rationalism

From Wikipedia:

He was born at Saalfeld in Electoral Saxony, the son of a poor clergyman. He grew up in pietistic surroundings, which powerfully influenced him his life through, though he never became a Pietist. In his seventeenth year he entered the University of Halle, where he became the disciple, afterwards the assistant, and finally the literary executor of the orthodox rationalistic professor SJ Baumgarten. He also wrote Latin poems. In 1749 he accepted the position of editor, with the title of professor, of the Coburg official Gazette. But in 1751 he was invited to Altdorf as professor of philology and history, and in 1752 he became a professor of theology in Halle.

Pietism was identified with Biblical study, but the mothership, Halle University, turned into a school of rationalism in one generation. Why?

Pietism is just another form of Enthusiasm. Lacking a foundation in the Means of Grace, Pietism seeks certainty in experience, love, and good works. The attitude of doctrinal indifference eventually unites everyone on the basis of a common disbelief.

That is why ELCA can be in fellowship with the Moravian Pietists, the gay Episcopalians, the Methodists, WELS, and Missouri Synod.

That also explains why WELS can be in fellowship with Groeschel, Driscoll, Sweet, and Rick Warren, and Andy Stanley. Their defense – “We practice safe sects.”

Mission Statement of a Moravian Pietist Congregation

Add UOJ and opposition to sound doctrine.
  • Living in Fellowship.
  • Growing in Christ.
  • Activating our family of faith in unity by Christ’s example of sharing, caring and praying.

I ran across this mission statement, above,  from a Moravian congregation in Emmaus, Pennsylvania.

The wording reminded me of many similar expressions from WELS, LCMS, and ELS congregations:

  1. Inoffensive.
  2. Vague.
  3. Non-confessional.

Non-confessional is really anti-confessional, because the need to avoid all doctrinal discussions is the path to total indifference and apostasy.

Elisabeth’s Barrenness and Ours – Mark Steyn –
National Review Online.
Stein Seconds Ichabod’s Birth Dearth Graphics

Elisabeth’s Barrenness and Ours – Mark Steyn – National Review Online:

We now live in Elisabeth’s world — not just because technology has caught up with the Deity and enabled women in their 50s and 60s to become mothers, but in a more basic sense. The problem with the advanced West is not that it’s broke but that it’s old and barren. Which explains why it’s broke. Take Greece, which has now become the most convenient shorthand for sovereign insolvency — “America’s heading for the same fate as Greece if we don’t change course,” etc. So Greece has a spending problem, a revenue problem, something along those lines, right? At a superficial level, yes. But the underlying issue is more primal: It has one of the lowest fertility rates on the planet. In Greece, 100 grandparents have 42 grandchildren — i.e., the family tree is upside down. In a social-democratic state where workers in “hazardous” professions (such as, er, hairdressing) retire at 50, there aren’t enough young people around to pay for your three-decade retirement. And there are unlikely ever to be again.

‘via Blog this’


GJ – The graphics below were done by someone else – forget the name – and the point has been made here many times. All the futuristic plans have been  based on more people making more money to pay for the inflated plans.

That wild thinking fits the school situation, government (unfunded) pensions, and the global economy.

The Left trained people to think of babies as costly burdens, so we slaughter them with abortion and the human pesticide pill, then let criminals across the border to rob, rape, and steal, as long as they do our house-cleaning for $5 an hour.

The Wexford Carol

 Wikipedia says:

 The Wexford Carol (Irish: Carúl Loch Garman, Carúl Inis Córthaidh) is a traditional religious Irish Christmas carol originating from County Wexford, and specifically, Enniscorthy (whence its other name), and dating to the 12th century.[1][unreliable source?] The subject of the song is that of the nativity of Jesus Christ.
“The Wexford Carol” is one of the oldest extant Christmas carols in the European tradition. Traditions abound concerning the song. For many years, it was felt that only men should sing it.[citation needed] It was only at the current revival of all things Irish that this attitude changed. Many popular female artists, such as Loreena McKennitt, recorded the “Wexford Carol” during the 1990s.
The song achieved a new popularity because of the work of William Grattan Flood (1859 – 1928), who was organist and musical director at St. Aidan’s Cathedral in Enniscorthy. He transcribed the carol from a local singer, and had it published in the Oxford Book of Carols, putting Enniscorthy into most carol books around the world.
The song is sometimes known by its first verse, “Good people all this Christmas time.”

Good people all, this Christmas time,
Consider well and bear in mind
What our good God for us has done
In sending his beloved son
With Mary holy we should pray,
To God with love this Christmas Day
In Bethlehem upon that morn,
There was a blessed Messiah born
The night before that happy tide
The noble Virgin and her guide
Were long time seeking up and down
To find a lodging in the town
But mark right well what came to pass
From every door repelled, alas
As was foretold, their refuge all
Was but a humble ox’s stall
Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep
To whom God’s angel did appear
Which put the shepherds in great fear
Arise and go, the angels said
To Bethlehem, be not afraid
For there you’ll find, this happy morn
A princely babe, sweet Jesus, born
With thankful heart and joyful mind
The shepherds went the babe to find
And as God’s angel had foretold
They did our Saviour Christ behold
Within a manger he was laid
And by his side a virgin maid
Attending on the Lord of Life
Who came on earth to end all strife
There were three wise men from afar
Directed by a glorious star
And on they wandered night and day
Until they came where Jesus lay
And when they came unto that place
Where our beloved Messiah lay
They humbly cast them at his feet
With gifts of gold and incense sweet.

Joe Krohn’s pick –

has left a new comment on your post “The
Wexford Carol

Thanks for posting. Another one of my favorites.
Interesting setting.

Here is my favorite setting (partial to brass):

It starts at 1:13

Courthouse News Service:
Another Example of Excusing Foul Deeds.
A Warning for WELS, Missouri and the Little Sect on the Prairie

Courthouse News Service:

Financial Toll of Fatal Crash Keeps Growing

     BELLEVILLE, Ill. (CN) – The price tag for state taxpayers for a former state trooper’s reckless fatal crash in November 2007 continues to grow.

     The Illinois Court of Claims awarded $700,000 to Kelly and Christine Marler, of Fayetteville. The Marlers’ was the third vehicle involved in a fiery accident caused by former state trooper Matt Mitchell’s losing control of his squad car while driving 120 mph, talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone and sending and receiving emails just 2.5 seconds before impact.

     Teenage sisters, Jessica Uhl, 18, and Kelli Uhl, 13, were the first ones hit by Mitchell and were pronounced dead at the scene. The Uhl family was awarded $8 million on Jan. 20 by the Illinois Court of Claims, the largest award ever granted by the court. Mitchell’s car drove through the Uhls’ car and then crashed into the Marlers’ SUV. Mitchell pleaded guilty to reckless homicide.

     Mitchell, 33, filed a workers compensation claim for his injuries, which was denied. The outcry against Mitchell caused state lawmakers to pass a law prohibiting workers compensation claims by employees injured while committing a crime.

     Mitchell’s total financial toll on the state actually started before 2007 and is more than $10 million. He was involved a no-injury accident in 2002 and another accident in 2003 that led to a $1.7 million judgment against the state, the Associated Press reported.

‘via Blog this’

From Luther Rocks

Re-posted comments from Hells Bells…

Brett Meyer said…

The Universalism of the (W)ELS is taught in their central doctrine of Universal Justification. Their children are articulating this confession because the forgiveness of sins is salvation. Jay Garcia: “In a world where teens are always looked at by the eyes of the Devil a Wels youth rally is a blessing it shows that even in this world where sin is everywhere there teens that still believe that we can help show to other people that Jesus saved all and that the Father loves all of his children Like · Comment · July 24 at 9:10am


Keynote speaker was (W)ELS Pastor Jeff Gunn

Luther Rocks: Rocketown:

‘via Blog this’

The LCMS Birth Dearth:
A Report

Links of interest:
Harrison to Anglicans:
Part I: 9:27-11:31 (end), continous slow decline 
for 40 years. White birth rate is the problem.
Be fruitful and multiply. Redouble our efforts.
Muslims 4.2 Whites 2.1 Goal for LCMS: 4.2 children per family
Part II start: baptized have 75% attrition rate from LCMS
Poor funding of seminaries:
Part II: 09:01-10:36 (end)
Anglican Church of N America:
Student loan debt cuts down on number of children couples have:
Megan, 25, says they don’t want their 10-month-old daughter, Mary Margaret,
to be burdened by such high debt when she goes to college. That’s one reason the
Plano, Texas, couple is unsure whether they will have more children.
Becoming Less Fruitful:  A Demographic History of the Evangelical Lutheran
Synod, 1928-2008
Specifically, people assuming student loan debt tend to marry later, delay
childbearing longer, and have fewer children 
during their lifetime.17
‘Anti-Dowry’?: The Effects of Student Loan Debt on Marriage and
By Allan C. Carlson, Ph.D.*
Schedule V
Reimbursement of Eligible Charges for
Student Members and Their Enrolled Dependents Who Are Eligible
for Benefits Under This Schedule
Tubal ligation or vasectomy 80% (In-Network) 60% (Out-of-Network)
after deductible after deductible
From 2000 to 2010, the population of white children nationwide declined by
4.3 million, while the population of Hispanic and Asian children grew by 5.5
One-third of U.S. births came from unplanned pregnancies, 
study shows
“the no-child and one-child family…were prominent”…22 percent of women
were able to have no 
children, and 22 percent had only one child.”
The 95 Theses of Claus Harms
Firearm Sales Way Up
During Holiday Season
December 13,
God’s Gift to
Foreward by Mrs.
Dorothy “Dort” Preus
The stagnation of population growth in France in the 19th C, which is
viewed as an anomaly among nations of the time by modern demographers, was
recognized in France at that time as being the result of widespread syphilis in
France, and not as the result of exaggerated rates of condom use, or of social
planning, or of societal bias against small families. The religiosity of other
nations kept the  syphilis rates down except around ports, but France’s
secularism ever since the Revolution promoted loose morals, allowing syphilis
free reign among the population. The population stagnation relative to other
nations left France relatively defenseless, with the result that Britain and the
US were dragged into defending it. Also, it meant that not many Americans are of
French immigrant extraction relative to other ethnic groups. However, the
Catholic church hierarchy in the US has a strong contingent, but only because
the revolutionaries chased much of the clergy out of France at the end of the
18th C.:
Quote: In fact, the preoccupation with the effect on birth rate came from
an actual depopulation of France at the end of the 19th century and from the
bordering nations, especially Germany, victorious of the Prussian French war in
1870. Affecting the physical integrity, syphilis deprived the nation of the
future soldiers indispensable for the revengful projects. Xenophobic
considerations completed the military preoccupations. Considering the decrease
of population supposed to be a consequence of syphilis, the most active people
in the struggle against syphilis pointed out the constrasting increase of
foreign workers, indispensable to replace the missing French people and regarded  as ennemies of the nation.
Posted in Uncategorized

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year’s Eve – 2013. Holy Communion, 7 PM Central Standard Time.

Circumcision and Name
of Jesus
New Year’s Day
Pastor Gregory L.
Bethany Lutheran
Church, 7 PM Central Time

The Hymn # 81 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is          3:60
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
Glory be to Thee, O
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 90                  Come,
Your Hearts         3:83
 Christmas – The Story
of Faith

The Hymn #119   Great God We Sing                        3:20

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord’s Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 283           God’s Word                  3:90
Galatians 3:23-29
James Version (KJV)
23 But
before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which
should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore
the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be
justified by faith.
25 But after
that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26 For ye
are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as
many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is
neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male
nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye
be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.


James Version (KJV)
21 And
when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name
was called
 Jesus, which was so named of
the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Christmas – The Story of Faith
Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the Temple to fulfill the
requirements of the Law. It was the custom to give the baby a name at this
time, and this Baby was already named by God through the angel – Jesus.
Jesus means salvation, and this word is found throughout the
Psalms and many other places. In many places we can substitute Jesus the name
for the term salvation and it makes perfect sense. In other words, God was
preparing His people for His Son being salvation for His people.
And so we end prayers in the Name of Christ, as He taught us
to pray. Notice that generic religion forbids this. People are urged at massive
gatherings to bow their heads in silence (no prayer) and in one instance, to “pray
to whatever God you believe in.” Those solemn words by the un-offending
chaplain at the university was a tribute to polytheism – all gods being equal.
But believers pray to the one and only God, through Christ
alone, not through any other agents.
Names are powerful. We get someone’s attention with that
individual’s name, not with Hey You. And every soul has a name.  The naming of Jesus is a beautiful transition
from the era of the Old Testament to the New Testament, something we take for
God chose Paul to preach this transition, from the demand so
of the Law to justification by faith. In fulfilling this Law, Joseph and Mary
displayed their faith in God. Human reason could have made them think they and
the Baby were above all that now, with so many divine Promises.
Human reason is not contrary to faith, but people often put
reason above faith and judge faith through reason. They say, “I cannot believe
this unless it is reasonable.”
The Christmas story is just the opposite. One miracle after
another prompts the individual to acknowledge the effect of the Word – God has
done this. Only He can work this way. I believe in His love and mercy as shown
in the birth of His Son.
Yesterday I read the biography of Theodore Schmauk, a
forgotten Christian leader. I was able to get a rare book in perfect condition
for only $10. It was signed by an equally famous (at one time) leader – Luther D.
Reed. When I was in seminary, everyone studied Luther Reed about worship. Now
they study the guitar and bongo drums. Reed put his bookplate in the book –
naming it as his book – and signed it.
When I was reviewing Schmauk’s life earlier, I was
astonished by his whirlwind of accomplishments. That prompted to get the book
to find out more. And I did. He lost his little sister due to her fragile
health, and he spent most of his life going from one near fatal crisis to
When Schmauk was a nationally known leader and writer, he
led a workshop in teaching Sunday School. He sat on a tiny chair (he was a very
large man) and held his little audience of 5-6 year-olds in rapt attention. He
was as lost in the story about Jesus as they were. His role was planting faith
and building faith in the hearts of those children.
When I read some of his statements in his letters, it was
like reading from the greatest works of the Christian leaders. He always
connected the teaching of the Word with the work of the Holy Spirit, and that
was how he conducted his life.
Lenski wrote long ago, “Programs come and go, but only one
thing builds the Church – the Word of God.”
In contrast, I heard one highly visible church leader say, “Get
baseball going. That is how we got all our new members, from the baseball
tournaments.” I wondered how St. Paul would have responded to games as the
foundation for the Kingdom of God. Doubtless it would have prevented the
apostle from being driving out of towns, arrested, and facing capital
Reason says – forget troubles. Use tricks, hooks, and
gimmicks to please people.
Luther saw this temptation, because the Reformation seemed
to move in reverse after it went so well at first. If he had counted the
numbers, as they do today, he would have given up. He even saw how his own
people were letting false doctrine rise up and take over during his own life.
The question is not, “Are we successful because we look at
results that please us?” but rather, “We trust that God’s Word will always
achieve His purpose in powerful, effective way, but according to His time and
His purpose.
Our tendency is to merge human reason with our emotions, a
dangerous mix. It is more obvious among college students, who imagine that
their experience trumps what someone might conclude from research and many
decades of experience. Thus younger adults will say loudly what others say in a
more subtle fashion – “You have upset me, so you must be wrong.”
This is where the Word takes our human reason and pitches it
overboard. That reminds me of when I was going against a tiny guy in judo. Only
he had a brown belt. I had him locked up until I suddenly (and effortlessly)
became airborne, landing on the mat several feet away.
The Word says to us, “You thought God should work your way,
but He chooses to work His way.”
Nothing says this better than the Savior born of a Virgin in
a stable and honored only by poor working men at first. Various aspects of the birth
of Christ make people stumble, as God intends. It may be a prophecy from
centuries before. It may be the simple item of Virgin Birth.
I have known many different people, active in the church as
leaders, who simply rejected the Virgin Birth of Christ. I had lunch with Herb
Children, the former head of the ELCA. When he published on the topic, he
changed it from the Virgin Birth to Christ being born of an unwed mother
(factually wrong on two counts – Joseph and Mary were married, plus the denial
of the Virgin Birth).
Methodists changed their hymn to reflect this rationalism – “Offspring
of the Chosen One” instead of the offensive (to them) “Offspring of the Virgin’s
The real offense – the Big Miracle – is God becoming man.
What they are really saying is – Jesus is only a man. The Incarnation is the
miracle of miracles, greater than Creation.
The Word teaches us this – because human reason cannot
accept it. No one can prove it through reason and likewise any so-called proof
based on reason will suffer from that weakness.
The Word is so powerful that we know its truth and
experience it as well. The Nativity shows us how reason clings to salvation by
works, but faith receives and enjoys the Promises of God,

Martin Luther’s Sermon for New Year’s . Circumcision and Name of Jesus.
Bethany Will Broadcast a New Year’s Eve Holy Communion Service

Norma Boeckler

Luther’s Sermon for NEW YEAR’S DAY. Luke 2:21

This sermon appears in the Erl. Ed. 10, 319; W. 11, 391; St. L. 11, 284.


Luke 2:21. And when eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, his name was called Jesus, which was so called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.



* A judgment on “Distributing the New Year”, as was done from the pulpit. 1.


1. How to rescue circumcision from the offense reason takes at it. a. The offense reason takes at circumsion. b. The rescue. 3-4.

2. The reason for circumcision a. The first reason, which is temporal. b. The second reason, which is spiritual. 6-9.

* Of natural depravity. 8-9.

3. Why God confined circumcision only to the male.

4. Why the rite had to be performed just on the eighth day. a. The first reason. 11-13. b. The second reason. c. The third reason.

5. Why the rite was not given also to the fathers, who lived before Abraham.

6. Why the rite was abolished in Christ.

7. Whether the rite is so abolished in the New Testament, that it is a sin to be circumcised.

* What is the nature of holy Baptism. 19.


1. Why Christ did not receive his name from the circumcision. 20ff.

* How and by what means Christ became lord over death and the law. 21-23.

* How and by what means believers become lords over death, law and sin. 24-26.

2. The spiritual meaning of the naming of the child.

1. It is the custom “to distribute the New Year” from the pulpit on this day, as if there were not enough other useful and salutary matter to preach, and it were necessary to present such useless fables in place of the Word of God, and to make a sport and disgrace of so serious an office. The Gospel requires us to preach on the circumcision and the name of Jesus; and this we will do!


2. First let us ask the wise woman, Dame Jezebel, natural reason: Is it not a foolish, ridiculous, useless command, when God demands circumcision?

Could he find no member of the body but this? If Abraham had here followed reason, he would not have believed that it was God who demanded this of him. For in our eyes it is such a foolish thing that there can scarcely be anything more absurd. The Jews had to endure great infamy and disgrace on account of it, were despised by everybody and treated as an abomination. Moreover, there is no use in it. What benefit is it, if the body is mutilated? Man is made no better by it, for everything depends upon the soul.

3. But such are all of God’s commandments and works, and such they are to be. In our eyes they appear most foolish, most contemptible, and most useless, in order that haughty Reason, who deems herself clever and wise, may be put to shame and blinded, and may surrender her self-conceit and submit to God, give him honor, and believe that whatever he appoints, is most useful, most honorable, and most wise, although she does not see it and thinks quite differently. If God had given a sign which would have been suitable to her and useful, wise, and honorable in her estimation, she would have remained in her old skin, would not have surrendered her haughtiness, would have continued in her custom of seeking and loving only honor, gain, and wisdom on earth, and so would have become ever more deeply rooted in worldly, temporal things. But now that he presents to her foolish, useless, and contemptible things, he tears her away from the seeking after gain, honor, and wisdom, and teaches her to regard only the invisible, divine wisdom, honor, and gain, and for its sake willingly to suffer the lack of temporal honor, gain, and wisdom, and to be a fool, poor, unprofitable, and despised for God’s sake. Therefore God was not concerned about the circumcision, but about the humiliation of proud nature and reason.

4. So we also have baptism in the New Testament, in order that we should be buried in the water, and believe that we are thereby cleansed from sins and saved; also, that Christ’s body is in the bread of the altar; also, that we worship the crucified man as Lord and God. All this is immeasurably far above, and contrary to, reason. So the works and words of God are all contrary to reason, and this, in turn, is also contrary to God and recoils at the sign that is spoken against. Before men it was a very foolish speech, when Noah built the ark and said, the world would be flooded. So Lot must needs have been a fool, when he said, Sodom and Gomorrah would perish. Moses and Aaron were fools before King Pharaoh. In short, God’s Word and his preachers must be fools, as St. Paul says, 1 Corinthians 1:21. In all this God seeks nothing but this humility, that man bring his reason into captivity and be subject to divine truth. Abraham and his seed received the foolish rite of circumcision, in order that by it they should give glory to God and suffer him alone to be wise.

5. Now circumcision was an external mark, by which God’s people were known in distinction from other nations; just as we see that every prince gives his people and army his standard and watchword, by which they are known among themselves and by which foreigners can tell, to what lord they belong. Thus God has never left his people without such a sign or watchword, by which it can outwardly be known in the world where his people are to be found. Jews are known by circumcision: that was their divine mark. Our mark is baptism and the body of Christ. Therefore the ancient fathers called these signs, characters, symbola, tesseras, that is, watchwords or standards, what we now call sacraments, that is, sacred signs. For where there is baptism, there certainly are Christians, be they where they will in the world. It matters not if they are not under the pope, as he claims; for he would like to make of himself a sacrament and a Christian watchword.

6. Let this be enough concerning the temporal reason for circumcision. We will now also look at the spiritual reason and its significance. First, why did he not command to circumcise a finger, hand, foot, ear, or eye, or some other member? Why did he select just that which in human life serves for no work or employment and which was created by God for natural birth and multiplication? If evil was to be cut off, then certainly the hand or the tongue, of all members, ought to have been circumcised: for by the tongue and hands all wickedness is perpetrated among men.

7. It is said that it was done for the reason, that evil lust manifests itself most in this member of the body; wherefore also Adam and Eve felt the disobedience of their flesh there, and sought a covering for their nakedness.

That is all true; but in addition to that it also signifies, as we are wont to say, that God does not condemn or save the person on account of his works, but his works on account of the person. Accordingly, our fault lies not in our works, but in our nature. The person, nature, and entire existence are corrupt in us because of Adam’s fall. Therefore no work can be good in us, until our nature and personal life are changed and renewed.

The tree is not good, therefore its fruits are bad.

8. Thus God has here taught every one, that nobody can become righteous by works or laws, and that all works and labors to become righteous and be saved are in vain, as long as the nature and person are not renewed.

You see now that, had he commanded to circumcise the hand or the tongue, this would have been a sign that the fault to be changed lay in the words or works; that he was favorable to the nature and person, and hated only the words and works. But now, in selecting that member which has no work except that the nature and personal existense arise thereby, he gives clearly to understand that the fault lies in the entire state of the nature, that its birth and its origin are corrupt and sin. This is original sin, or the sin of the nature, or the sin of the person, the truly chief sin. If this did not exist, there would neither be any actual sin. This sin is not done, like all other sins; but it exists, lives, and does all sins, and is the essential sin, that sins not for an hour or a season; but wherever and as long as the person exists.

9. God looks at this sin of the nature alone. This can be eradicated by no law, by no punishment, even if there were a thousand hells: but the grace of God alone, which makes the nature pure and new, must purge it away. The law only manifests it and teaches how to recognize it, but does not save from it; the law restrains only the hand or member, it cannot restrain the person and nature from being sinful; for in birth the nature has already anticipated the law, and has become sin before the law could forbid it. Just as little as it lies in one’s human power to be born and to receive natural existence, so little does it lie in his power to be without sin or to escape from it. He who has created us, he alone must take it away. Therefore he first gives the law, by which man recognizes this sin and thirsts for grace: then he also gives the Gospel and saves him.

10. In the second place, why does he command to circumcise males only, when nature and birth involve the woman also? The prophet also complains more of the mother than of the father, when he says, Psalm 51:5: “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” It was surely done on account of Christ and his mother, because he was to come, and because it was possible that a natural man and person could be born of a woman without sin and natural intercourse. But in all conception from a man, the man sins as well as the woman, and sin on either side cannot be avoided. Therefore Christ willed not to be conceived of a man, in order that his mother also might not be under the necessity of sinning and of conceiving him in sin. Therefore he made use of her womanly flesh and body for natural birth, but not for natural conception, and was conceived and born a true man without sin. Since, therefore, it is possible that a pure, innocent birth, nature, and person may be derived from a woman; but from a man only a sinful birth, nature, and person; therefore circumcision was imposed upon males only, in order to signify that all birth from man is sinful and condemned, requiring circumcision and change: but that a birth derived only from a woman without a man, is innocent and uncondemned, requiring no circumcision or change. And here one may apply what John writes, in John 1:12-18: “To them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name: who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”—with the understanding that “the will of man” refers to birth from man. If it were possible now that more women could bear without men, these births would be altogether pure and holy; but this has been reserved for this one mother alone.

11. In the third place, why was it necessary to perform it on the eighth day?

Here again the sin of nature is indicated. For the poor babe has no actual sin of its own; nevertheless it must be circumcised and assume the sign of purification from sin. If he had commanded to circumcise after eight years, one might say it was done for sins committed and for the avoidance of future sins. But by commanding to circumcise on the eighth day he excludes both ideas, that it is done for sins committed and for the sake of future sins; without doubt, because a greater than any actual sin is born and ingrained in human nature.

12. But here it might be objected that Abraham and his servants and household were circumcised when they were grown and old, Genesis 17:23: therefore circumcision might signify actual committed sins. The answer is: Scripture anticipates and abolishes the idea that Abraham was justified by circumcision, for he was already justified of his sins when he received circumcision; for it is written in Genesis 15:6 that he was made righteous by his faith before his circumcision, when he was eighty years old or a little more, and circumcision he received when he was ninety-nine years old; so that circumcision was instituted almost twenty years after his justification. From this St. Paul, in Romans 4:11, concludes, against the Jews, that not circumcision, but faith without circumcision justifies, as Abraham’s example cogently shows. Therefore circumcision is not a putting off of sin, but a sign of such putting off, which is accomplished by faith alone, as was the case with Abraham. Therefore it demands, as in Abraham so in all men, faith, which removes the sin of nature and makes the person righteous and accepted.

13. If now Abraham’s faith had not been described before his circumcision, it would have been a certain sign of original sin in him, as it is in the case of children, whose faith is not described beforehand. The Scriptures have ordered it so, that Abraham first believed and afterwards was circumcised, and others were first circumcised and afterwards believed, in order that both truths might stand: first, that circumcision is only a sign of justification and nobody is justified by it; secondly, that faith justifies alone without the cooperation of circumcision, and therefore faith and its sign are clearly distinguished, to the discomfiture of the righteousness that trusts in works.

14. Perhaps the eighth day was also appointed for bodily reasons, in order that the babe might first grow stronger, lest it might appear that it had died from the circumcision, if it were circumcised directly after birth and had died from weakness.

15. But the spiritual significance is of greater importance. Seven days signify the time of this world until the last day, because this present time is measured by the week or seven days described in Genesis 1. The eighth day is the last day after the present time, when weeks, months, and years will cease, and there will be only an eternal day. On that day circumcision shall be fulfilled, when not only the soul, but also the body, shall be redeemed from sin, death and all impurity, and shall shine as the sun.

Meanwhile the soul is circumcised from sin and an evil conscience by faith.

16. So we see that the Scriptures in all places urge to faith, but only to faith in Christ. Therefore circumcision was not given by the law of Moses, nor to the fathers before Abraham, but to Abraham, to whom Christ, his seed, was promised for a blessing, so that the bodily circumcision might everywhere be in accord with the spiritual circumcision.

17. Why then has it ceased, if that same faith in Christ, to which it points, still remains? The answer is, God has always, from the beginning of the world to the end, maintained one faith in Christ; but he has not given only one sign of it. If all the signs which refer to faith remained, who could keep them? But since faith is inward and invisible, God has foreshadowed it to men by many external signs, in order that they might be incited to believe as by many examples, and has permitted each to continue for its time. How many signs did Moses alone do in Egypt and in the wilderness, which have all passed away and lasted during their time, and still were all signs of faith? So when God promised to Abraham the blessings in his seed and gave to him a sign of it, namely circumcision, it could not exist by virtue of that promise longer than the fulfillment of the promise. But when Christ, the blessed seed, came, the promise was finished and fulfilled; it was no longer to be expected. Therefore the sign also necessarily was finished and fulfilled; why should it continue any longer, when the promise on which it depended was finished? But that which it signified, faith, remains always, whether the promise with its sign passes away or remains.

18. Yet circumcision has not been abolished in such a way that it is sin to be circumcised, as St. Jerome and many others contend; but it has become free. If anybody wishes, he may circumcise himself, or not circumcise himself, as long as he does not act from the opinion, that it is necessary and commanded, or that the promise of God to Abraham is unfulfilled and still to be expected. For faith can endure none of these opinions. Therefore it does not depend upon the work, but upon the imagination and opinion of the one doing the work. If anybody circumcise himself with the same opinion with which he cuts his hair, beard, or skin, in love and service to another, he would not commit sin; for he would do it bound not by the law and by necessity of justification, nor against the fulfilled promise of God, but from free volition and his own choice, because the promise is fulfilled and the sign attached to it is finished.

19. Moreover, God never has had the custom of establishing a sign again, when once it has come to an end, but he has always instituted other new signs. So after the fulfillment of his promise, after the coming of Christ, he instituted for Abraham’s seed another new sign, namely, baptism. This indeed is the last sign to be instituted before the last day, because he instituted it in person. Nevertheless the same faith in Christ, which was in Abraham, abides always; for it knows neither day nor night, nor any outward transformation. This baptism has the same significance as circumcision, as is to be shown at the proper time.


20. Finally, it was the custom to give the child its name in circumcision, as we see here and in the instance of John the Baptist, to whom his name was also given in his circumcision. However, just as Christ was not obliged to be circumcised and this sign was empty in this case, so also his name had been given to him before by the angel, so that he did not obtain it by circumcision. This was done and is written, to the end that he should be altogether free from the law and from sin above all other men, and only serve us by submitting to the law and becoming like unto us in order to redeem us from it, as St. Paul said in the last Epistle: “He was born under the law, that he might redeem them that were under the law,” Galatians 4:4-5.

21. For when death fell upon him and slew him, and yet had no right or cause against him, and he willingly and innocently submitted and suffered himself to be slain: death became liable to him, did him wrong and sinned against him, and completely exposed itself, so that Christ has an honest claim upon it. Now the wrong which death became guilty of toward him, is so great that death can never pay nor atone for it. Therefore it must be subject to Christ and in his power forever: and so death is overcome and killed in Christ. Now Christ did not do this for himself, but for us, and has bestowed upon us this victory over death in baptism. Therefore all who believe in Christ must also be lords over death, and death must be their subject, nay, their criminal, whom they are to judge and execute; even as they do when they die and at the last day. For by the gift of Christ death has also become guilty to all those, who have received this gift from Christ.

Behold, this is the sweet and joyous redemption from death through Christ; these are the spiritual victories of Joshua over the heathen of Canaan, notably the five kings, upon whose necks the princes of Israel put their feet by his command, Joshua 10.

22. So also circumcision did Christ wrong, for he was not subject to it.

Therefore it is justly subject to him and he has power over it, has conquered it, and has granted to us, that it must cease and has lost its right over those who believe in Christ. He has released us from circumcision only by submitting to it innocently and by bestowing his right against it upon us.

23. Behold, this is putting Christ under the law, in order that he might redeem those who were under it. Galatians 4:5. Moreover, he has subjected himself to all other laws, to none of which he was bound, being Lord and God over all. Therefore they have all fallen into his power, have done him wrong, and must now justly be subject to him.

24. Now all this he has also given to us. Therefore if we believe in Christ, and the law would endeavor to punish us as sinners, and death would insist upon it, and try to drive the wretched conscience to hell; and if you then hold up to them in turn their sin and wrong, which they have done to Christ, your Lord: do you not suppose that they also shall be put to shame and be more afraid of you than you of them? Death shall feel its guilt and flee in disgrace; the law shall be compelled to give up its terror and smile friendly upon Christ. In this way sin must be banished by sin. The sins, which they have committed against Christ and now also against you on account of your faith, are greater than those which you have committed against them. In this case God, the just Judge, will not suffer that a great thief should hang a little one; on the contrary, if the great one is to be free, much more must the little one go free. Of this St. Paul says, Corinthians 15:55-57: “O death, where is thy sting? The sting of death is sin; but thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ; for death is swallowed up in victory.” Behold, is not this a precious redemption from the law through him, who innocently subjected himself to the law?

25. Praise God, what an exceedingly rich and mighty thing faith is! It indeed makes of man a god, to whom nothing is impossible, as Christ says, Mark 9:28: “If thou canst! All things are possible to him that believeth,” Therefore it is also said in Psalm 82:6: “Ye are gods, and all of you sons of the Most High.”

26. His name is rightly called on this day Jesus, that is interpreted, Savior: for Savior we call one who saves, redeems, brings salvation and is of help to everybody; this one the Hebrew language calls Jesus. So the angel Gabriel spoke to Joseph in sleep, Matthew 1:21: ‘She shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.” Here the angel himself explains why he is called Savior, Jesus, namely, because he is help and salvation to his people. We have now heard how this comes to pass through faith, to which he gives all his right and possession, that he has over sin, death, and the law. He makes it righteous, free and blessed.

27. Now as circumcision signifies our faith, as we have heard: so the naming of children signifies that by faith we have a name and are known before God. For God knows none of those who do not believe, as is said in Psalm 1:6: “For Jehovah knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of the wicked shall perish.” And in Matthew 25:12: “Verily, I say unto you, I know you not.” What then is our name? Doubtless as Christ gives us all that is his, so he also gives his name to us; therefore we are all called Christian from him, all God’ children from him, all Jesuses from him, all Savior from him, and whatever is his name, that also is ours; as St. Paul writes, Romans 8:24: “In hope were ye saved,” for ye are Jesuses or Saviors. Behold, there is therefore no measure to the dignity and honor of a Christian! These are the super abundant riches of his goodness, which he pours out upon us, so that our heart may be free, joyous, peaceable, and unterrified; and willingly and cheerfully keep the law. Amen.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Thrivent Planned Parenthood Post Is Leading for the Week – Phenomenal Views in Two Days,
But Ichabod Has Covered This Topic for Years

A WELS pastor, Mark/Avoid Jeske, sits on the Thrivent board of directors,
but this is not an issue for WELS,
according to the Zen philosophy of Jim Huebner, WELS VP and Fuller Alumnus.
Dec 28, 2013, 
Dec 27, 2013, 
Dec 26, 2013, 

Christmas is all about Liz Eaton. I could only listen to her Christmas message for 30 seconds. As a bishop, she lied about the impact of the 2009 ELCA convention – so they elected her Presiding Bishop. Suddenly, the appointments in higher education were no longer men with wives and children, but women with no stated relationships at all, who leave no issue.

Eaton presides over a denomination – ELCA – that gladly pays for abortion for any reason, for any member of the worker’s family.

Yet she is the great shepherdess, with the UniSynod’s Matt the Fatt, Mirthless Mark, Pope John the Malefactor, and the mini-micro sects following close, wagging their tails behind them.

The only way to recover the Lutheran Church is for all the others to disassociate with ELCA and lose all relationships with Thrivent. ELCA is Thrivent, and Thrivent is ELCA. Ask Mark Jeske, who is eager to tell the stuffy SynCons – Change or Die!

Jeske has one speech – “We ran out of Germans,” which only shows that he has no concept of Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, the Scriptures, the Means of Grace, or the Gospel. No SynCon parasite is more ELCA than he, the Judas goat* leading the flock to the slaughter – with free calendars and napkins, matching funds for your Junk for Jesus rummage sale at church.

Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks.

Nearing the Finish Line in Luther’s Sermons

I will wrap up volume 6 of Luther’s Sermons fairly soon. January has always been a good year to speed up publishing because tent-making is rather slow.

Volume 5 is ready to submit to Amazon and Kindle e-books, but I await the finishing editor on that.

Virginia Roberts is working on the initial edits to volume 7, so that will leave volume 8 and the Gems.

Some definite future projects for 2018, in random order, are:

  • The Two Catechisms
  • The Galatians Lectures
  • The Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary
  • The Gospel of John – A Brief Commentary
  • How Calvin Ruined the Protestant Church
As far as I know, all the teaching will be online, so that makes it easier to get more done in publishing. 

This graphic is no longer so extreme.
I borrowed the Luther statue from Concordia, St. Louis.

The Sunday after Christmas, 2017 – Luke 2:33-40

 The Holy Family, by Norma A. Boeckler
The Sunday after Christmas, 2017

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 85:1-8                From Heaven Above  
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual 
The Gospel 
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #85:9-15               From Heaven Above  

God’s Blessings in the Temple and the Word

The Hymn #657                Beautiful Savior  
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord’s Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #83                             Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices  

KJV Galatians 4:1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; 2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. 3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: 4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. 6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

KJV Luke 2:33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him. 34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; 35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; 37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. 39 And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. 40 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.

Sunday After Christmas
O almighty and everlasting God, mercifully direct our ways, that we may walk in Thy law, and be made to abound in good works: through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

God’s Blessings in the Temple and the Word

KJV Luke 2:33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.

Simeon is mentioned just before this passage, as Lenski wrote: 

Luke introduces the remarkable story of Simeon with the interjection “lo.” He is introduced as being just “a man.” There is nothing great and wonderful about him; he has no high office, standing, or power. It is fancy to make him the president of the Sanhedrin in the year 13 and a son of Hillel and the father of Gamaliel. He lived “in Jerusalem,” whither Joseph and Mary had gone (v. 21), and thus away from
Bethlehem where the shepherds had spread the story of what they had heard and seen (v. 18). Even here in Jerusalem, the center of Jewish religious corruption, there lived some of God’s true people. His name “Simeon,” which was quite common, is introduced as were the name Nazareth and the name Joseph in 1:26, 27, unlike that of Zacharias and of Elisabeth in 1:5. He is described as being “righteous” in the same forensic sense as were Zacharias and Elisabeth in 1:5—seethe full explanation…

These are the words – 

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.
27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;

32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

We can that there is no lack of support or proclamation about Jesus being born. There are several reasons for this. On one hand, the birth of the Savior was hidden from the great, mighty, and wise. However, God saw to it that the Savior would be brought before the religious leaders and the future of Jesus proclaimed.

This was repeated when Jesus stayed in the Temple and talked with the leading scholars and priests, revealing His nature to them.

Beyond that, these blessings and revelations strengthened Joseph and Mary, who had to endure many hardships. God’s Word revealed to them what would be happening and prepared them for those events. Clearly Joseph did not live to see everything happen, but Mary remained faithful the entire time.

As Luther commented in his sermon notes for this text, the reason for the marveling of the parents can be found in Simeon’s proclamation. He was ready to die because he saw in Jesus the Promises all fulfilled. They were ancient Promises going back to the Garden of Eden and including every era of the Old Testament. To live to see that great day was his hope, and he was ready to die.

In the Bible, a man’s last words before death are considered and emphasized as especially important. So Simeon’s words are doubly emphatic since they belong to his departure from this life. God’s Promise is fulfilled in Simeon being able to see Jesus, the Savior, and die. 

29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
We use “die in peace” so feebly, which seems to mean “in contentment.” But in the Bible, it means to die with sins forgiveness. Simeon believed in the Savior and in Him he received the peace of sins forgiveness, the righteousness of faith. To let this servant die in peace means with all sins forgiven through faith in Jesus.

This is an important part of Justification by Faith, because that means all the Old Testament figures who trusted in the Savior were counted as righteous, as Abraham was. Adam and Eve were given the Promise. Moses and Noah were preachers of righteousness through faith.

The confused and ignorant based their false gospel on two events. They contradict each other and yet claim to thave the truth. Some of them claim the entire world was forgiven when Jesus died on the cross. But others used 1 Timothy 3:16 to say the world was forgiven when He rose from the dead.  In both cases, there is a mysterious claim about God declaring the world forgiven, without faith – they agree there. But they have no anchor for their claim, except for people who rest their teaching on the era of Pietism and rationalism.

In contrast, as the Bible clearly shows, God declares those people righteous (justified) or forgiven if they believe in the Savior. Therefore, Justification by Faith does not depend on an event but upon the Savior Himself. That is because God is not limited by time as we are.

We can see Simeon’s Gospel in his message. Christian churches, like the Jerusalem Temple, are the House of God. When Jesus was brought into the Temple, this was especially so. Doubly so. This place, where the people were prepared for the Savior and His sacrifice, received the Son of God and proclaimed His mission.

Those who thing God should do more for his original people and for pagans – How many times was Jesus brought before religious leaders of great consequence? And secular leaders as well, Jews and Gentiles alike. In each case they were faced with the true Word of God, which is always effect, in saving those with sincere faith, in condemning obstinate non-believers.

Where is all this contained? Jesus is in the Word, which is conveyed several ways here. The Temple is the House of God. Jesus is God Himself. And the proclamation of the Gospel conveys Christ to us, revealed in Scriptures and preached by word of mouth.

30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
People think, “How lucky for Simeon and the shepherds. They were able to see Jesus.” But we not only see and hear Christ in the Scriptures, liturgy, hymns, and sermons, but we also have all this history to reflect upon its meaning.

Thousands heard Him and saw Him. They witnesses His miracles and went on with their business as usual, without faith, doubtless afraid of being associated with Him.

But we can imagine how wonderful these words were to the parents. As Luther wrote, mother and father are used in the common sense. We do not always put “step” in when there is another parent, a birth parent. Besides that, the Virgin Birth was an important part of the entire proclamation, not the center of it. As we can see from history, after the Theotokos debate, which really centered on the humanity of Jesus, Mary was afterwards elevated to divinity status, even being assumed into heaven and serving as a minister to the souls in Purgatory.

The modern rationalists have said to my face, “The Virgin Birth and the Resurrection are not important doctrines anyway.” And of course they are, so they are whistling past the graveyard to say what is essential is not important. They are like staff in NCIS who are aware that the boss may be behind them and listening at the moment they make fun of something.

The Gospel is centered on what Jesus accomplished for us and the Virgin Birth, so clearly taught, does not focus on Mary so much as her faith in God’s Promises about the Savior. 

When Mary is elevated too much, so that she never committed an actual sin, then we lose the special nature of this blessing, in strengthening her for the trials to come. “Did I just dream this?” The confirming episodes are many, such as the angelic messages, the meeting with and staying with John the Baptist’s mother, the shepherds, the wise men, and here Simeon and Anna. 

It used to be, before Photoshop, that a diploma was proof of a degree. Now a business or school will ask for a transcript direct from the place where the degree was earned. They do not want to get it from the recipient, because fraud is so easy with paper and printing. I still have a recurring dream where the Notre Dame faculty patiently explains I never graduated at all. I wake up thinking, “Wait a minute. I distinctly remember receiving it from Father Hesburgh himself.” And there was a party, and Aunty Em, and Toto… No I am not awake yet.

God, knowing our weaknesses, gives us signs and Promises, concrete tokens of His grace and blessings. So Mary and Joseph endured hardships because of the cross, but they were also confirmed in their faith in many remarkable ways.

32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

This addresses both kinds of doubts. We do not have a claim to be children of Abraham by blood – but we do by faith. And those who might feel condemned for being Jews – it is constantly emphasized that Jesus was for the Jews first and then the Gentiles.

Luke 2:33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.

They could hear and observe that everything they experienced before was becoming true, although they were an insignificant couple with a tiny baby. That is not what the world pays attention to, unless the family is well connected in the outward sense of the word.

Simeon spoke in faith and they heard his proclamation in faith. This is also how congregations support one another’s faith. In faith people ask for prayer, and prayers are offered in faith. Over time we see how God answers prayers above and beyond anything we could imagine.
Those repeated experiences make us more trusting when the next crisis, emergency, or anxiety appears. God has fulfilled his Promises before and will again, glorifying His Name.
In contrast, those who pray as a last-minute solution may not stick around to see how God works. Or they may rationalize God’s miraculous work, thus falling from faith while enjoying God’s promise that He cares for everyone, especially those who are faithful. 
I see that among the clergy who have to claim a measurable success, or a string of them. In fact, some can construct a resume that looks quite remarkable. However, God only looks at faithfulness as stewards of His mysteries – doctrines revealed only through the Spirit in the Word. Only God can measure that, as Paul taught. 
We see this in the entire message of Simeon. ‘
34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; 35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

Jesus will be the cause of salvation or damnation of many in Israel, so there is no universal forgiveness and salvation, as the ignorant claim. 

He will a a sign – that is a miraculous event from God – but one that is spoke against. I have noticed this year, even more than before, people use anything related to Christmas or to Jesus Himself to mock Him and to make fun of faith in Him.

Luther commented, “What kind of a thing is this to say to a new mother?” But that is reality of Christ and the cross – taking it up daily. Some want to teach glory only and only glory in Mary or something else in the narrative. But the true narrative always includes the cross, the cross revealed in many ways, in the midst of the story of salvation. Mary witnessed the crucifixion, so this Word was fulfilled. And the cross reveals the faith or lack of faith of many. 

I received a Christmas email from a seminary president, who informed her followers that the shepherds turned the world upside down. And we are to have the same role. The shepherds only known in the Gospel of Luke, and – in memory serves – Christ changed the world, not the shepherds. There are other hip messages I could share from various apostate leaders, but the key message is so far from faith in Jesus that no one can doubt their doubt. 

Faith Eroded And Built
Once the erosion of faith begins, it is difficult to stop, because so many apostates have stopped to record their doubts as well. The libraries are filled with books about their doubts and speculations, but relatively short on good books.

Man’s wisdom slowly replaces God’s revelation, but there is an easy solution. The Bible judges all books. I noticed that a long time ago when I was reading a fairly interesting book about the Bible, a popular book. The author began dismissing the quality of Biblical poetry. First I thought of the subjective nature of that statement. But more importantly, I thought, “Are you trying to learn and teach from the Word or just give us a book review based on your superior attitude?”

When we know the quality and meaning of God’s Word, man’s wisdom does not hold up well. When asked if I have watched a religious documentary on the History Channel I say, “Whenever they have a show on Christianity, I change the channel.” Their expert in ancient aliens had a college degree in sports management!
There is only one book which is God’s Word, and there are few faithful translations today. The King James family sticks to precison translations for the most part, far superior to the rest, which claim to be the best.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Luther’s Sermon for the Sunday after Christmas

Altar and Graphic by Norma A. Boeckler


TEXT: Luke 2:33-40. And his father and his mother were marveling at the things which were spoken concerning him; and Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel; and for a sign which is spoken against; yea and a sword shall pierce through thine own soul; that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity, and she had been a widow even unto four-score and four years), who departed not from the temple, worshipping with fastings and supplications night and day. And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks unto God, and spake of him to all them that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. And when they had accomplished all things that were according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. And the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom. and the grace of God was upon him.

1. It is very probable that today’s Epistle has been selected by a pure misunderstanding, the one who appointed it for this Sunday probably thinking that it refers to the infant Christ, because it speaks of a young heir who is lord of all. Many other Epistles and Gospels have been selected for inappropriate days from similar misunderstandings. Nothing however depends upon the order of selection; it amounts to the same thing what is preached at the different seasons, if only the right meaning is preserved.

Thus the events of this Gospel happened on the day of Candlemas, when Mary brought the child into the temple, and yet it is read on this Sunday. I mention all this, that nobody may be confused by the chronological order, or prevented from correctly understanding the Gospel. We will divide it into two parts, the one treating of Simeon, and the other of Anna. It is indeed a rich Gospel and well arranged: first, the man Simeon; second, the woman Anna, both aged and holy.


“And his father and his mother were marveling at the things which were spoken concerning him.”

2. What are those wonderful things spoken concerning him? They are the things concerning which St. Simeon had spoken immediately before, when in the temple he took the child Jesus upon his arms, saying: ‘Now lettest thou thy servant depart, Lord according to thy word, in peace; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.” At these things, St. Luke says, they marveled, namely, that this aged and holy man stood there before them in the temple, took the child in his arms and spoke of him so exultingly, calling him the light of the world, a Savior of all nations, a glory of all the people of Israel; Simeon himself thinking so highly of him that he would now fain depart this life after he had seen the child.

3. Now it must indeed excite wonder that such things were proclaimed openly by Simeon in that public and sacred place with reference to that poor and insignificant child, whose mother was so humble and lowly and whose father Joseph was not wealthy. How could such a child be :considered the Savior of all men, the light of the Gentiles and the glory and honor of all Israel? At present, after we have had so many proofs of Christ’s greatness, these words do no longer seem so wonderful; but then, when nothing as yet was known of Jesus, they were indeed marvelous, and this lowly child was very unlike the great and mighty being portrayed by Simeon. But Joseph and Mary believed it nevertheless, and just therefore they marveled. If they had not believed it, the words of Simeon would have appeared to them insignificant, untrue and worthless, and not at all wonderful. Therefore, the fact that they were marveling, shows that Joseph and Mary possessed a strong and sublime faith.

4. But some one might say: why then do they marvel at this? Had not the angels told them before that this child was Christ and the Savior, and had not the shepherds also spoken glorious things concerning him? It was also very wonderful that the kings or wise men had come from distant lands to worship him with their offerings. Mary knew well that she had conceived him of the Holy Spirit, and that wonderful events had attended his birth.

Moreover, the angel Gabriel had said that he should be great and be called the Son of the Most High. In short, all the preceding events had been marvelous, up to this time; now nothing wonderful occurs, but only those things are announced and proclaimed concerning him which have not happened and are not yet seen.

5. It seems to me that in this case we need not look very far for an explanation. The Evangelist does not deny that they had also marveled before this. He simply desires to relate here what they did when St. Simeon spoke such glorious things concerning the child. He means to say: When St. Simeon spake thus, the child’s parents did not despise his words, but believed them firmly. Therefore they remained and listened to him and marveled at his utterances; what could they have done in addition to this?

Thus it is not denied here that previously they marveled just as much, if not more.

6. We shall inquire later into the spiritual significance of this wonderment; now we are concerned about the literal sense, serving as an example of our faith and teaching us how wonful are the works of God concerning us; for the end is very unlike the beginning. The beginning is nothing, the end is everything; just as the infant Christ here appears to be very insignificant, and yet he finally became the Savior and light of all nations.

7. If Joseph and Mary had judged according to outward appearances, they would have considered Christ more than a poor child. But they disregard the outward appearance and cling to the words of Simeon with a firm faith, therefore they marvel at his speech. Thus we must also disregard all the senses when contemplating the works of God, and only cling to his words, so that our eyes and our senses may not offend us.

8. The fact that they were marveling at the words of Simeon is also mentioned to teach us that the Word of God is never preached in vain, as we read in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth” (i.e. out of the mouth of God’s messengers): “it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Thus the Evangelist would say that Simeon delivered a warm-hearted, beautiful sermon, preaching the pure Gospel and the Word of God. For the Gospel is nothing but a sermon whose theme is Christ, declaring him to be the Savior, light and glory of all the world. Such preaching fills the heart with joy and wonder at this great grace and comfort, if it is received in faith.

9. But although this sermon was very beautiful and comforting, there were only a few who believed; nay people despised it as being foolish, going hither and thither in the temple. Some prayed, others did something else, but they did not give heed to the words of Simeon. Yet, as the Word of God must produce results, there were indeed some who received it with joy and wonder, namely Joseph and Mary. The Evangelist here also rebukes the unbelief of the Jews, for as this occurred publicly in the temple, there were many present, and yet they would not believe, the fact that the Savior was only a child causing them all to stumble. Thus we learn here that we should hear the Word of God gladly, for it will invariably produce good fruits.


10. This leads us to the spiritual significance of this astonishment of Joseph and Mary. The temple is an abode of God, therefore signifying every place where God is present. Among others it also signifies the Holy Scriptures, where God may be found as in his proper place. To bring Christ into the temple, means nothing else than to follow the example of the people mentioned in Acts 17:11. After they had received the Word with all readiness of mind, they went into the Scriptures, daily examining them whether these things were so.

11. Now we find in this same temple Simeon, who in his person represents all the prophets filled with the Holy Spirit, just as St. Luke says of Simeon.

They have spoken and written as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, and have waited for the coming of Christ, just like Simeon. They have never ceased to do this till Christ came, as St. Peter says in Acts 3:24 that all the prophets have spoken of the days of Christ. And Christ himself says, Matthew 11:13, that all the prophets and the law prophesied until John, i.e. till the baptism of Christ, when he began to show himself as the Savior and light of all the world.

12. All this is signified by Simeon, who was not to die till he had seen Christ. For this reason he is called Simeon, which means “one who hears”, for the prophets had only heard of Christ as of him who was as yet unborn and would come after them. Therefore, having him in their wake, as it were, they heard him. Now if we thus come into the temple with Christ and the Gospels and contemplate the Scriptures, all the sayings of the prophets are so kind to him, take him in their arms, so to speak, and declare all with great joy: This is indeed the Man of whom we have spoken, and now our utterances concerning him have come to their goal in peace and joy. And now they begin to give the most beautiful testimonies concerning him, as being Christ, the Savior, the light, the comfort and the glory of Israel; and all this Simeon here declares and announces regarding him. St. Paul speaks of this in Romans 1:2, where he says that God promised the Gospel afore through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures; which shows us what is meant by Simeon and by the temple. We also refer to Romans 3:21: “But now apart from the law a righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets,” also to the words of Christ in John 5:39: “Ye search the Scriptures, because ye think that in them ye have eternal life; and these are they which bear witness of me; and in verse 46: “For if ye believed Moses, ye would believe me; for he wrote of me.” This might be proved by examples, but we have no time here. From the Epistle and Gospel for Christmas we have seen what beautiful and very appropriate testimonies the apostles gathered from Holy Scripture. We have also discussed this in explaining the Christmas Gospel, when we spoke of the swaddling clothes in which the child was wrapped.

13. For the present the prophecy of Moses may suffice, which we find in Deuteronomy 18:15 and which is quoted by the apostles in Acts 8:22 and 7:37, and in many other places, and reads as follows: “Jehovah thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken.” Here Moses declares that the people will no longer hearken to him, and that his teaching will end when this prophet Christ appears to whom they should hearken thenceforth. This also demonstrates that Christ was to be a light and Savior after Moses, and no doubt better than Moses; for otherwise Moses would not have declared that his teaching and guiding would terminate, but that it would continue along with that of Christ. Isaiah also says, 28:16: “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone of sure foundation: he that believeth shall not be in haste.”

Behold, how beautifully these and other passages of Holy Writ agree with the Gospel, declaring of Christ what the apostles preached concerning him and what is proclaimed continually by all the Holy Scriptures.

14. Therefore Simeon had to be an aged man, so that he might completely and suitably represent the prophets of old. He does not take the child in his hands nor in his lap, but in his arms. There is a deeper meaning in this, but suffice it to say now that the prophecies and passages of Scriptures do not keep Christ to themselves, but exhibit and offer him to everybody, just as we do with those things we carry in our arms. St. Paul refers to this in Romans 4:23 and 15:4, when he says that all was written not for their sake, but for our learning. And in 1 Peter 1:12 we read that the prophets have not ministered these things unto themselves, but unto us, to whom they have been announced.

15. For this reason St. Luke does not say that Joseph and Mary were marveling at the words of Simeon, but “at the things which were spoken concerning him.” He passes over the name of Simeon in silence, deliberately diverting our attention from Simeon to this spiritual significance, so that thereby we might understand the sayings of Scripture.

16. Only his father and his mother were marveling at these things. It is remarkable that the Evangelist here does not mention the names of Joseph and Mary, but calls them father and mother, thereby giving no cause to point out the spiritual significance. Who is meant by the spiritual father and mother of Christ? He himself mentions his spiritual mother in Mark 3:34-35 and Luke 8:21: “For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” St. Paul calls himself a father in 1 Corinthians 4:15: “For though ye have ten thousand tutors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I begat you through the Gospel.” It is therefore clear that the Christian church, that is to say all those who believe, the spiritual mother of Christ, and all the apostles and teachers of the people who preach the Gospel, are his spiritual father. As often as faith is created in a man, Christ is born anew in him.

These are the people who are marveling at the sayings of the prophets; for how beautifully and precisely do these apply to Christ and how gloriously do they speak of him, demonstrating in a masterly manner the truth of the whole Gospel. There is no greater delight in this life than to perceive and experience this in reading the Scriptures.

17. But the great multitude of unbelievers despise this Simeon, scoff at him and pervert his words as those of a fool, carrying on their apish tricks and buffoonery in the temple and even rearing idols and the altar of Damascus there, as did King Ahab, 1 Kings 16:32-33. These are the people who wantonly pervert the Scriptures and bring them into discredit; they judge them according to their human understanding and elevate their favorite idol, reason, thereby making of the Scriptures a doctrine of works and human laws. Finally they desecrate and destroy this temple of the Scriptures altogether and carry on in it their sin and shame, as the pope with his decrees and the great seats of learning with their devotion to Aristotle have done and are still doing. At the same time they are very devout and consecrate many churches, chapels and altars of wood and stone, show their indignation against the Turks who desecrate and destroy these churches, and believe that God ought to reward them for desecrating and devastating ten thousand times more badly his most precious temple, which is immeasurably better and eternal. They are a blind, mad, clumsy people; let them go in their blindness to eternal destruction.

18. Some simple-minded people might be surprised that Luke calls Joseph the father of Christ, in spite of the fact that Mary was a virgin. But he speaks thus according to the custom which prevailed among the people, and in keeping with the tradition of the law, according to which stepfathers, were also called fathers, which indeed is the general custom everywhere and always. Moreover Joseph is properly called his father, because he was the affianced husband of his mother. The Evangelist had sufficient reason to speak thus, for he had previously written very plainly about the virginity of Mary, so that he probably thought nobody would get the impression that Joseph was the real father of Christ. As there was consequently no danger, because of the precautions he had taken, he could write in this manner without any reserve. For the preceding narrative abundantly convinces us that Mary was his real mother and Joseph was his real father only in the conventional sense of the word; and thus it is true that he had both a father and a mother. And Simeon Blessed Them.

19. This blessing means nothing else but that he wished them happiness and joy, honor and all prosperity. Luke relates that he did not bless only the child, but every one of them, the child, his father and his mother.

20. This blessing seems to be a useless and trivial matter, for people generally do this and wish each other all that is good. But to bless Christ and his parents is a great and exceptional deed, for the reason that Christ and our nature are entirely opposed to each other. Christ condemns all that the world elects, gives us the cross to bear and to suffer all evil, deprives this world of all its pleasures, possessions and honors, and teaches that men deal in those things which are altogether foolish and sinful. And behold, nobody will nor can take this from him. Then they begin to execrate, blaspheme and persecute Christ and all his disciples, and there are only a few Simeons who bless him; but the whole world is full of those who curse him and wish him all evil, disgrace and misfortune. For he who is not disposed willingly to despise all things and to suffer everything, will not bless and praise Christ very long, but will speedily stumble.

21. There are indeed some who praise him, because he does what they desire and leaves them as they are. But then he is not Christ and does not do the works of Christ with them, but he is what they are and desire. When however he begins to be Christ to them and they are required to forsake their works and to let him alone dwell within them, there is nothing but flight, blasphemy and execration.

22. There are also some who believe that, if they were to see the infant Christ before them with his mother, as did Simeon, they would also joyously bless him. But they lie; for his childhood and poverty and his contemptible appearance would certainly cause them to stumble. They prove it by disregarding, hating and persecuting such poverty and humble appearance in the members of Christ, and yet they might still find daily among them Christ their head. If they then shun the cross now and hate its contemptible appearance, they would certainly do the same thing if they were still to see him with their eyes. Why are they not showing such honor to the poor? Why will they not honor the truth? But Simeon was of a different mind. Outward appearances did not cause him to stumble but on the contrary, he confessed that the Savior was to be a sign which is spoken against, and is pleased that Christ rejects the appearance of worldly greatness and exhibits the cross. Therefore he does not bless Christ alone, but also his members, father and mother.

23. Thus Simeon, as a preacher and lover of the cross and an enemy of the world, in blessing the child, gave a remarkable example of exalting and honoring Christ, who was then despised, cursed and rejected in his own person, and is now treated in the same manner in his members, who for his sake endure poverty, disgrace, death and all ignominy. Yet nobody will come to their relief, receive and bless them, but people want to be pious Christians by praying and fasting, and by bequests and good works.


24. Explaining this figuratively, we find that the spiritual Christ, or his spiritual father and mother, that is to say the Christian church, with its apostles and followers, is subjected on earth to all ignominy, being made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things, as St. Paul says in Corinthians 4:13. Therefore it is indeed necessary that they receive blessing and consolation from some other source, from Simeon in the temple, which means from the prophets in Holy Scripture, as St. Paul says in Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that through patience and through comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

25. A Christian must therefore not imagine, nor endeavor to bring it about, that he may be praised and blessed by the people of this world. No, it has already been decided that he must expect reproach and contempt and willingly submit to it. A blessing he can only expect from Simeon in the temple. The Scriptures are our comfort, praising and blessing all who are reproached by the world for Christ’s sake. This is the whole teaching of Psalm 87, also of Psalm 9 and many others, which tell us that God will rescue all those who suffer in this world. Thus Moses writes in Genesis 4:9 that God takes such great care of pious Abel after his death as to be moved to vengeance solely by his blood, without having been petitioned for it, doing more for him after his death than while he was still living. This shows that he can not forsake even the dead, nay, he will remember his believers more when they are dead than while they are living. Again, after Cain had been slain, he was silent, showing no interest in him.

26. These and similar passages of Scripture are our comfort and blessing, if we are Christians; to them we must cling and with them we must be satisfied. Here we see how blessed are those who suffer reproach, and how wretched are those who persecute us. The former God will never forget nor forsake, and the latter he will not acknowledge nor remember. Could we desire a more abundant, a greater comfort and blessing? What is the blessing and comfort of this world compared with this consolation and blessing of Simeon in the temple ? “And he said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling and rising of many in Israel; and for a sign which is spoken against: yea a sword shall pierce through thine own soul; that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed.

27. Why does he not say this to the father also, and why does he call the mother by name? He desires here to address himself to the real mother, and not to the father. As Jesus was her own child, all that happened to him naturally also happened to her and caused her genuine and real pain.

Simeon perhaps also addressed Mary alone for the reason that Joseph was not to live until the time of the sufferings of Christ, which the mother would experience alone; and in addition to all this sorrow she was to be a poor and lonely widow, and Christ was to suffer as a poor orphan. This is a situation unspeakably pitiable, and God himself according to the Scriptures takes great interest in widows and orphans, calling himself a father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows.

28. For Mary lived in all three estates, in the state of virginity, in that of matrimony, and in that of widowhood, the latter being the most pitiable, without any protection or aid. A virgin has her parents, a wife her husband, but the widow is alone. And in this pitiful condition Simeon announces to her such great sorrow, thereby showing and explaining to her that his blessing is a blessing of God and not of the world. For in the sight of the world all was to be reversed and she was not only to be not blessed, but her child also should become the target and aim of everybody’s curses, just as bows and arrows are aimed at the target. Behold, this in my opinion means to be blessed in the temple. It was indeed necessary that she should be strengthened and comforted by a spiritual and divine benediction against the arrows of future curses, for her soul alone was to bear and endure this great tempest of the execration of her child.

29. Simeon declares in the first place that Christ is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel. This then is the first consolation which his mother was to experience in him and for which she was to educate him, namely, that many were to be offended in him, even in Israel, the chosen people. This is a poor comfort in the judgment of men, that she is the mother of a son who is to cause many to stumble and fall, even in Israel.

Some have explained this text thus, that many have been stirred up by Christ and their pride has fallen, so that they might rise again in humility; just as St. Paul fell and rose again, and all the self-righteous must fall, despair of their own strength and rise again in Christ, if they would be saved. This is a good interpretation, but not exhaustive here. Simeon says of Christ that many Jews would take offense at him and stumble, thereby falling into unbelief, just as it has happened in the past and as it still occurs.

It was indeed a dark picture and a terrible announcement to which this holy mother had to listen.

30. Not Christ however is the cause of this fall, but the presumption of the Jews. It happened in this wise. Christ came to be a light and Savior of all the world, as Simeon said, so that all might be justified and saved by faith in him. If this is to be brought about, all other righteousness in ourselves, sought for outside of Christ with works, must be rejected. The Jews would not hear of this, as St. Paul says in Romans 10:3: “For being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.” Thus they take offense at faith, fall deeper and deeper into unbelief and become hardened in their own righteousness, so that they have even persecuted with all their might all who believed.

31. All those who would be saved by their own righteousness must do the same thing. They depend upon their works, and when faith in Christ is demanded they stumble and fall, burning, condemning and persecuting all who reject their works or consider them useless. Such people are the pope, the bishops, the Scholastics and all the Papists. And this they do under the impression that they are earnestly serving God, defending the truth and preserving Christianity, just as the Jews also pretended to preserve the true service of God and the law of Moses when they killed the apostles and other Christians and persecuted them.

32. Therefore, as Simeon here tells the mother of Christ that not all the people of Israel will receive him as their light and Savior, and that not only a few, but many will take offense at him and fall, so also the spiritual mother of Christ, that is to say, the Christian Church, must not be surprised when many false Christians, even among the clergy, will not believe. For such are the people who depend upon works and seek their own righteousness, who stumble and fall because Christ demands faith, and who persecute and kill those that oppose them. This has been prophesied long ago by the spiritual Simeon, namely the prophets, who almost with one accord have spoken of this fall. In Isaiah 8:11-15 we read as follows: “For Jehovah spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people shall say, A conspiracy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be in dread thereof. Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a square to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

And many shall stumble thereon, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.” There are many more passages from which it can be shown that Christ must be a rock against which the best and greatest will stumble, as we read in Psalm 78:31: “And he slew of the fattest of them, and smote down the young men of Israel.” For Christ is set as a Savior and can not yield nor change. But these arrogant people are headstrong and obstinate, will not give up their vanity, and run their head against Christ, so that one of the two must break and fall. Christ however must remain and cannot fall; consequently they fall.

33. Again, as firmly as he stands over against the legalists and will not yield before them, so immovably he stands also for all who would found their faith on him, as we read in Isaiah 28:16: “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone of sure foundation: he that believeth shall not be in haste.” And in Matthew 16:18 he says himself: “Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Now, as by the falling and breaking spoken of in this connection, nothing else is meant but unbelief and dependence upon works, so rising and being built upon this rock means nothing but to believe and disregard his works. This is done by the believers, for the rising of whom alone Christ is set. And as in the times of Christ many among the people of Israel rose in him, so it will be until the end of the world, for nobody can rise through his works, or through the doctrines of men, but only through Christ. This is brought about by faith, as has often been said, without any merit or works; the works will only follow, after we have risen.

34. You will perceive therefore how the whole Scriptures speak only of faith, and reject works as useless, nay, as standing in the way of justification and preventing us from rising. For Christ will alone be set for the rising of many, and those who will not rise must fall. Nothing can be set beside him by which we might rise. Is not the life of the Papists and priests abominable? For they run their heads against this rock, and their conduct is so directly opposed to Christianity that it may indeed be called the sway and government of the Antichrist. The spiritual Simeon also speaks of this rising to the spiritual mother of Christ. For all the prophets teach the Christian Church that only in Christ can all men rise, and St. Paul in Romans 1:17 and Hebrews 10:38 quotes the passage from Habakkuk 2:4: “But the righteous shall live by his faith,”

35. We see therefore this falling and rising by Christ must be understood spiritually, and that the falling and rising apply to different classes of people. The falling applies only to those who are great, learned, mighty and holy, and who trust too much in themselves. Thus the Gospel tells us that Christ never had a disagreement nor a conflict with sinners, but he treated them with the utmost kindness. But with the select people, the scribes and high-priests he cannot get along, neither is he gracious to them. If then only those can fall who are standing up, only those can rise who have fallen and are lying prostrate. These are the people who know their poverty and long for grace, who realize that they are nothing and Christ is everything.

36. It is noticeable that Simeon adds the word “Israel.” For Christ had been promised by all the prophets only to the people of Israel. At the same time it was announced that many among that people would fall away only on account of their self-righteousness. This is indeed a terrible example to us Gentiles, to whom nothing has been promised; but out of pure grace we have unexpectedly been brought into the kingdom and have risen through Christ, as St. Paul tells us in Romans 15:9 and as we have said in explaining the Epistle for the second Sunday in Advent. For this reason the example of Israel’s fall should touch our hearts, as the apostle exhorts us in Romans 11:20, that we may not also fall, or perhaps fall more grievously than the Jews and Turks, being seduced by Antichrist and bearing the name of Christ to the dishonor of God and our own harm.

37. In the second place Simeon says that Christ is set for a sign which is spoken against. Is it not a great pity that the Savior and light of the world must be spoken against, condemned and rejected, he whom the whole world ought to desire and seek? This shows us the character of the world, and how our human nature uses the freedom of the will. This world is the kingdom of Satan and the enemy of God, and does not only transgress the commandments of God, but with senseless rage also persecutes and kills the Savior, who would help them to keep God’s commandments. But one sin leads to another; those who take offense at him must also speak against him, and cannot do otherwise. On the other hand, those who rise through him must confess him, testify and preach of him, and they also cannot do otherwise. But a sword shall pierce through their souls, as we shall now see.

38. Now give heed to the text. Simeon does not say that Christ shall be spoken against, but that he is set for a sign which is spoken against; just as a butt or target is set for the marksman, so that all bows and guns, arrows and stones may be aimed at it. Such a target is set up that the shots may be directed only at it and nowhere else. Thus Christ is the mark which is noticed by everybody and all opposition is directed toward him. And although the opponents are at variance with each other, yet they become united when they oppose Christ. This is proved by Luke 23:12, where we read that Pilate and Herod became friends in their opposition against Christ, while before they were at enmity between themselves. The Pharisees and Sadducees could never agree, but in their opposition to Christ they were united. David speaks of this and expresses his astonishment in Psalm 2:12: “Why do the nations rage, and the people meditate a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together, against Jehovah, and against his anointed.”

39. In the same manner the heretics, however strongly they differed with each other and opposed each other, were nevertheless united in their opposition against the one Christian Church. Even now, when all the bishops, religious establishments, orders and monasteries are at variance with each other, so that there are nearly as many sects and different opinions as heads, yet they are unanimous in their opposition against the Gospel. Asaph also writes in Psalm 83:6-8, that many nations conspired against the people of Israel, namely Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagarenes, Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre, and Assyria, yet they were at enmity among one another. Wickedness and falsehood are at variance with themselves, but they are united against truth and righteousness, every attack and opposition being directed toward this mark. They believe to have good reason for this.

For every faction fights against its own adversary, Pilate against Herod, the Pharisees against the Sadducees, Arius against Sabellius, the monks against the priests. But every faction has its adherents and friends, and their discord or harmony is only partial.

40. But Christ is very impolite and unreasonable, rebuking them all, Pilate being as much to him as Herod, and the Pharisees as much as the Sadducees, so that he does not take the part of any of them. Therefore, as he is against all of them, so they are all against him. Thus truth is opposed to all lies and falsehoods, and therefore all lies are united against the truth and make of it a sign which is spoken against. It must needs be so. For Christ and the truth find not a single man pious and pleasing to God, as we read in Psalm 116:11: “All men are liars.” Therefore Christ must rebuke them indiscriminately and reject their works, so that they all may feel the need of his grace and long for it. But only a few will believe and accept this.

41. Thus we have here two Simeons. The literal Simeon tells Mary that Christ in his own person is set for a sign which is spoken against. In these words he indicates what the spiritual Simeon, that is to say the prophets, would teach the church concerning our Christian faith, namely that this faith and Gospel, the living word of truth is a rock at which many will stumble and by the help of which many will rise, and that it finally is a sign which is spoken against. Thus Isaiah expresses his surprise when he says in chapter 53:1: “Who hath believed our message?” just as if he would declare that not many believe it. In Isaiah 8:15 and Isaiah 28:13 we also read that many will stumble at this word, so that hardly the dregs of the people will be saved. The prophets have written copiously of this falling, rising, and speaking against.

42. Simeon has declared before that Christ is the light and Savior of all the world, which has also been declared by the prophets. This shows us the character of Christ and his attitude toward the world. But when Simeon speaks of falling, rising, and speaking against, he shows what Christ will achieve, what is the character of the world, and what attitude it takes toward Christ. Thus it appears that Christ is indeed willing and qualified to be the light and Savior of all the world, and abundantly demonstrates himself as such. But the world will not receive him and becomes only worse, opposing and persecuting him with all its strength.

43. This shows us that this world is the kingdom of Satan, not only full of wickedness and blindness, but also loving these things, as Christ says in John 3:19: “The light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light.” Behold, how we sojourn on earth among devils and the enemies of God, so that indeed this life ought to be a horror for us.

44. From this we learn to be assured that we may comfort ourselves and cheerfully bear up when many people stumble at our Word and speak against our faith, especially the great, the learned, and the priests. This is a sign that our message and faith is right, for it receives the treatment foretold by Simeon and all the prophets. They must take offense at it, stumble over it, rise by it, and speak against it; it cannot be otherwise. He who would have it otherwise must look for another Christ. Christ is set for the falling and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which is spoken against; consequently his members, or every Christian, must be like him on account of his faith and his message. He is called “antilegumenous,” he who is spoken against. His doctrine must be rejected, condemned and execrated as the worst heresy, error and foolishness. It is treated rightly when this is done; but when this does not take place, then we have neither Christ, nor his mother, nor Simeon, nor the prophets, nor faith, nor the Gospel nor any Christians. For what does speaking against mean but to deny, blaspheme, curse, condemn, reject, prohibit and persecute with all disgrace and ignominy as the worst heresy?

45. But we find still another consolation in our text. Simeon says that Christ is a sign which is spoken against, which however will not be overthrown or exterminated. The whole world may condemn my faith and my Word, call it heresy and misrepresent and pervert it in the most shameful manner, but they must let it remain and cannot take it from me.

With all their rage and fury they will accomplish nothing, but can only speak against me, and I must be their mark and target. Yet they will fall, and I shall stand. Let them speak against me as much as they desire, God will also oppose them and with his deeds contend against their words. We shall see who will win the victory. Here are the deeds of God, which establish this sign firmly and solidly upon a good foundation. A goal is set up by God, who will upset it? But the others have no more than fleeting words and an impotent breath of the mouth. The flies make a great fluttering with their wings and sharpen their bills, but they only defile the wall and must let it stand.

46. From this it follows that the doctrine and faith of the pope, the bishops, the religious establishments, the monasteries and the universities is of the world and of the devil, for no one takes offense at them or speaks against them, neither do they suffer any harm. They reap nothing but honor, power, riches, peace and pleasure, and fatten themselves at the crib, with the exception of a few that may sometimes be found who are tormented by the devil with spiritual temptations concerning their faith and hope. For where Christ is and his faith, there is also opposition, otherwise it is not Christ. If men do not oppose openly, devils do it secretly. These are sore temptations to unbelief, despair and blasphemy. Such people may be preserved and saved. The great multitude however lives without Christ, without Mary, without Simeon, without the least truth, but meanwhile they read many masses, sing high and low, wear tonsures and ecclesiastical vestments and are the apes of Solomon and like Indian cats. As they will not suffer to be spoken against and are not worthy of it, have nothing and do nothing that would call forth opposition, they become opponents themselves. What else could they do? It is their work to condemn, forbid, curse and persecute the truth.

47. I mention all this because I want to do my duty and point out to every Christian his danger, so that all may beware of the pope, the scholastics and the priests and shun them as they shun the kingdom of Satan, for the Word of God does not prevail among them. Cling to the Gospel and find out where there is opposition and where there is praise. Where you find no opposition, there Christ is not present; and here we do not mean opposition from the Turks, but from our nearest neighbors. Christ is not a sign set for the falling of many in Babylon or Assyria, but in Israel, that is to say among the people in the midst of whom he dwells and who boast to be his own.

48. In the third place Simeon says to Mary: “A sword shall pierce through thine own soul.” This does not mean an actual sword, but must be understood figuratively, just like Psalm 107:10: “Such as sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron,” also Deuteronomy 4:20: “Jehovah hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnaces.” It means that her heart was to be filled with great sorrow and grief, although her body would not be tortured.

Everybody knows how this happened. Thus we must take these words as a Hebrew figure of speech, expressing great sorrow and grief, just as we speak of a “heart-rending sorrow,” or use expressions like “my heart is breaking” or “my heart will burst.”

49. We shall speak more about this during the Passion season, when we consider the sufferings of Christ. At present we can only notice how Simeon interprets his blessing by predicting such sorrow, in order that it might not be understood as a worldly blessing. But what does it signify that Simeon here speaks only to Mary, the mother, and not to Joseph? It signifies that the Christian Church, the spiritual virgin Mary, will remain on earth and will not be exterminated although the preacher and their faith and the Gospel, the spiritual Christ, are persecuted. Thus Joseph died before Christ suffered, and Mary in her widowhood was deprived of her child, yet she lived, and all this grief overwhelmed her soul. Thus the Christian Church will always be a widow, feeling great sorrow because the holy fathers, represented by Joseph, die, and the Gospel is persecuted. The Church must feel the sword, and will yet remain until the last day.

50. What can be more painful for a Christian than to see and experience how furiously the tyrants and unbelievers persecute and exterminate the Gospel of Christ? This is done more at the present time under the pope than ever before With this agrees the name of Mary, which means a “sea of bitterness.” This declares that there is in her not only a drop, nor a river, but a whole sea of bitterness, for all the waves of sorrow go over her, so that she may indeed be called Mary, a bitter sea.

51. Finally Simeon says that all this will happen that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed. What a blessed and necessary fruit of this falling and speaking against! But in order to understand this we must notice that there are two different kinds of temptation among men. There is the temptation to gross sins, as for instance to be disobedient to parents, to kill, to be unchaste, to steal, to lie and blaspheme, etc., which are sins against the second table of the law. The people who do these things need not take offense at a sign which is spoken against; their thoughts are sufficiently revealed by their evil life. The Scriptures speak little of this temptation.

52. But the most dangerous temptation is prefigured by Cozbi the daughter of Zur, a prince of Midian, because of whom twenty-four thousand were slain in Israel, as Moses writes in Numbers 25:15. This is the temptation through the bright and shining sins of good works and the service of God, which bring misfortune upon the whole world and against which nobody can guard sufficiently. These are the sins against the first table of the law, against faith, the honor of God and his works.

53. For a life of good works, blameless conduct and outward respectability is the greatest, most dangerous and destructive stumbling-block. The people leading such lives are so upright, reasonable, honorable and pious that scarcely a single soul could have been preserved or saved, if God had not set up a sign against which they might stumble and by which the thought of their hearts might be revealed. Thus we see their hearts behind their beautiful words and good works, and find that these great saints and wise men are pagans and fools; for they persecute the faith for the sake of their works and will not suffer their ways to be rebuked. Thus their thoughts are laid bare and they become manifested as trusting in their own works and themselves, sinning not only continually against the first commandments, but endeavoring also in their enmity against God to exterminate and destroy all that belongs to God, claiming to do this for the sake of God and to preserve the truth. Behold, such are the pope, the bishops and almost all the priests, who have filled the world with innumerable snares and stumbling-blocks by making an external glitter of the spiritual life. Among them there is no faith, but only works, the Gospel does not prevail, but only human laws.

54. The whole Scriptures speak of this stumbling-block, and God with all his prophets and saints contends against it. This is the true gate of hell and the broad highway to eternal damnation, wherefore this harlot is well called Cozbi, “mendacium meum,” my lie. Everything that glitters lies and deceives, but her beautiful ornaments and embellishments deceive even the princes of Israel, and so she is not merely called “mendacium,” but “meum mendacium,” my lie, because with her deception she attracts and tempts almost everybody.

55. But in order to protect us God has set up his Christ as a sign, at which they might stumble and fall and which they oppose, so that we may not be seduced by their works and words, nor consider them good and imitate them. We should rather know that before God no moral life without faith is acceptable; where there is no faith, there is only Cozbi, nothing but lies and deception. This becomes manifest as soon as we preach against them and consider their works worthless in comparison with faith. Behold, then you must be a heretic with your faith; they reveal themselves and disclose their heart before you unwillingly and unknowingly. Then you perceive the shocking abominations of unbelief hidden behind that beautiful life, the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the harlot adorned with the wreath, impudently demanding that you consider her disgrace and vice, her honor and virtue, or threatening to kill you. Therefore God says to her Jeremiah 3:3: “Thou hadst a harolt’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed,” and Isaiah 8:9: “The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not.” Would she not be considered a mad and impudent harlot who would have her adultery extolled even before her husband? But this is being done by all the preachers of works and faithless teachers, who shamelessly preach righteousness by works, but condemn faith, or conjugal chastity, who call their lewdness chastity, but true chastity they call lewdness. Now all this might remain hidden, and human nature and reason might never discover such vices, for their works are too attractive and their manners too polished. Indeed, human nature devises all this and delights in it, believing it to be well and right, persisting and becoming hardened in it. Therefore God sets up a sign that our nature may stumble and everybody may learn how much higher is the Christian life than nature and reason. The virtues of nature are sins, its light is darkness its ways are errors. We need an entirely new heart and nature; the natural heart reveals itself as an enemy of God.

56. This is prefigured by the Philistines, 1 Samuel 5:6, whom God smote with tumors when the ark of God was with them. The tumors are the thoughts of unbelieving hearts, breaking out when the ark of God comes to them, that is to say when the Gospel and Christ are preached, which they will not tolerate. Thus it happens that the hearts of these saints, which otherwise could not be known, become revealed when Christ is held up before them. St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:15: “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, and he himself is judged of no man,” for he knows their disposition and the attitude of their hearts when he perceives that they do not accept the Word of God and faith.


“And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity, and she had been a widow even unto fourscore and four years), who departed not from the temple, worshipping with fastings and supplications night and day.”

57. Here some might say: From the example of Anna you see that good works are exalted, as for instance fasting and praying and going to church, therefore they must not be condemned. But who has ever condemned good works? We only reject hypocritical and spurious good works. Fasting, praying, going to church are good works, if they are done in the right spirit. But the trouble is that these blockheads explain the Scriptures so awkwardly, noticing only the works and examples of the saints and thinking that now they are able to learn from them and imitate them. Thus they become nothing but apes and hypocrites, for they do not perceive that the Scriptures speak more of the heart than of the deeds of men. The sacrifice and works of Abel are praised in Scripture, but he himself a great deal more. They however disregard the person and observe only the example, take notice of the works and pay no heed to faith, eat the bran and throw away the flour, as we read in Hosea 3:1: “They turn unto other gods, and love cakes of raisins.” If you desire to fast and pray like Anna, well and good. But take good care that first of all you imitate her character, and then her works. Be first of all like Anna. But let us see what Luke says of her works and her character, so that her example may be correctly understood.

58. In the first place he says that she was a prophetess, and undoubtedly a devout, godly prophetess. Most assuredly the Holy Spirit dwelled in her, and consequently she was good and righteous regardless of all her works.

Therefore the works which she produced must also have been good and righteous. So you see that Luke does not want to say that through her works she became holy and a prophetess, but she was a holy prophetess before, and for this reason her works were also good. Why would you mutilate this example and pervert the Gospel, paying most attention to the works, while Luke describes first of all the whole person, and not only the works ?

59. In the second place he praises her as a widow, who did works becoming her widowhood and her station in life. But he would not represent them as being unusual and the only good works whereby we can serve God, rejecting all others. St. Paul writes of the life of widows in Timothy 5:3-6 as follows: “Honor widows that are widows indeed. But if any widow hath children or grandchildren, let them learn first to show piety toward their own family, and to requite their parents: for this is acceptable in the sight of God. Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, hath her hope set on God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.” But she that giveth herself to pleasure is dead while she liveth.”

60. From this you see that Anna must have been a widow, alone in the world, without any children or parents to take care of, otherwise she would not have served God but the devil by not departing from the temple and neglecting her duty of managing her household according to the will of God. Luke indicates this when he writes that she had been a widow even for fourscore and four years. Everybody may then easily calculate that her parents must have been dead and her children provided for, so that as an aged mother she was cared for by them and she did not have anything to do but to pray and fast and forego all worldly pleasures. Luke does not say that all the eighty-four years of her life were spent in this manner; but at the time when Christ was born and brought into the temple she began to lead such a life, when all things, as well as her children and parents, were provided for and she was entirely alone.

61. It is therefore a dangerous thing to take notice only of the works, and fail to consider the whole character of a person, as well as his station and calling. God cannot bear to see any one neglect the duties of his calling or station in life in order to imitate the works of the saints. If therefore a married woman were to follow Anna in this respect, leave her husband and children, her home and parents in order to go on a pilgrimage, to pray, fast and go to church, she would do nothing else but tempt God, confound the matrimonial estate with the state of widowhood, desert her own calling and do works belonging to others. This would be as much as walking on one’s ears, putting a veil over one’s feet and a boot on one’s head, and turning all things upside down. Good works should be done, and you ought to pray and fast, but you must not thereby be kept from or neglect the duties of your calling and station. The service of God does not consist in the performance of one or two special deeds, nor is it bound to any particular calling, but God may be served in every calling. The duty of Anna and all widows who like her are alone, is praying and fasting, and here St. Luke agrees with St. Paul. The duty of married women is not only praying and fasting, but they should govern their children and household according to the will of God and care for their parents, as St. Paul says in 1 Timothy 5:4: For this reason the Evangelist, in describing the life of Anna takes such great care to mention her station and age, so that he may discourage those who would take notice only of her deeds and draw poison from roses. He first of all draws attention to her calling.

62. In the third place, the same reason prompts him to write that she lived with a husband seven years from her virginity. Here he exalts the state of matrimony and the duties of that estate, so that nobody may think that he considers only praying and fasting as good works. For she did not devote herself entirely to praying and fasting while she lived with her husband, or during the time of her maidenhood, but only after she had become an aged and lonely widow. Yet her virginity and her wedded life with its duties are also praised and help up as an example of truly good works. Why would you disregard them and only cleave to the deeds of the widow?

63. And with good purpose does the Evangelist first praise her wedded life and then her widowhood, for he wanted to cut the ground entirely from under the feet of the blind legalists. She was a godly maiden, a godly wife, and a godly widow, and in all these three estates she performed her respective duties.

64. May you then do likewise. Reflect on your condition, and you will find enough good works to do if you would lead a godly life. Every calling has its own duties, so that we need not inquire for others outside of our station. Behold, then we will truly serve God, just as Luke says that Anna worshiped with fastings and supplications night and day. But the legalists do not serve God, but themselves, nay, the devil, for they do not perform their duties and forsake their own calling. Thus it depends entirely upon the character of the person and his calling whether his works are good, as we have said above in explaining the Gospel for the Day of St. John the Evangelist. This may suffice for the present. Let us now see what Anna means spiritually.


65. We said in §11 and 12 that by Simeon are signified the holy prophets, who have spoken of Christ in Holy Scripture. Therefore Anna must signify those who stands by and hear this message assenting to it and applying it to themselves, as did Anna, who stood by when Simeon spoke of Christ. Thus Anna means nothing but the holy Synagogue, the people of Israel, whose life and history are recorded in the Bible. For Anna is found in the temple, that is to say in the Scripture. And as Mary signifies the Christian Church, the people of God after the birth of Christ, so Anna signifies the people of God before Christ’s birth. Therefore Anna is wellnigh a hundred years old and near her death, while Mary is young and in the prime of life. Thus the Synagogue was on the wane at the time of Christ, while the Church was in its beginning.

66. It is then indicated here that the saints before the birth of Christ have understood and believed the massage of the prophets and all have been saved in Christ and by faith in him, as Christ says of Abraham: “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it, and was glad”; also Luke 10:24: “For I say unto you, that many prophets and kings desired to see the things which ye see, and saw them not; and to hear the things which ye hear, and heard them not.” Paul says in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and for ever,” and more plainly in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4: “For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual food; and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ.”

Such and similar passages prove that all the saints before the birth of Christ have like us been saved in Christ. Therefore we read in Hebrews of examples of faith, of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses and others, who spent their lives in Christ and for Christ who heard him and through the prophet’s words knew him, believed in him and waited for his coming.

67. For this reason all the narratives of the Old Testament so beautifully answer Christ and testify of him with one accord, standing around him just as Anna here literally stood near him. It is a great delight to read and perceive how they all look and point at Christ. Let us notice only one example. Isaac was sacrificed by his father and yet his life was spared, a ram being substituted for him, which Abraham saw behind him caught in the thicket by his horns. Here Christ, the Son of God, is prefigured, who like a mortal man died on the cross. Yet the divine nature did not die, the human nature being sacrificed in its place which is designated in the ram that by his horns (this is to say the preaching of the Gospel, rebuking and punishing the perversity and obstinacy of the scribes and priests) was caught in this thicket, being behind Abraham, that is to say coming after him. Many more important lessons might be learned from this narrative.

68. So Joseph was sold into Egypt, and after having been in prison became the ruler of the whole land, Genesis 37 and 41. This occurred and was recorded that Christ might be prefigured, who through his sufferings became the Lord of all the world. But who has time enough to explain all these narratives and to show how Samson, David, Solomon, Aaron and others are appropriate and perfect types of Christ?

69. Luke therefore here uses the word “epistasa” with reference to Anna, which means that she stood over, or beside, or near that which happened to Christ in the temple. In the Latin text we read “superveniens,” meaning that she came near at that time. This is also true, but the other expression, that she “stood over” what happened, is better. It means that she pressed forward with great earnestness to see him. Thus we say: How the people press forward to see this or that. Thus do the narratives of Holy Writ act toward Christ, in order that they may typify him.

70. Yet the saints would not have been saved by this, and probably they did not know at the time that by their deeds they became types of Christ. For our faith cannot be based upon figures and interpretations, but it must first of all be established upon clear passages of Scripture, which must be explained according to the natural meaning of the words. Then, after the foundation for faith has been laid by the words of Scripture, such interpretations of history must be based upon faith, which is thereby nourished and strengthened. Therefore, as I have said, they were types of Christ only in their outward conduct and works, through which nobody could have been sanctified, but they heartily believed in the Christ who was to come, whom they literally knew from clear passages of Holy Writ.

71. Thus Christ was promised to Adam and Eve after the fall, when God said to the serpent, Genesis 3:15:”I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This promise holds good for Adam and Eve, and they believed in the seed of the woman, who was to bruise the head of the serpent. So it was until the time of Noah, to whom another promise was given when God said, Genesis 6:18: “But I will establish my covenant with thee.” When, therefore, Eve bore Cain, her first son (Genesis 4:1) she rejoiced and believed him to be the seed of whom God had spoken, saying: “I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah,” as if she were to say: This will be the man, the seed, who is to fight against the serpent. She desired to see Christ, but the time was not yet come.

Afterwards she realized that Cain was not the Savior and that her faith must look forward to another woman.

72. Then came the clear promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:3 and Genesis 22:18), to whom God said: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,” of which we have spoken in explaining the Epistle.

The faith of all the saints before the birth of Christ until the time of his coming was based upon this promise, so that this passage may also be referred to by the “bosom of Abraham”, of which Christ speaks in Luke 16:22. Such a promise was indeed also made to David, but only by the virtue of the promise to Abraham. This child of Mary then is the seed of the woman, waging war against the serpent in order to destroy sin and death. Therefore we read in the text that the seed is to bruise the head of the serpent, by which undoubtedly the serpent is meant that seduced Eve, namely Satan in the serpent, and Adam and Eve certainly understood it thus. Who will show us another son or seed bruising the head? If it had been said of a mere man, it might as well be understood of Adam as of any of his children. Yet not Adam, nor a child of Adam, was to do it, but a woman’s, a virgin’s child.

73. It is well said, in distinction, that this seed is to bruise Satan’s head, the seat of life; Satan however will not bruise the head of the seed, but his heel, or the sole of his foot. This means that Satan indeed injures, destroys and kills the external, bodily life and activity of Christ; but the head, that is to say the divine nature, remains alive and even raises from death the heel, or the human nature, which was bruised by Satan. So in all Christians he injures and destroys their life and work, thus bruising their heels; but he cannot touch the head, or faith, and therefore their life and work will also be restored. On the other hand, Satan’s feet remain, his strength and fury are great; but his head, that is to say sin and the inmost essence of his life, are bruised. Therefore his feet must die eternally with sin and death.

Behold, in this manner did God save the saints of old by his Word and their faith, and has kept them from sin and the power of the devil until the coming of Christ, signified by this saintly Anna.

74. For this reason she does not take the infant Christ into her arms like Simeon, neither does she speak concerning him like Simeon, but she stands by and speaks about him to others. For the dear fathers of old and the saints have not uttered prophecies concerning Christ like the prophets, neither have they spoken of him, but they have taken the greatest interest in the announcement of the prophets, have believed them firmly and transmitted them to other people and generations, just as Luke here says of Anna.

75. Everything agrees with this that Luke here relates of her. In the first place, she is a prophetess, that is to say, she has the insight of the prophets.

Thus all the saints of old have apprehended Christ in the passages of Scripture by faith, and consequently they were all prophets.

76. In the second place, she is called Anna, which in Latin is “gratia”, meaning favor or grace. The two names, Anna and John (Johannes) are almost one in Hebrew. Anna means gracious, or one who is favored. This signifies that the fathers and saints of old have not received such faith and the promise of God by their own merit, but by the favor and grace of God, according to whose mercy they were pleasing in his sight. In the same manner all men are not acceptable and pleasing to God on account of their worthiness, but only by the grace of God. This is also the way of human nature, which often shows a predilection for something that is unattractive, and it is a common saying among us that love and favor may as likely fall upon a frog as upon purple, or that nobody can make us dislike what we love. Thus God loves us who are sinful and unworthy, and we are all favored by him. We are all Johns and Annas in his sight.

77. In the third place, she is a daughter of Phanuel. After Jacob had wrestled with the angel, Genesis 32:30, he called the name of the place Peniel or Phanuel, and said: “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Peniel or Phanuel means “face of God”. Now the face of God is nothing but the knowledge of God, and God can only be known by faith in his Word. The Word and promises of God declare nothing but comfort and grace in Christ, and whoever believes them beholds the grace and goodness of God. This is the knowledge of God, which cheers and blesses the heart, as David says in Psalm 4:6-7: “Jehovah, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart,” and Psalm 80:8: “And cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.” We read much in Scripture concerning the hiding and showing of the countenance of God.

78. Behold, in this way the fathers and saints of old were spiritual children of Phanuel, of divine knowledge and wisdom, which filled them with joy.

To this they attained by faith in the divine promise and thus they became prophets. But faith and the promises of God they obtained only because they were favored by him, out of God’s pure grace and mercy.

79. This brings us to the fourth point, namely that she was of the tribe of Asher. Asher means happiness (Genesis 30:13). Faith makes us children of divine wisdom and blessedness. For faith destroys sin and redeems from death, as Christ says in Mark 16:16: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” To be saved means nothing but redemption from sin and death.

80. Anna then is a daughter of Phanuel and Asher, full of wisdom and having a good conscience in the face of all sins and the terrors of death. All this is bestowed by faith in the divine promise of mercy; and thus one follows the other: Anna, the prophetess, a daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. This means that we obtain the promise of God and believe in it only by divine grace, whereby we learn to know God and his goodness thoroughly, which fills the heart with joy, security and blessedness, and delivers us completely from sin and death.

81. We come now in the fifth place to the more profound and spiritual interpretations. She lived with a husband seven years, and after that was a widow for eighty-four years, without a husband. Had one sufficient time and skill he might find the whole Bible contained in this number. But in order that we may see how, as Christians, we do not need Aristotle or human lore, but have in the Scriptures enough to study for all eternity, if we should so desire. Let us also consider this number in connection with the wonders of Scripture mentioned before. The number seven is commonly taken to signify our temporal life, the life of this body, because all time is measured by the seven days of the week (Genesis 1), which is the first and best standard for the measurement of time, established by the Scriptures. For in Genesis 1 Moses writes that God first created days and appointed seven of them as a definite period of time. Of weeks were then made months, and of months years, into which our whole life is devided.

These seven years therefore signify the whole course of the temporal life and conduct of the saints of old.

82. But who was the husband? St. Paul explains in Romans 7:2 that a husband signifies the law. For as a woman is bound to her husband while he liveth, so all are bound to the law, who live under it. Now the law has been given to no people on earth except to this Anna, the Jewish people, as Paul says in Romans 3:2 that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. In Psalm 147:19-20 we read: “He showeth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his ordinances unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for his ordinances, they have not known them ;” also  Psalm 103:7: “He made known his ways unto Moses, his doings unto the children of Israel.” The Gospel however he did not reveal only to one nation, but to all the world, as we read in Psalm 19:4: “Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world,” which means the words of the apostles. Therefore Anna, who lived seven years with her husband, signifies the people of Israel under the law, in their outward conduct and temporal life.

83. Now we have heard in the Epistle for today that those who live under the law do not live aright, for they do the works of the law unwillingly and without delight, and are bond-servants, not children. For the law will hold no one righteous who does not keep it willingly. Such willingness however is only bestowed by faith, as has often been said. Faith will produce righteous works and fulfill the law. It is all the same to the believer whether he is under the law or free from it, seeing that Christ also was under the law.

84. But St. Luke, or rather the Holy Spirit, desires to show that this saintly Anna, the holy people of old, was not only under the law and a bondservant.

He points out that besides her life under the law she also walked in the freedom of faith and the Spirit, fulfilling the law not only with outward works like a bond-servant, but rather in faith. This is signified by the eighty-four years of her widowhood, meaning the spiritual life of faith led by the saints of old. For the widowhood, the life without a husband, signifies freedom from the law. Thus the life under the law and the life of faith existed, side by side. The belivers of old, as to their souls were justified without the works of the law, alone by faith, and in this respect they were truly widows; but in their external conduct and as to their bodies they were subject to the law. They did not, however, believe that they were justified by works, but having been justified by faith, they kept the law voluntarily, cheerfully and to the glory of God. He who lives in this manner may also do the works of the law, which will not harm him nor make a bond-servant of him, for Christ and the apostles also have kept the law.

Behold, these are the people who at the same time live seven years with a husband and eighty-four years without a husband, who at the same time are free from the law and yet under the law. as St. Paul says of himself in Corinthians 9:20: “I am to them that are under the law, as under the law, not being myself under the law.”

85. How can he be at the same time under the law and free from the law?

In order to gain others he gladly performed the external works of the law, but in his heart he clung to faith, by which he was justified, without the works of the law. For he fulfilled the law, and yet would not be justified by it, which indeed is impossible. In this manner Anna, the holy people, has kept the law. For whoever believes and has been justified by faith, may keep not only the law of God, but the laws of the whole world, and they will not hinder him; for he keeps them voluntarily, not in the opinion that thereby he acquires righteousness. But those people who only follow Anna in this that they live seven years with a husband, and do not live eighty-four years without a husband, are without the Spirit and faith and are bondservants.

They believe that by doing the works of the law they become righteous. But in this manner they can never become righteous and pious, as today’s Epistle sufficiently explains. It is well arranged that first the seven years of wedded life and then the eighty-four years of widowhood are mentioned, for St. Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 15:46: “Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural.”

86. If man is to become spiritual and a believer, he must necessarily first be under the law; for no one can know his faults without the law, and he who does not know his sin will not long for grace. But the law demands so much that man must realize and confess that he is unable to satisfy those demands. Then he must despair of himself and in all humility sigh for the grace of God. Behold, therefore the seven years come first, the law precedes grace as John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ. The law kills and condemns the natural, sensual man, so that grace may lift up the spiritual, inner man.

87. There is, however, nothing said of the years of Anna’s virginity, which signifies the unfruitful life before either the law or grace has been in operation, and which is worthless before God. Therefore virginity as a barren state was altogether despised and disapproved in the Old Testament.

88. f2 But how is it that faith or the spiritual life of the inner man, which without the law is widowed, without a husband, is signified by the number 84? Let us here follow the example of St. Augustine and try to find out the allegorical significance. Every one knows that the numbers seven and twelve are the most glorious in Holy Scripture. For these two numbers are mentioned frequently, undoubtedly because there were twelve apostles who founded and established the faith in all the world, and who exalted only faith by their doctrine and life. Whereas the one Moses received the law from the angels, thereby uniting Anna to a husband and demanding outward works from men.

Thus the apostles, who were twelve times more in number than Moses, received the Gospel, not from angels, but from the Lord himself, and made us widows, free by faith and justified without works. Now the saints of old, as we have said before, possessed this apostolic faith along with the law.

Therefore they have not only acquired the number seven, but also the number twelve, have not only possessed the one Moses, but also the apostles who were twelve times more, have lived as well under the law as free from the law, as we have heard before. Thus the number seven signifies the one Moses, and the number twelve times as many as Moses. It is therefore unquestionable that the number twelve signifies the apostles, the apostolic doctrine, the apostolic faith, the true widowhood, the spiritual life without the law. So also the number seven signifies Moses, the teaching of Moses, the works of the law, the real matrimonial state of bondage.

89. The twelve apostles are typified by the twelve patriarchs, the twelve precious stones on the holy garment of Aaron, the twelve princes of the people of Israel, the twelve stones taken out of the Jordan, the twelve foundations and gates of the new Jerusalem etc. For the whole Scriptures emphasize faith and the Gospel, preached and established by the apostles.

Thus this faith is also signified by these eighty-four years, which contains the number twelve in a wonderful manner.

90. In the first place, eighty-four is equal to twelve times seven. This signifies that the teacher of the law is only one, Moses, being only one time seven, that is to say the law and the life under the law. But the apostles are twelve, twelve times as many as Moses. Eighty-four bears the same relation to seven as twelve does to one. Now as the law was given through one and the Gospel through twelve, it is evident that seven signifies Moses and eighty-four the apostles. So the disciples of Moses are represented by Anna in the state of matrimony, while the widow Anna signifies the followers of the apostles, the former emphasizing external conduct, the latter a life in the Spirit and in faith. This also signifies that faith exceeds the works as much as twelve exceeds the number one, or eighty-four the number seven. It comprises the whole sum and inheritance, as also the apostles calls it “holokleros”, the whole inheritance, 1 Thessalonians 5:23; for the number twelve comprises all the people of Israel, divided into twelve tribes. He who believes possesses all things, is an heir of heaven and a blessed child of God.—Notice also the divine arrangement here. As Anna was not a widow for twelve years nor a married woman for one year, God ordained it so that the years of her wedded life were seven and those of her widowhood eighty-four in number, the former number bearing the same relation to the latter that one does to twelve. Besides this, there is thus also found, as we have seen, a greater spiritual significance in the number seven, in her wedded life and in the state of her widowhood.

91. In the second place, the arithmeticians divide numbers into so-called aliquot parts, that is to say they examine how often a given number may be divided into equal parts. Thus the number twelve may be divided five times into equal parts. For twelve, in the first place, is twelve times one, all aliquot parts; secondly, six times two; thirdly, four times three; fourthly, three times four; fifthly, two times six. In this case there can be no further division into aliquot parts. Seven and five are also twelve; likewise three and nine, one and eleven, but those numbers are not aliquot parts of twelve. Now they add together these aliquot parts to find their sum. Thus, the aliquot parts of twelve are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, which added together make 16, exceeding the number itself by four. This is called the abundant number, because the sum of the aliquot parts exceeds the number itself. Again, sometimes the aliquot parts of a number added together make less than the number itself. For instance eight is eight times one, four times two, two times four. But 1, 2, and 4 makes only seven, one less than eight. This is called the deficient number. Between these two is the perfect number, which is equal to the sum of its aliquot parts. Thus, six is six times one, three times two and two times three; now one, two and three added together make six.

92. Notice here also that Moses, represented by the number seven, cannot thus be divided, as all odd numbers cannot. For this division is only possible with even numbers. But eighty-four, which signifies the apostles, is an abundant number and can be divided eleven times into aliquot parts.

Judas, the traitor, does not belong to the abundant number, although he is one of the number. He is omitted here, so that there may not be twelve. He belongs to the number of the apostles in name, but not in reality. In the first place, eighty-four is 84 times one; then 42 times 2, 28 times 3, 2l times 4, 14 times 6, 12 times 7, 7 times 12, 6 times 14, 4 times 21, 3 times 28, times 42. If you add together the aliquot parts l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 12, 14, 21, 28, 42, the result is 140, 56 more than the number itself.

93. All this signifies that Moses undivided, or the law, like the number seven, remained by itself, having not passed beyond the Jewish people nor exercised an influence upon other nations. But the spiritual life and the Gospel preached by the apostles has spread abundantly over all the world.

And as the number one compared with twelve is very small and trifling, so that it could hardly look more unimportant, so also the number seven compared with eighty-four is very insignificant. For the law with its works confers nothing upon its servants but temporal possessions and worldly honor, a poor and wretched possession, which will not increase, but surely decrease. On the other hand, one is great and will multiply instead of decreasing; for faith has the blessing o£ God and abounds forever with possessions and honor.—We have now rambled about sufficiently and have seen that no tittle of the Scriptures was written in vain. The dear fathers of old have shown us great examples of faith, and with their works have always pointed to that in which we should believe, namely Christ and his Gospel. Therefore we read nothing concerning them in vain, but their whole conduct strengthens and improves our faith. Let us now continue with Anna.

94. Luke says that she departed not from the temple. What a salutary and necessary exhortation! We have heard that by the temple is signified the Holy Scriptures. It was a special sin of the people that they liked to listen to false prophets and human doctrines; this they proved by erecting altars outside of the temple, in high places and valleys. Moses spoke against this in Deuteronomy 5:32 and Deuteronomy 12:32, when he said: “What thing soever I command you, that shall ye observe to do: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.” He desires, as it were, the people to be like Anna, who did not depart from the temple. They were however not all like Anna, but turned from the temple to their altars, from the law of God to their own devices and to false prophets.

95. But this was nothing compared with the state of affairs at the present time. We have not only been seduced by the pope and human doctrines to depart from the temple, but we have also arbitrarily destroyed and desecrated it with all kinds of profanations and abominations, more than we can express. But we ought to heed what St. Anthony so diligently taught his disciples, namely that nobody should do anything that has not been commanded or advised by God in the Scriptures, so that we might by all means remain in the temple. Psalm 1:1-2 speaks of this: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of scoffers: but his delight is in the law of Jehovah; and on his law does he meditate day and night.” In Peter 4:18 we read: “And if the righteous is scarcely saved, who is in the temple” (Luther’s translation). This means that Satan also tempts those who trust only in the Word of God; they are scarcely saved. How then will those secure and reckless people be saved who base their faith upon the doctrines of men?

96. A holy life can not endure human doctrines, they are a stumbling-block and a dangerous snare. We must remain in the temple and never depart from it. This was done by the saints of old, of whom St. Paul speaks in Romans 11:4, where he quotes the answer of God to Elijah: “I have left for myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”

David complains of these persecutors and ensnarers in Psalm 140:45: “Keep me, O Jehovah, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man: who have purposed to thrust aside my steps. The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me.” All this is directed against human doctrines which take us away from the temple. For the Word of God and the doctrines of men cannot agree at all with each other in the same heart. Yet these senseless enemies of souls, the Papists with their Antichrist, the pope, declare that we must teach and observe more than is found in the Bible.

With their ecclesiastical ranks and orders they lead the whole world to hell.

97. Finally Luke says of Anna that she worshipped with fastings and supplications night and day. Here we see how good works follow faith.

She must first be Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, a widow even unto fourscore and four years, not departing from the temple: then her fasting and praying is right, then the sacrifice of Abel is acceptable, then God may be served with fastings and supplications night and day. But whoever starts with works reverses all things and obtains nothing. Thus, after St. Paul has taught the Romans faith, he begins in Romans 12:1 to teach them many good works, exhorting them to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which would be their spiritual service. This is rendered to God in that the body is mortified by fasting, watching and labors, which is done by Anna.

98. All the saints of old have done this, for fasting means all chastisement and discipline of the body. Although the soul is just and holy by faith, the body is not yet entirely free from sin and carnal appetites, wherefore it must be subdued and disciplined and made subject to the soul, as St. Paul says of himself in 1 Corinthians 9:27: “But I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected. We also read in 1 Peter 2:5 that we should offer up spiritual sacrifices, that is to say not sheep nor calves, as under the law of Moses, but our own body and ourselves, by the mortification of sin in our flesh and the discipline of the body. No one can do this who does not first believe.

99. Therefore I have often said that the works which follow faith should not be done with the intention of meriting righteousness; for this must exist before good works can be done. They must be done with a view to discipline the body and to serve our neighbor. Good works are a true service of God if they are done freely and voluntarily, to the honor of God.

Why should he desire us to fast if thereby we did not suppress our sin and flesh, which according to his will should be subdued? But many feast only to please the saints or at special seasons, not in order to discipline the body. Such fasting however is entirely worthless.

100. But Anna does not fast only on special days, on Saturdays and Fridays, on apostles’ or ember days, nor does she know anything about a diversity of meats. But Luke says that she worshipped night and day and thereby served God, which means that she continually disciplined her body, not because she desired to do a meritorious work, but in order to serve God and to subdue sin.

101. St. Paul also speaks of this fasting in 2 Corinthians 6:4-5, when he says among other things, that we should commend ourselves as ministers of God in fastings. But our foolish fasting contrived by men only consists in not partaking of meat, eggs, butter or milk for a few days, not as a service of God and with the intention to discipline the body and subdue the flesh; but thereby we only serve the pope, the Papists and the fishmongers.

109. Anna worshipped night and day, therefore she must certainly also have watched. But we must not believe that she prayed and fasted night and day without intermission, for she was obliged also to eat, drink, sleep and rest. Fasting and praying were the mode of life she pursued night and day. Doing something during the day or at night does not mean that we do it all day and all night.

103. This is the second part of the service of God, by which the soul is offered up to him, as the body is by fasting. And by prayer we do not merely understand oral prayer, but also the hearing, proclaiming, contemplating and meditating on the Word of God. Many psalms are prayers, although they hardly contain a petition; others teach some lesson or rebuke sin, and by meditating upon them we converse with God, with ourselves and with men. Behold, such was the service rendered to God by the dear fathers and saints of old, who sought nothing but the honor of God and the salvation of men. Thus we read of a great longing on the part of the ancient fathers in Scripture and their longing for Christ and the salvation of the world. This can especially be noticed by any one in the Psalms.

101. But at the present time people only pray at stated times, count beads and rattle off their prayers. Nobody thinks seriously of asking and obtaining something from God, but they only perform it as a duty obligatory upon them, and then are satisfied. As a thrasher who wields his flail they move their tongue, and only earn bread for the body. Much less do they trouble themselves by serving God with their prayers and petitioning him to relieve the general need of Christendom, but even the best among them believe they have done enough when they are pious for themselves and pray only for themselves. Therefore, hypocrites as they are, they deserve nothing but hell with their prayers, for they serve neither God nor men, but only their own body and advantage. If they wished to serve God and their neighbor as they ought, they would not think of the number of prayers and psalms they repeat, but with all their hearts would seek the honor of God and the salvation of men, which would be a true service of God. Then for one thing they earnestly desire they would often pray a whole day. This would indeed be praying and worshipping like Anna.

When Luke writes that she worshipped God with supplications, he condemns the multitude of our foolish prayers, whereby we only increase and multiply our sins, because we do not serve and seek God. Now let us return again to our text. “And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks unto God, and spoke of him to all them that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.”

105. Our Latin texts read. “for the redemption of Israel.” but the Greek has: “that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.” Anna spoke to those who were in Jerusalem and were waiting for the redemption. For, as she did not depart from the temple, she could only speak to those who were in Jerusalem, either to the inhabitants or to visitors. In the spiritual interpretation we have spoken sufficiently of the meaning of her standing near. For when we come with Christ into the temple of the Scriptures to present him to God with thanksgiving, there is found at that very hour also this holy Anna, with all the saints of the whole synagogue, who unanimously look and point at him with their faith and their whole life.

106. We also notice here the great distinction conferred upon this holy woman, who was favored more than many great people when she recognized this poor child as the true Savior. There were undoubtedly priests present who received the offerings of Joseph and Mary, but did not know the child and perhaps considered the words of Simeon and Anna as mere old wives’ talk. She must have been specially illumined by the Holy Spirit, and a saintly woman in the sight of God, who enlightened her more than others.

107. Behold, five persons are here brought together: the infant Christ, his mother Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna. By this small number of people every station in life is represented, husband and wife, young and old, virgin and widow, the married and the unmarried. Here Christ begins to gather around him people of every honorable station, and will not be alone.

Whoever, then, is not found in one of these states, is not on the way to salvation.

108. “She gave thanks unto God.” In the Hebrew tongue different meanings are attached to the word “confess”, for which we need various expressions, as for instance: to confess (sins), to acknowledge, to give thanks. Thus to give thanks is in Hebrew expressed by the word “confess,” and very appropriately so. For to give thanks is nothing but to kindness of the benefactor and that the gift is not deserved confess that we have received benefits, to acknowledge the He who will acknowledge and confess this will also sincerely give thanks. To “confess” means also to admit something. Thus Christ says in Matthew 10:82-88: “Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.”

109. Now, as it has been said above in explaining the blessing of Simeon that it is a great and extraordinary virtue to bless Christ whom all the world rejects, so it is also a remarkable deed to give thanks to God for Christ. It is done by those who know him, but there are only a few of them. The others blaspheme God, condemn, persecute and oppose Christ and his doctrine. They treat him and God his Father as they treat his doctrine, according to his words in Luke 10:16 “He that rejecteth you rejecteth me; and he that rejecteth me rejecteth him that sent me.” It is a terrible thing that the world is full of blasphemers and persecutors, and that we must live among them. St. Paul predicts in 2 Timothy 3:1-2, that in the last days there will be many railers. This prophecy is now being fulfilled by the pope and the great schools, the convents and monasteries that do nothing else but reject, persecute and condemn the Gospel of Christ.

110. May you therefore consider it a manifestation of the grace of God in you when you learn to know Christ and give thanks to God for him, when you do not regard him an accursed heretic and seducer and do not blaspheme, despise and forsake God and his teaching, as is done by the great multitude. For Christ does not first of all want his person and name exalted, which is done by all his enemies, but he requires that his doctrine be honored, which is the greatest art. He himself says in Luke 6:46: “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ?” and Mark 8:38: “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him.” You perceive here that he cares most for his doctrine. The pope and the Papists also call him Lord, indeed, in his name, to his honor and in his service they reject his doctrine, slay his Anna and persecute her throughout the world. It is dreadful and unbearable to see how great multitudes of people blaspheme God and his Christ, and in their fanaticism go down to hell.

111. He is a sign which is spoken against, and more stumble and fall against him at the present time than ever before. Deo gratias (Thanks be to God !) is a common saying, but there is scarcely one among a thousand who says it in truth. At the time of Elijah, which was still a gracious time, there were left only seven thousand among the Jewish people, who without doubt numbered more than a million; but how many may be left in these last times which Daniel calls the times of the indignation (Daniel 11:36!)? We might indeed ask God with the words of Psalm 89:4: “Lord, where are thy former lovingkindnessess, which thou swarest unto David in thy faithfulness ?”

112. Anna did not only give thanks unto God but she also spoke of him to all them that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. Luke has a special reason for adding that Anna spoke of Christ only to those who were looking for the redemption. There were certainly not many of them, and none at all among the highly educated priests. What could these great, holy and cultured people learn of such an old, foolish woman! They considered themselves the real leaders of the people. Thus the words of Anna were undoubtedly despised by these great gentlemen. For the Word of God concerning Christ must necessarily be contemptible, foolish, heretical, sacrilegious and presumptuous to the ears of these great, learned and spiritual men. Therefore it is only received by the hungering, longing souls that look for the redemption, as Luke says here, who feel their sin and desire grace, light and consolation, who know nothing of any wisdom and righteousness of their own.

113. Now faith and the knowledge of Christ cannot be silent. They break forth and testify, so that others may be helped and receive the light, as we read in Psalm 116:10: “I believe, for I will speak.” Faith is too kind and bountiful to keep all such treasures to itself. But when it speaks it is persecuted by all the unbelieving saints; yet it does not care and goes right ahead. And who knows how Anna was treated! But perhaps they spared her on account of her age and sex, and simply despised her as a silly fool.

Otherwise her life would hardly have been preserved, because she proclaimed such error and heresy, declaring of Christ such marvelous things, in opposition to all the doctrines and systems of the learned priests and teachers of the law, who are filled with wisdom and righteousness to such a degree that they do not need any redemption, but deserve only a crown and reward for their good works and great merits. For if we speak of the redemption of Christ we declare that they are bound in sin and blindness. This however is too much for these great saints, to be called blind sinners! Therefore they cannot endure hearing anything of Christ and his redemption, and consequently they condemn it as a dangerous error and a diabolical heresy.

114. We now easily understand how it was that the spiritual Anna gives thanks to God and speaks of Christ to all that are looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. For the dear saints of the Old Testament knew Christ well. Therefore by their whole life they praise God and give thanks to him, exemplifying the Bible and proclaiming only this redemption, how Christ came solely for those who need him and hunger after him. This is proved by all the narratives of the Old Testament. For God never assisted those who consider themselves strong and not forsaken. On the other hand, he never forsook those who were needy and desired his help. This might here be corroborated by all the stories of the Bible, but it is sufficiently clear and manifest to all who will read them.

115. The Evangelist in writing of these things mentions especially Jerusalem, for the reason that Jerusalem means a vision of peace and signifies the hearts that are peacable, not quarrelsome. St. Paul writes in Romans 2:8 that the people who are factious will not obey the truth.

Divine truth demands tranquil hearts that listen attentively and are desirous to learn. But those who browl and bluster, who are pig-headed and demand signs and reasons before accepting the truth, will never find it. They are in the turmoil of Babylon and do not know the peace of Jerusalem. Therefore they neither look for the redemption, nor listen to the words of Anna. But we may also read “Israel” instead of “Jerusalem;” it does not matter much which one of these two words is here used.


“And when they had accomplished all things that were according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.”

110. The Gospel for the day of Candlemas will explain what the things are which they accomplished according to the law of the Lord. The significance of Galilee and Nazareth will be explained in the Gospel for the festival of the Annunciation. But we must refer here to the words of St.

Matthew (2:13 ff.), who writes that after the wise men had departed, who found Christ in Bethlehem and offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and bade him flee into Egypt with the child and his mother, and that Joseph did so.

How does this agree with the narrative of Luke, according to whom they returned to Nazareth after six weeks had passed, and they had accomplished all things that were according to the law of the Lord? We must here either assume that they went into Egypt immediately after the expiration of the six weeks of purification, and then returned to Nazareth from Egypt in due time, or we must believe, which is also my opinion, that they returned home, immediately after the six weeks had elapsed, as Luke relates here. Then the appearance of the angel who commanded them to flee into Egypt, whereof Matthew speaks, occurred not in Bethlehem, but at Nazareth; and indeed it took place after the departure of the wise men, as Matthew says, but not directly afterward. But Matthew writes thus because immediately after the departure of the wise men he records the flight into Egypt, and omits what Luke relates here of the presentation in the temple. Thus it is clear that the two Evangelists do not disagree.

117. It is also pointed out here how they were obliged to take up their cross. After the poor mother had been away from home for seven or eight weeks on account of the sudden birth of her child, and after having now returned and settled down to rest from their travels, they must again leave everything behind and without delay start on a much longer journey. Thus the Lord Christ begins his journeys in his earliest childhood, always wandering on this earth and having no definite place or abode where he might stay. How differently from other children is this royal child reared and treated, how did he, especially in this case, taste the sorrows and troubles of life! The poor mother must flee with the poor child into Egypt from the wrath of Herod. We shall speak more of this when this Gospel is explained. “And the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.

118. Some inquisitive people who were not satisfied with the information given in the Scriptures have desired to know what Christ did in his childhood, and have received their reward for their curiosity. Some fool or knave has fabricated a legendary book on the childhood of Christ, and has not been afraid nor slow to write down his lies and frauds, relating how Christ went to school and a great deal more of absurd and blasphemous tomfoolery. Thus he jests with his lies at the expense of the Lord, whom all the angels adore and fear, and before whom all creatures tremble, so that this rascal would have deserved that a great millstone had been hanged about his neck and he had been sunk in the depth of the sea, because he did not esteem the Lord of all more than to make him an object of his absurd buffoonery. Yet people may still be found who print this book, read and believe it, which, in fact, was the object of this miscreant. Therefore I say that such books ought to be burned by the pope, the bishops and the universities, if they would follow Christ. But they produce books that are a great deal worse, are blind leaders and remain such.

119. Christ never went to school, for no schools like ours existed at that time. He did not even have an elementary education, as we read in the Gospel of St. John 7:15: the Jews were marveling, saying: “How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” We also read in Mark 6:2-3 that they were astonished at his wisdom and said: “What is the wisdom that is given unto this man, and what mean such mighty works wrought by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?” They thought it strange that a layman and the son of a carpenter should have such great knowledge, having never studied. Therefore they were offended in him, as the Evangelist relates, and thought that he must be possessed of an evil spirit.

120. Let us therefore be satisfied with the narrative of the Gospel, which tells us enough of his childhood. Luke writes that “the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom” etc. Later on he writes that he was subject to his parents. What else should he have related? The time was not yet come when he performed miracles. He was brought up like other children, with the exception, that as some children excel others in ability, Christ also was an extraordinarily clever child. Thus no more could be written concerning him than is recorded by Luke. If he had related how he ate, drank, and what he did every day, how he walked, stood, slept and watched, what kind of a narrative would it have been ?

121. It is not necessary to believe, neither do I think it is true, that his coat which was woven from the top throughout, grew with him in size from his youth. Probably his mother made it, and in that country it was the common garment of the poor. We should have a pure faith that accepts nothing which is not found in the Scriptures. Enough is contained in the Scriptures that we may believe, especially since Christ did not begin to perform his miracles and mighty deeds until after his baptism, as it is written in John 2:11 and Acts 10:37.

122. Some hairsplitters are perplexed by the words of Luke according to which Christ, although he was God, waxed strong, filled with wisdom.

That he grew, they admit, which is indeed surprising, as they are very swift in inventing miracles where there are none and despise those in which they should believe. The reason for their perplexity and their anxious questions is this, that they have invented an article of faith according to which Christ from the first moment of conception was filled with wisdom and the spirit to the highest possible degree, just as if the soul were a wineskin which may be completely filled. They themselves do not understand what they say, nor whereof they confidently affirm, as St. Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:7.

128. Even if I could not understand what Luke means when he says that Christ waxed strong, filled with wisdom, I should yet believe his word because it is the Word of God, and should honor it as the truth, although I might never find out how it could be true; and I should abandon my imaginary article of faith as human foolishness, which is far too worthless to be a standard of divine truth. We all must acknowledge that Christ was not always cheerful, notwithstanding the fact that he who is filled with the Spirit is also full of joy, since joy is the fruit of the Spirit, according to Galatians 5:22. Neither was Christ always gentle and calm, but sometimes he was indignant and vexed, as for instance when he cast the Jews out of the temple, John 2:15-17, and when he was angry and grieved at the hardening of their hearts, Mark 3:5.

124. Therefore we must understand the words of Luke simply as applying to the human nature of Christ, which was an instrument and temple of the Godhead. And although he was always filled with the Spirit and with grace, yet the Spirit did not always move him, but prompted him now to do this, now something else, just as necessity required. Although the Spirit was in him from the first moment of the conception, yet as his body grew and his reason naturally developed as in other men, so also was he filled and moved by the Spirit more and more. It is no delusion when Luke says that he waxed strong and advanced in wisdom, but the words tell us plainly in age and in stature, and as he grew in stature his reason developed, and with the development of his reason he became stronger in the Spirit and filled with wisdom before God, in himself and before men, which needs no further explanation. This is a Christian explanation which can be accepted without any danger, and it does not matter whether it overthrows any imaginary articles of faith.

125. St. Paul agrees with this when he says in Philippians 2:7 that Christ, who existed in the form of God, emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man. St. Paul does not speak here of the likeness of Christ’s human nature to our own, but he says: Christ, the man, after he had taken upon himself human nature, was made in the likeness of men, and found in fashion as a man. Now as all men grow naturally in body, reason, mind and wisdom, which is a universal experience, Luke agrees with Paul when he says that Christ grew in the same manner, yet being an extraordinary child that developed more rapidly than others. For his bodily constitution was nobler, and the gifts and graces of God were bestowed upon him more abundantly than upon others. Thus the sense of Luke’s words is easily understood, perspicuous and simple, if only these wise-acres would leave out their subtleties.—So much on this Gospel.

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2019

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year’s Eve – Circumcision and the Name of Jesus – 2019

New Year’s Eve, 2019
The Circumcision and the Name of Jesus
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 110     Across the Sky the Shades of Night
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual 
The Gospel 
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 123    Our God, Our Help

New Opportunities, Infinite Second Chances

The Hymn # 126     Arise and Shine in Splendor
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord’s Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #  552   Abide with Me

Prayers and Announcements
  • Thankful for Carl Roper’s recovery, Norma Boeckler’s birthday, Lynda’s improvement, Andrea Anderson’s growth and energy, our media ministries, our Philippine mission.
  • Pastor and Mrs. Jim ShradePastor K and Doc Lito Cruz – dealing with diabetes.
  • Those looking for work and a better income.
  • Note the church PayPal address for our Philippine Mission.
  • Wednesday, January 8th, Pilgrim’s Progress, 7 PM.

Galatians 3:23-29 King James Version (KJV)

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Luke 2:21 King James Version (KJV)
21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
New Opportunities, Infinite Second Chances

Galatians 3:23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

This is a great passage in Galatians, so no wonder the Antinomians (Anti-Law) have found a resting place there. What they claim is this – “Because the Gospel has come, the Ten Commandments are obsolete.” They discount and ignore the fact that the Ten Commandments are the owner’s manual for all of Creation. Our country’s founders knew that – God commands what is good for us. 
The code of American law was based on the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Notice how different that is from what is practiced today.
Instead of this, Paul was arguing that we are adults under the Gospel, not motivated by fear of punishment, as a child is, but motivated by love and thanksgiving. However, the Law is good in serving as a tutor and leading us to Christ.
There are only two trees, says Jesus in Matthew 7 – the good tree of faith and the evil tree of unbelief. The good tree can only produce good fruit and the evil tree can only produce corrupt fruit. Anyone who thinks otherwise is going against Creation and against the One who made earth and heaven. These lessons were not drawn from Jesus’ observation but built into His Creation to use and display before us.
When one animal mother adopts the orphaned babies of another species, is that a quirk? People observe it in many ways. We just saw a large predatory cat run up to a fawn as the mother ran away. The cat nuzzled the newborn and treated it as its baby in some ways. Who wrote the software to create that response? Our self-indulgent housecat became the ideal mother when her kittens were born. Who taught her to be so good and to do everything right, without a pediatrician’s book to study?
In faith we can see that many second chances were given this year – cancer recoveries, injuries healing. Christina had perfect blood sugar counts yesterday. One person wrote that he obtained a job he never expected to have at his age. Watching a baby grow should fill us with wonder, just looking back a few months when the newborn began to grow up. 
Many times obstacles provide new opportunities. The difficulties of publishing made me turn everything over to public domain, because the goal is spreading the Word, not fighting for a few more dollars. Who can stop the spread of something for free, which is easily obtained?
The printing press first did that, when the Gutenberg products were infinitely cheaper than hand-copied manuscripts. Anyone could afford the illustrated Small Catechism as a poster to hang in the house. The invention of printing in the West fostered reading, and reading fostered the printing industry.
The problem then was getting past the Pope and his armies and torture chambers. The freedom of the press made the pope almost obsolete, mortally wounded, as predicted in Revelation.
The doctrine of faith means more than a second chance. It means an infinity of chances as God continues to forgive us our sins through faith. Believing is forgiveness, and forgiveness comes from the faith created by the Gospel Word.
The Holy Spirit in the Word literally brings the Savior to us for a meeting. There is no such as last chance with the Savior. His gracious Word works on us, against all sins great and small, especially the most grievous. What would that mean if He only died for trivial sins, for those things we think we can conquer? There is no peace without the Gospel Promise that sins are drowned in God’s grace so that Jesus says, “Go and sin no more.” That does not mean we are free of sin or that we will never fall into the same sin. (Luther said, “Don’t use the Gospel as a pillow to fall asleep on.”)
Jesus was so attractive to people because of His gracious manner that drew all people to Him. Many were Pharisees, too. Perfectionists know a lot more about sin than about forgiveness. One perfectionist said, “I could not live with myself without the Gospel.”

Why Lutherans Are Leaving Calvinism for Roman Catholic Dungeons

No one should be surprised that Lutherans leave Holy Mother Synod for Catholicism. Edward Preuss, still honored for his confused Objective Justification essay – The Justification of the Sinner – was the first to signal his alarm at the emptiness, the sterility, and dead rationalism of his sect. He left Missouri for Rome. More importantly, he left the Concordia St. Louis faculty for Rome.

One effort made by Matt the Fatt in his initial run for synod president, LCMS, was to keep Father Weedon on the plantation by making him the Court Preacher for the Purple Palace. All was well for the Romanists in the LCMS. Paul the Plagiarist did everything short of moving Bishop Sheen’s beatification forward in his copycat (now dead) blog. The LCMS papalists must have grinned with every McCain post taken directly from The Catholic Encyclopedia – TCE is free for those dumb enough to want or need it – and linked for LutherQueasies to read.

The key factor emerged in an essay about Jack Kerouac. The beat  in Beat Generation is short for beatitude, because he always thought in terms of Jesus, devotion, and Roman Catholic prayer. Everything was a quest for holiness, no matter how tortured his life became.

Lutherans in WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC (sic) have some of the outward tokens of Catholicism but none of transcendent experiences they imagine from over the fence.

  • Is it a wonder that David Scaer, the purest in OJ, is more papal than the pope? 
  • The services at Ft. Wayne blanketed by incense? 

Their Grand March down the Werning chapel aisle features that special pose priests have to strike – for, during, and after the Mass (source – priest, Notre Dame PhD, professor of worship, member of an order devoted to Mary).

This graphic is from ELDONA. Did pure OJ dogma or Justification by Faith doctrine terrorize Missouri?

Roman Catholicism is a vast collection of manipulated emotions, while the OJ Lutherans are the perfect definition of Calvinism – a sermon surrounded by four white walls. No wonder ELDONA was formed to be a little papal state, where the office is exalted above the Word, where their plagiarized ceremonies are supposed to instill fear in other Lutherans.

Traditional Roman Catholics snicker at converts for imitating them clumsily, like pony riders at a dude ranch. It takes more than clothing and a spittoon to make a cowboy.

Apology Tour

Lutherans anxiously wait for the overdue Apology Tour, where Matt the Fatt, Pope John the Malefactor, and Mirthless Mark travel around their sectarian shambles to apologize for destroying their own synods. (We would like to thank Thrivent for facilitating the madness they created.)

Calvinism has taken over completely, and there is only one direction for that dogma to go – from rationalistic dogma to rationalism to Unitarianism. More than a few know where Unitarianism leads – just look at all the radical trends in our society today, imposed (often by law, always by selective diversity) upon us all.

The Lutheran Librarian has documentary proof – in the 19th century books published – that Means of Grace, Justification by Faith, liturgical and credal Lutheran doctrine was taught and practiced. Synods grew on dimes rather than collapsing on millions. Congregations were established and revived. Spiritual wisdom was shared as treasures to be enjoyed.

I am so alarmed at the loss of good hymns that we sing all the verses of long hymns, usually broken up into to segments. Luther and Gerhardt are so simple and profound that they deserve that attention, and we gain from their hymns. That is our rosary, our incense, our chasuble, mitre, crosier, and cope.

No wonder the Lutherans sects need new Biblical translations paraphrases and more sappy hymnals.

“From Heaven Above to Earth I Come”
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. “From heaven above to earth I come
To bear good news to every home;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
Whereof I now will say and sing:
2. “To you this night is born a child
Of Mary, chosen virgin mild;
This little child, of lowly birth,
Shall be the joy of all the earth.

3. “This is the Christ, our God and Lord,
Who in all need shall aid afford;
He will Himself your Savior be
From all your sins to set you free.

4. “He will on you the gifts bestow
Prepared by God for all below,
That in His kingdom, bright and fair,
You may with us His glory share.

5. “These are the tokens ye shall mark:
The swaddling-clothes and manger dark;
There ye shall find the Infant laid
By whom the heavens and earth were made.”

6. Now let us all with gladsome cheer
Go with the shepherds and draw near
To see the precious gift of God,
Who hath His own dear Son bestowed.

7. Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes!
What is it in yon manger lies?
Who is this child, so young and fair?
The blessed Christ-child lieth there.
8. Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest,
Through whom the sinful world is blest!
Thou com’st to share my misery;
What thanks shall I return to Thee?

9. Ah, Lord, who hast created all,
How weak art Thou, how poor and small,
That Thou dost choose Thine infant bed
Where humble cattle lately fed!

10. Were earth a thousand times as fair,
Beset with gold and jewels rare,
It yet were far too poor to be
A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee.

11. For velvets soft and silken stuff
Thou hast but hay and straw so rough,
Whereon Thou, King, so rich and great,
As ’twere Thy heaven, art throned in state.

12. And thus, dear Lord, it pleaseth Thee
To make this truth quite plain to me,
That all the world’s wealth, honor, might,
Are naught and worthless in Thy sight.

13. Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee.

14. My heart for very joy doth leap,
My lips no more can silence keep;
I, too, must sing with joyful tongue
That sweetest ancient cradle-song:

15. Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto us His Son hath given!
While angels sing with pious mirth
A glad new year to all the earth.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #85
Text: Luke 2: 1-18
Author: Martin Luther, 1535
Tune: Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1855, alt.
1st published in: “Geistliche Lieder” Leipzig, 1539

 Children learning the Gospel at the Bethany Lutheran Mission in the Philippines.

The CORE – WELS Discussions

You’ve heard of churches with coffee shops but have you ever considered going even further to win the lost?

  • Scott Kruz And I just realized today it’s the “Apple”CORE!
  • Scott Kruz (We like downtown Appleton and were so surprised to see this.)
  • David Jay Webber Do you mean going all the way to Cappuccino or Latte to win the lost, rather than just regular coffee?
    • Scott Kruz Double shot of espresso and a pint of Jack Daniels.
    • Alan Lubeck I’d be saved if my church had a roller skating rink, Coke machine, waitresses to serve me dinner during a long sermon, and a putt putt Golf course in the worship parlor. Sadly, I’ll never become a Christian in my dull, repetitious, traditional Divine SSee More
  • Teresa Rittmeyer Lorenz I always wondered where the name came from. I’m from IN, but really enjoy their sermons
  • Meg Smith Scott I’m not from WI. Can you please provide more information about this picture and what this place is?
    • Scott Kruz Meg, it’s a building on the site of a WELS church in downtown Appleton.
    • Meg Smith Scott Kruz and is there something “wrong” with this church?

      There are a lot of store front churches in LA.

      “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

      Church doesn’t have to be in a traditional church building.
  • Hunter Hill I’m confused… what is this?
  • Brian G Heyer How many years of synod subsidy??
    • Meg Smith Brian G Heyer if it’s a wels church why would this matter?
    • Brian G Heyer Depends how many surplus millions synod thinks it has to life-support a daughter-church three blocks from a different established WELS church, then count the noses of WELS members showing up for the enthusiasm as if they’re saving new souls.
    • Jeffery Clark Brian G Heyer at least a decade. It was getting it before the sexual harassment situation and was still getting it just a few years ago… and are probably still getting it if they can afford to buy and renovate a new building while still paying on the old one…
    • Brian G Heyer All these years and somehow still can’t afford to plant a cross on top of the building, even affixed to the chimney.
    • Dianne Dexter I could be wrong but I don’t think they are getting a synod subsidy and never have. I may be misinformed. You may wish to ask a member or the office.
    • Jeffery Clark Dianne Dexter They have gotten subsidy in the past to finance their buildings and call a mission pastor. If my memory holds from September when I last read the report, they are still getting subsidy for mission/outreach.
  • Meg Smith What’s the point of this post?
  • Jim Hearn What was the point in starting a church plant only three blocks away from an existing congregation. That seems awfully close.

    Were there plans to vacate the older, existing building for the newer one?
    • Trisha Rose-Lickteig Jim Hearn Yes they bought the old Kohl’s foods that was vacant. I think they’re planning on selling the movie theatre setup they’ve been using.
    • Jeffery Clark AND giving it synod-backed subsidy. If the local congregation wanted to start and fund an outreach ministry, that’s one thing… but this is getting synod funding from CMO.
  • Trisha Rose-Lickteig Is that a tattoo parlor in the back of the building?
  • Suus Turley This is a large reason I dont want to attend WLS. This synod is going downhill fast.

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