Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs. “No Call for You” Threat Stifles Dissent

Monday, May 16, 2011 Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs. “No Call for You” Threat Stifles Dissent “Give me $100, 000 and I can make you a pastor…maybe.” Millions for the LCMS colleges, hardly a dime for the seminaries. “I could have gone to Yale Divinity […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Crippling Costs Related to Sky-High LCMS Seminary Tuition Loans

Tuesday, August 6, 2013 Crippling Costs Related to Sky-High LCMS Seminary Tuition Loans The Boomers get to spend the Thrivent loot, after attending seminary for almost nothing. Today’s students borrow heavily to prop up faculty salaries and light teaching loads. Let the buyer beware,because these guys take your money and say, “You’re fired. LOL.” Mission […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007 Happy New Year, Soldiers These are times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Thomas Paine Posted by Ichabod the Glory Has […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011 MLC board OKs senior housing for New Ulm – NUJournal.com | News, Sports, Jobs – The Journal, New Ulm, MN MLC money-making project. MLC board OKs senior housing for New Ulm – NUJournal.com | News, Sports, Jobs – The Journal, New Ulm, MN: ‘via Blog this’ — Brett Meyer has left […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017 Rebuilding the Lutheran Church – Begin by Disassociation from ELCA and Thrivent Christmas is all about Liz Eaton. I could only listen to her Christmas message for 30 seconds. As a bishop, she lied about the impact of the 2009 ELCA convention – so they elected her Presiding Bishop. Suddenly, the […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: WELS Discussions on Facebook – Mark Schroeder Retreats. At Least I Read C. Peter Wagner and Take Notes. Schroeder? Schroeder? Anyone? Anyone?

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed Ichabod explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, with an emphasis on UOJ, Church Growth, and Emergent Church heresies. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: ELCA – A Grand Tour of Failing Seminaries

Thursday, January 4, 2018 ELCA – A Grand Tour of Failing Seminaries Loehe’s Other Seminary is headed by Louise Johnson, DD. BREAKING NEWS – $50.5 MILLION IN GIFTS TOTAL – FOR UNITED, LUTHER, AND WARTBURG Muslims Buy ELCA’s Pacific Lutheran Seminary Zaytuna College Takes over ELCA’s Pacific Seminary – Video. Louise Johnson, DD, Lands Grant […]

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