Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Navigation for the LCMS Mythology Posts. Getting Back to Luther Starts Here

Saturday, January 27, 2018 Navigation for the LCMS Mythology Posts. Getting Back to Luther Starts Here The Foundational Myth – Stephan/Walther The LCMS Civil War Myth – Jack and Robert Preus  Red Bud, Illinois – Final pastorate and episcopacy of Martin Stephan The Herman A. Preus Myth – His Temporary Removal and Martyrdom  Herman A. […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Navigation Page for Confessing the Gopsel and the Huge, Expensive LCMS Small Catechism

Saturday, June 30, 2018 Navigation Page for Confessing the Gopsel and the Huge, Expensive LCMS Small Catechism A Murder of Crows – Initial Response to Confessing the Gospel, LCMS Two-Volume Dogmatics Gideon – On the Dogmatanic and the Huge Expensive Catechism Another Layman on the Huge Expensive Catechism UOJ Should Stop Pretending It Belongs to […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Free Public Domain Books by Gregory L. Jackson – PDFs Linked on Dropbox. Lenski’s Commentaries Free. Luther’s Lenker Edition and the Gems Free in One PFD

Monday, December 10, 2018 Free Public Domain Books by Gregory L. Jackson – PDFs Linked on Dropbox. Lenski’s Commentaries Free. Luther’s Lenker Edition and the Gems Free in One PFD The only theologian who matches Luther and Melanchthon in Biblical exposition is Martin Chemnitz. All three men are neglected by the Lutheran leaders, who favor […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Save This Luther Quotation – and Check Out – The Modular Book of Concord

Friday, January 17, 2020 Save This Luther Quotation – and Check Out – The Modular Book of Concord  Lutheran Librarian Print Books are found here. Lutheran Library free ebooks are found at this location. Long ago, I sent this Luther quotation, above, to Patsy Leppien, who was working on ways to show what the LCA/ALC […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Alec Satin, The Lutheran Librarian, Is Providing His Free E-books in Low Cost Print Editions. Click on Each Title for More Search Engine Visibility. Review Books, So Angels Earn Their Wings!

Monday, October 21, 2019 Alec Satin, The Lutheran Librarian, Is Providing His Free E-books in Low Cost Print Editions. Click on Each Title for More Search Engine Visibility. Review Books, So Angels Earn Their Wings! Alec Satin is the Lutheran Librarian. Click here for Between Two Captains.  Click here for The Error of Modern Missouri. […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Gold from the Lenski Mine – NT Commentaries and Books. New Gospel Sermons & Kings and Priests

Monday, October 5, 2020 Gold from the Lenski Mine – NT Commentaries and Books. New Gospel Sermons & Kings and Priests This is the corrected ALL-LENSKI Dropbox link for the free PDFs https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nuoqedl46yxtgej/AAABgDVFJWCSVCITsLgVvVUaa?dl=0 I have uploaded the new, improved PDFs of Lenski’s New Testament commentaries. These are clearer, easier to read, and work better on […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Instant Access to Free Books! Educational Books and Sermons Started and Spread the Reformation

Monday, October 19, 2020 Instant Access to Free Books! Educational Books and Sermons Started and Spread the Reformation I was thinking about the explosion of printing during the Reformation and how much that helped in promoting reading and in learning the Christian Faith from the Bible. This is a good time to post folders and […]

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