Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Vernon Harley’s Essays – Also Linked on the Left

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Vernon Harley’s Essays – Also Linked on the Left Defeat the Dark Side (UOJ) with the Means of Grace. bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post “LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley – Synergism — Its Logic…“: Vernon Harley’s combined papers (pdf): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34974726/lcms-pastor-vernon-harley-combined-papers_vs_UOJ.pdf We could use WAM’s as well. The […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley – Synergism — Its Logical Association with General or Universal Justification

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley – Synergism — Its Logical Association with General or Universal Justification By Norma Boeckler SYNERGISM — ITS LOGICAL ASSOCIATION WITH GENERAL OR UNIVERSAL JUSTIFICATION – By Pastor Vernon H. Harley Many Lutheran theologians who teach a “General Justification” and also call it “universal” or “objective” justification contend […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley – Reconciliation – 2 Cor 5:19ff

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley – Reconciliation – 2 Cor 5:19ff By Norma Boeckler EXEGESIS ON II CORINTHIANS 5 : 19 This is another text used as basis for the so-called objective or universal justification. It is considered one of the major sedes doctrinae     . We therefore need to consider it carefully. […]

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: WELS Discussions on Facebook – Mark Schroeder Retreats. At Least I Read C. Peter Wagner and Take Notes. Schroeder? Schroeder? Anyone? Anyone?

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed Ichabod explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, with an emphasis on UOJ, Church Growth, and Emergent Church heresies. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also […]

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