Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: WELS District President Bullies Council To Protect Pastor Wall. Six Page Love Letter to Minor Girl?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

WELS District President Bullies Council To Protect Pastor Wall.
Six Page Love Letter to Minor Girl?

Pastor Steve Wall still has his call.

Christ Lutheran Church, WELS, Juneau, Alaska

Pastor Steve Wall, married with four children, had his call rescinded by the church council after writing a six-page love letter to a minor girl. Other reasons were given as well.

District President Steinbrenner flew in and bullied council members into quitting, saving the pastor’s call. He laughed off the love letter to the minor girl and said it would not hold up in court.

The meeting left the members wondering how long this behavior has been going on and protected by the synod, truly an abusive sect.

When the DP is done destroying this congregation, the synod will pocket the million dollars the property is worth.

Ex-WELS Layman:

self-serving wolf [John Steinbrenner], undoubtedly following synodical protocol, was a real piece of
work.  He did not care one iota about the harmed child and her
family, the council, the membership, or glorifying God.  He only
cared about Holy Mother Synod and undoing what the council had already
decided.  This toxic DP did so rattle two immature council members
that one consciously mischaracterized the previous decision and the other backed

nearly a life-long WELSian, I resigned from all ties to the WELS and this
church.  My final words to the DP were, “There are those that say
the WELS is an abusive sect.  I have now experienced this for
Our Staff
At Cross of Christ we are truly grateful for our gifted spiritual leaders. Because our pastors correctly handle God’s saving Word, we honor them and their work. Likewise, our shepherds serve us tirelessly because they want our church family to continually grow closer to Jesus our Savior. As with our church family’s oneness in faith, our pastors share a unified philosophy toward team ministry that results in giving God their best without concern for individual credit. We are proud of our pastors and the way they work well together to meet the needs of our family, encourage individuals and motivate and rejuvenate each other with God’s Word.

Pastor John Steinbrenner:

In 1987, Pastor John Steinbrenner graduated from Northwestern College (Watertown, WI) with a B.A. Four yea
rs later he earned his Masters of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, including a year of internship at Grace Lutheran Church in Portland, OR. After serving as an associate pastor of a large church in southern Minneapolis for three years, John was Called by the Pacific Northwest Mission Board to start a church in NW Boise. John and his wife Carrie have raised their three children (Hans, Tarah, Mark) in Idaho since 1994.  Carrie teaches at Cross of Christ’s Preschool and loves to cook, read and garden if she has a spare moment. Pastor Steinbrenner tries to keep up with his sons on the basketball court and he enjoys a round of golf now and again.

The Steinbrenners are grateful for the privilege God has given them to be involved in the lives of this wonderful Christian family.

Email Pastor Steinbrenner at john.steinbrenner@cocboise.org.


Pastor Matt Zimpelmann: 

In 1998, Pastor Matt Zimpelmann graduated from Martin Luther College (New Ulm, MN) with a B.A. Four years later he  earned his Masters of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, including a year of internship at Messiah Lutheran Church in Wichita, KS. After serving as the pastor of two churches in central Nebraska for seven years, Matt accepted a Call to Cross of Christ, Boise. He and his wife Gina brought their two children, Michael and Lily, to Boise in the spring of 2009.

In her free time, Gina loves to cook, run and bike with her young family. Pastor Z. adds a variety of athletics to his list of enjoyments – both watching and competing.

The Zimpelmanns are thankful that God has brought them to Idaho and are thrilled with the opportunity to grow closer to Jesus with God’s precious people.

Email Pastor Zimpelmann at matt.zimpelmann@cocboise.org.

Pastor Ben Workentine:

In 2008 Pastor Ben Workentine graduated Martin Luther College (New Ulm, MN) with a B.A.  After finishing his undergrad degree, he packed up and moved to Asia where, for two years, he taught English during the day to college students and lead Bible studies at night.  His mission experience there has proven integral to his worldview and love for mission work.  In 2010, Ben moved back to the States to attend Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary earning his Masters in Divinity in 2014 which included a year of internship at Holy Word in Austin, TX.   Ben accepted the Call to Cross of Christ in June 2014 and he and his wife, Kim moved to the Treasure Valley in August 2014.  Ben and Kim have been looking forward to getting to Cross of Christ.  They are eager to get to know the whole Cross of Christ family and roll up their sleeves and join in the ministry in Boise.
Email Pastor Workentine at ben.workentine@cocboise.org.

Kristen Koepsell, Church and Change Debutante:

Staff Minister Kristen Koepsell graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College in 2003 with a B.A. in Psychology and minors in Communication and Theology, and is Synodically-certified as a Staff Minister from Martin Luther College. She served as Staff Minister at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Middleton, WI, from 2003 until 2012.  As Coordinator of Music and Elementary Education & Fellowship at Cross of Christ, Kristen accompanies worship services, directs all choirs, and mentors other musicians of all ages in using their gifts in worship. She also coordinates Sunday school and Youth Ministries for grades Kindergarten through 5th.

Kristen likes to spend her free time keeping up with friends and family scattered about the country; reading (esp. sci-fi and classic literature) and writing; listening to, playing, and writing music; resale/thrift/consignment shopping, and pursuing both spiritual and physical fitness.

Email Kristen Koepsell at kristen.koepsell@cocboise.org.

Carrie Steinbrenner:

In 1986, Carrie graduated from Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science in Education.  For 3 years she taught a 1st/2nd grade combination class in Jenera, Ohio.  After getting married, Carrie continued her time in the classroom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she taught a 4 year-old preschool class in the mornings and a 3rd/4th grade combination class in the afternoons.  Carrie and husband John moved to Idaho in 1994.  For several years she left the formal classrooms to make her home a place of learning for her 3 young children (those “young” children are now grown adults!).  Carrie returned to the classrooms of NW Ada County in 1998 as a substitute teacher in our Meridian School District.  Because of her extensive experience in early childhood education, Carrie was asked to open and serve as our head teacher here at Cross of Christ Preschool.  We have been blessed to have her as our teacher from 2005 to the present.

Email Carrie Steinbrenner at preschool@cocboise.org

Deb Arstein:

As the Office Administrator at Cross of Christ, Deb is responsible for the day to day operations of our office, relieving our Pastors of administrative responsibilities, as well as assisting our lay ministry leaders in their service.  Prior to joining Cross of Christ full time in August 2011, Deb was active in a variety of our ministries, including our annual Soccer Camp and Preschool, as well as serving as our church accountant.  In addition Deb has held several corporate positions around the Treasure Valley in financial and administrative roles.
Deb and her husband Mark are busy raising three kids (college and middle school ages) and enjoying all their varied activities.  The Arsteins also enjoy spending time camping through out Idaho.

Email Deb Arstein at secretary@cocboise.org




Let us not give up meeting together…but let us encourage one another…as you see the Day approaching. ~ Hebrews 10:25

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: RoundUp of Posts – Institute of Lutheran Theology

Friday, January 1, 2016

RoundUp of Posts – Institute of Lutheran Theology

Institute of Lutheran Theology
Online Server for Its Classes

Rolf Preus discovers the Institute of Lutheran Theology

Embedded Before She Was Ordained

Behold How the UOJists Love One Another

SpenerQuest Misses the Central Issue, But Our Readers Understand

Jay Webber Maladroitly Defends His Women’s Ordination ELCA School

Board Membership of ILT – LCMS and ELCA

ILT Is Not Accredited

Webber’s STM School Is Pan-Lutheran But Mostly ELCA

Jay Webber Almost Lost His Cool on SpenerQuest, New Year’s Day

Sterling Library is where Team Jackson
met Professor Roland Bainton, author of Here I Stand
This is one room of the Yale Divinity Library,
across the street from where the Ichabods lived.
We enjoyed visiting the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale.
The Notre Dame Library is famous for overlooking the stadium.
Old Main was built at Notre Dame after the first building burnt down.
Moreau Seminary at Notre Dame
has its own location and program for priests at the university.
Notre Dame does not train or certify ministers for various denominations.
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Pub Theology – WELS Sect Already Known for Its Alcoholic Clergy

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pub Theology – WELS Sect Already Known for Its Alcoholic Clergy

Crossroads Christian Church – WELS – Chicago Area

Pub Theology
On the 2nd Thursday Each Month, we gather to discuss God, and his truth, and what it means for our lives… all over a pint of something at an establishment that specializes in such things.
In January, our theme will be:
THE HORROR! – what is a Christian supposed to think about horror, sci-fi, and fantasy books and movies? Just harmless entertainment? Off limits? Is there something to be learned?
Pub Theology gathers at The Red Lion Pub Lincoln Square – Chicago’s most authentic British-style pub! 4749 N. Rockwell, Chicago. 7 PM.
Ready to enjoy a little chili?
The competition is always hot at the Crossroads Annual chili Cook-off! This year compete for best chili as well as a few new awards up for grabs. We will also hold the 1st annual bake-off competition. Bring in your best baked goods to win some awesome prizes!
All chili and baked goods entries must be emailed to Rachel at fellowship@crossroadschicago.org by January 24th. Please RSVP if you’re able to join by January 27th.
Pastor Mike Borgwardt:

is Crossroads’ pastor. He is saved by God’s grace, is married to Mika, and has three great kids. He has served churches in Arizona and Australia as a vicar, and in Minnesota and now here in Chicago as pastor. He likes power-pop, post-punk, the Reinheitsgebot, nordic football, buying other people’s old clothes, and the occasional long walk off a short dock – preferably into a canoe in Northern Minnesota. His favorite Bible passage is Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…” Go ahead – read the whole thing

President – Matt Ninke:

As Crossroads’ congregational president, Matt oversees and facilitates the work of the coordinators on the leader team. He also oversees efforts such as the management and build out of our new Ministry Center.

Matt H
Spiritual Growth – Matt Herron

Matt organizes and facilitates the opportunities for Crossroads’ members and friends to grow in our faith, through formal or personal Bible study, small groups and children’s programs. Find information on these resourcesclasses and groups.

Stewardship – Alex Hothan:

Alex serves as Stewardship coordinator and in doing so encourages the congregation to be good stewards of the blessings we have received from God in our time, talents and treasure.

Fellowship – Rachel Putnam:

Rachel serves as Crossroads’ official ‘party planner’, organizing social events large (Annual Picnic, Chili Cook-off) and small (game nights, attending a movie in the park). To learn more about Crossroads’ upcoming fellowship events, click here.

Worship – Ashley Groth:

As worship coordinator, Ashley is responsible for overseeing the preparation for our worship services, such as organizing the monthly set up teams that prepare our worship space for the service, musician programs, and keeps us stocked with supplies.

Treasurer – Kacee Huisinga:

Kacee serves as Crossroads’ Treasurer, overseeing the budget and payment of bills and invoices the church incurs.
We know who we are… In a world full of people drifting aimlessly, we know who we are: forgiven children of God—not because of us, but because of Jesus. (Search Ephesians 2)
We know where we came from… God’s direct, trustworthy message, the Bible, confirms that we are not highly formed animals developed by chance, but morally accountable human beings created by God. (Search Genesis 1 & 2)
We know why we’re here… Life on earth is a thanksgiving to God the Father, who made us; to God the Son, who saved us; and to God the Holy Spirit, who miraculously changes us. Our purpose here is to love and serve God and one another. (Search I John 4)
We know where we’re going… The Bible tells us that death is not the end, but the beginning—the beginning of a never-ending perfect life with Jesus where pain, tears and death do not exist. (Search Philippians 1)
For a more complete view of our beliefs, please see “What We Believe” on wels.net, the website of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synodverse2.
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Book of Concord Selections. Luther’s Sermons, Lenker Edition.Martin Chemnitz Press Books

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Book of Concord Selections.
Luther’s Sermons, Lenker Edition.
Martin Chemnitz Press Books

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson’s books can be found here on Amazon.

Norma A. Boeckler’s Christian artistic books are listed here on Amazon.

Lutheran Resources – Posted on Ichabod

Melanchthon’s Book of Concord Work

The Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

Martin Luther

Luther – Sermons  – Lenker Edition

Luther – Small Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther – Large Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther – The Smalcald Articles, Book of Concord

Luther – Galatians Commentary, Recommended by the Formula of Concord

Luther – Preface to Romans – Also Called – Introduction to the Romans Commentary

F. Bente’s Historical Introductions

Complete Text of Bente’s Historical Introductions in One File

The Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration

Martin Chemnitz Press Books – Free PDF downloads

To Order from Lulu.com

Purchase MCP printed books from Lulu.com here

F. W. Stellhorn’s family came across the Atlantic with the Bishop Stephan migration.
L. Fuerbringer mentions him as a Missouri Synod teacher in his memoirs.

From Bruce Church – The Error of Missouri and Lutheran Seminary Costs

Various Formats – The Error of Missouri

H. Schmid – Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

Text Version of Doctrinal Theology – Perfect for Copy and Paste

HTML Version of Doctrinal Theology – Webpage friendly

Another PDF of Doctrinal Theology

This is a zipped folder of all the hymn texts from The Lutheran Hymnal – from the Wittenberg Project

Here are Lutheran Reformation hymn resources.

Order from Amazon.

Project Wittenberg – Texts about Luther and Other Lutherans

Pastor Paul Rydecki is actively translating essential Lutheran materials.
Check out the link below.

Pastor Paul Rydecki’s books and links to his stand on justification by faith are here.

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Another WELS Child Pornographer – Will SP Schroeder Absolve Him in Public, As He Did With Joel Hochmuth?Valleskey, Bivens, and Panning Taught Him Forgiveness without Faith

Friday, March 21, 2014

Another WELS Child Pornographer – Will SP Schroeder Absolve Him in Public,
As He Did With Joel Hochmuth?
Valleskey, Bivens, and Panning Taught Him Forgiveness without Faith

Matthew D. Luetke, a minister at a WELS Lutheran church in O’Fallon, Mo., was charged Wednesday with promoting child
pornography, a felony.
A Lutheran pastor is in
jail after detectives with the county’s cyber crimes unit raided his home
Tuesday and discovered child pornography on his computer, police
Matthew D. Luetke, 35, of the 5000 block of Danielle
Drive, was charged today with promoting child pornography. He had been under
investigation since December, when undercover detectives began trading child
pornography with him, police said.
Luetke has been a pastor at Good Shepherd Evangelical
Lutheran Church, 8425 Mexico Road, for about a year, police say. Before that he
worked at churches in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Police say he had no previous
criminal record.
A day care at the church is attended by about 50
children, police said, but they do not suspect Luetke had any improper contact
with any of the children. The church is sending out a letter to parents about
the arrest as a precaution, police said.
Officials at the church could not be reached for
Police found nine images of prepubescent girls on
Luetke’s home computer.
When interviewed, Luetke admitted that he had been
viewing pornography, and that his wife and children knew nothing about it. In a
written statement, he said he had “developed a problem with viewing child
pornography” in 2004.
Luetke’s bail is set at $100,000 cash
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary photo,
Faculty completely run by Church and Changers.

ST. CHARLES, Mo. (KSDK) – The St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged a 35-year-old area pastor in reference to a child pornography investigation.
According to court documents, the St. Charles County Cyber Crime Task Force searched a home in the 5000 block of Danielle Drive for evidence of child pornography. Authorities found on a computer nine images of young girls between the ages of 9 and 13 in various poses and exposing themselves.
Prosecutors said the homeowner, identified as Matthew Luetke, confessed to being the sole operator of said computer, adding he’d developed a habit of viewing child pornography. Luetke further admitted to touching himself while viewing said images.
Luetke, a pastor at the Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in O’Fallon, told police he had exposed himself and allowed his genitals to be touched by female relatives when they were pre-school age when the family was living in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Those incidents are said to have occurred between 2004 and 2008. [GJ – While in seminary at Mequon]
The St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department does not believe Luetke had any contact with children who attended daycare at the facility or the children of parishioners, but church officials are notifying parents as a precaution.
Matthew Luetke was charged with one count of promoting child pornography and remains jailed on $100,000 bond.

8425 Mexico Rd
Saint Peters, MO 63376

Map and Directions
Pastors: (Vacancy)
Email: luetkemd@gmail.com

they were quick removing his name, but left his e-mail on the locator
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: All Time Favorite Posts – Since New Stats Began – Appleton Sweeps

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All Time Favorite Posts – Since New Stats Began – Appleton Sweeps

Appleton owns the most-read post list since June.
Congratulations, Fox Valley, and Deputy Doug Englebrecht.
You worked hard for this achievement.
Take your bows and salute your Father Below.

Jun 3, 2010, 8 comments
941 Pageviews
Dec 17, 2009, 24 comments
727 Pageviews
Jul 31, 2010, 3 comments
478 Pageviews
Aug 2, 2010
405 Pageviews
Aug 10, 2010
389 Pageviews
Posted in Uncategorized

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: WELS Discussions on Facebook – Mark Schroeder Retreats. At Least I Read C. Peter Wagner and Take Notes. Schroeder? Schroeder? Anyone? Anyone?

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed

The Glory Has Departed

Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

Bethany Lutheran Worship on Ustream

Sunday, 10 AM Central. 31,000 views so far.

Every Sunday is Easter Sunday, 10 AM
Using The Lutheran Hymnal and the KJV
Free PDF -> Understanding Luther’s Galatians
Free PDF The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn
For Those Who Love the Word of God

email: greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com.

All Bethany Lutheran Media Ministries

Navigation for Luther’s Sermons, Lenker Edition

The KJV – “Aiming at truth, they achieved what later generations recognized as beauty and elegance.” Alister McGrath, In the Beginning, p. 254.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

What Use Is a Baby? The Faraday Response.
You Have a Faraday Cage in Your Home.


Michael Faraday got the cage name and Franklin got the stove title, but Faraday got the microwave, the ultimate honor – for the time being.

One version of the story has Michael Faraday showing his induction coil to Queen Victoria.

“What good is that?” she asked.

“What good is a baby?” he answered.

The story is told in Riders of the North Star, about the the beginnings of the Swedish Augustana Synod, and it is also attributed to Benjamin Franklin. I wonder if anyone imagined we would have a Faraday Cage in most homes in America. Microwave ovens have a grid that keeps radiation from coming out of the device. 

Christina, her sister Maria, and I knew Augustana people who went back to the early days of the synod and college. Esther Andreen Albrecht was born at Yale University, where her father was head of Scandinavian languages, and Conrad Bergendoff became the president of Augustana College and Seminary (1935-1962), after Gustav Andreen retired as president 1901 -1935.

 Christina and her sister Maria lived in Andreen Dormitory.

Historic trends are like gardens, where mistakes and shortcomings leave their mark. I planted a few blackberry canes and ended up with jungle of them, two canes conveniently planting themselves into hanging pots of soil left on the ground. The opportunistic and aggressive canes bent toward the fresh soil and rooted there, as a sign and a threat. 

Augustana College let the weeds take over, giving up their seminary for a bowl of soup – a token merger in the Lutheran School of Radical Theology, Chicago, now almost dead. 

Augustana College room, board, and tuition is now $55,000 a year.

The LCMS and WELS once taught Justification by Faith and used the King James Version of the Bible, but the weeds of Enthusiasm were sown and nurtured. Today there is little difference between the so-called conservative (laughably “orthodox”) Lutheran groups and ELCA (Every Left-wing Cause in America). They work together as a group, harnessed by the money power of Thrivent Insurance and the booty of Irrevocable Lifetime Trusts.

People think it is odd that I plant roses and bulbs in rented land, but everything is rented. We pay our fees and get to use possessions for a time. The anonymous landlord got a renter who wanted to improve the yard rather than let the weeds grow skyward. The only lasting treasures are the Gospel, faith in Jesus Christ, and the hymns guiding and teaching us.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Hymn – Lord Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee

“Lord, ‘Tis Not that I did Choose Thee”
by Josiah Conder, 1789-1855

1. Lord, ’tis not that I did choose Thee;
That, I know, could never be;
For this heart would still refuse Thee
Had Thy grace not chosen me.
Thou hast from the sin that stained me
Washed and cleansed and set me free
And unto this end ordained me,
That I ever live to Thee.

2. ‘Twas Thy grace in Christ that called me,
Taught my darkened heart and mind;
Else the world had yet enthralled me,
To Thy heavenly glories blind.
Now my heart owns none above Thee;
For Thy grace alone I thirst,
Knowing well that, if I love Thee,
Thou, O Lord, didst love me first.

3. Praise the God of all creation;
Praise the Father’s boundless love.
Praise the Lamb, our Expiation,
Priest and King enthroned above.
Praise the Spirit of salvation,
Him by whom our spirits live.
Undivided adoration
To the great Jehovah give.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #37
Text: John 15:16
Author: Josiah Conder, 1843, alt.
Tune: “O du Liebe
1st Published in: Musikalischer Christenschatz
Town: Basel, 1745

Hymn – If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee


“If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee”
by Georg Neumark, 1621-1681
Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878

1. If thou but suffer God to guide thee
And hope in Him through all thy ways,
He’ll give thee strength, whate’er betide thee,
And bear thee through the evil days.
Who trusts in God’s unchanging love
Builds on the Rock that naught can move.

2. What can these anxious cares avail thee,
These never-ceasing moans and sighs?
What can it help if thou bewail thee
O’er each dark moment as it flies?
Our cross and trials do but press
The heavier for our bitterness.

3. Be patient and await His leisure
In cheerful hope, with heart content
To take whate’er thy Father’s pleasure
And His discerning love hath sent,
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To Him who chose us for His own.

4. God knows full well when times of gladness
Shall be the needful thing for thee.
When He has tried thy soul with sadness
And from all guile has found thee free,
He comes to thee all unaware
And makes thee own His loving care.

5. Nor think amid the fiery trial
That God hath cast thee off unheard,
That he whose hopes meet no denial
Must surely be of God preferred.
Time passes and much change doth bring
And sets a bound to everything.

6. All are alike before the Highest;
‘Tis easy to our God, we know,
To raise thee up, though low thou liest,
To make the rich man poor and low.
True wonders still by Him are wrought
Who setteth up and brings to naught.

7. Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
Perform thy duties faithfully,
And trust His Word, though undeserving,
Thou yet shalt find it true for thee.
God never yet forsook in need
The soul that trusted Him indeed.

Hymn #518
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 55:22
Author: Georg Neumark, 1640
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1863, alt.
Titled: “Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten”
Composer: Georg Neumark, 1640
Tune: “Wer nur den lieben Gott

 Georg Neumark

Hymn – Arm These Thy Children, Mighty Lord


“Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord”
by Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885

1. Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord,
With shield of faith and Spirit’s sword.
Forth to the battle may they go
And boldly fight against the Foe.

2. With banner of the Cross unfurled,
They overcome the evil world
And so at last receive from Thee
The palm and crown of victory.

3. Come, ever-blessed Spirit, come
And make Thy servants’ hearts Thy home,
May each a living temple be
Hallowed forever, Lord, to Thee.

4. Enrich that temple’s holy shrine
With sevenfold gifts of grace divine;
With wisdom, light, and knowledge bless,
With counsel, strength, fear, godliness.

5. O Trinity in Unity,
One only God and Persons Three,
In whom, through whom, by whom, we live,
To Thee we praise and glory give.

6. Oh, grant us so to use Thy grace
That we may see Thy glorious face
And ever with the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Hymn #332
The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ephesians 6:13
Author: Christopher Wordsworth, 1862, alt.
Tune: “Erhalt uns, Herr
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Wittenberg, 1543

 Bishop Christopher Wordsworth, nephew of the poet.

Also – O Day of Rest and Gladness.

What We Have Here Is a Refusal To Communicate


Christian News is doubtless losing circulation faster than a Joe Biden fan magazine. At the recent online board meeting, starring Jack Cascione and a few other patriarchs of Objective Justification, someone said, “You are not still giving Jackson a free subscription?!”

Hale, “Sadly, I inherited Jackson’s free subscription from our sainted Herman Otten. Mr. Jackson has used that access to quote us mercilessly.”

The ancient intercom crackled in each speaker, “That’s Dr. Jackson to you, Phil.”

Cascione nervously swallowed some Ovaltine. “We’ve been hacked! Change your passwords. Call Linux. Alert your lawyers!”

The Mequon Cub Scout troop laughed and gave each other high fives. “We can give him another entry to the site, but he does not want it. He said, “I would rather spend the time reading Luther’s English Bible, the KJV. I can have as much fun not reading Christian News as I did skimming it each week for 5 minutes. LutherQuest and ALPB Online are prime targets. Prime.”

Monday, September 27, 2021

Here Is a New Wrinkle – Pickering on the KJV Bible


“Full of sound and fury…the anti-KJV partisans.

I am finishing Lutheran Christina, Memories about a Pastor’s Wife, with some speed now. When that book is done, I will revise The Bible Book for a second edition.

One of the benefits of sending around the first edition is having a lot of reaction and suggestions. One was to look up Wilbur Pickering, a new author for me, so I ordered three Pickering titles from Alibris, my main supplier of low cost (but usually new in quality) theology books. I also buy military and American Indian books from Alibris. They have almost everything.

I wanted to post this because the organist (name withheld) looks for the final post of the day. Also, the Indian specialist favors Pickering. No, I have not read all three books… yet.

The more I study the KJV issue, the more I see how idiotic and puerile the anti-KJV Jabberwockies are. Their only argument is ridicule, absent the facts. The second edition will be a lot of fun to write.

St. Sebastian in the Autumn Bulb Market – And Clearance Plants! Oh My!


 Humpback Whale Hosta

Working on Lutheran Christina, I realized my need to post a health and wellness article, so people do not start writing and phoning, “Are you OK? It is 6 AM and you have not published anything today.”

I get multiple emails per vendor per day about my need to buy their plants and bulbs. I am almost immune, because my email folder for gardening shows what is coming. Direct Gardening does tempt me to set up some plants that will be useful in the spring, if the critters do not eat them.

Hosta prices can vary widely. I have plenty of them to move from the sunny Rose Garden to the shadier areas in the back. The crew and I took out the unwanted plants and upstart trees behind the house. That opened up two gardens for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Months ago I ordered the folio sized Humpback Whale hostas to dominate the back side of our house.

Saturday I planted five beautiful Humpback Whale Hostas. The ground was either cleared down to roots (outside the bedroom) or covered with bags of leaves and mulch (outside the kitchen). Given the enormous potential for the hosta plants, I gave them plenty of room next to the house. 

 Patriot Hostas will move to the back, to enjoy more shade and water.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 2021. The Holy Trinity and the Seven Ones


The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 2021

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson


The video of the complete service is here.

The Hymn #37            Lord Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee              
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16

Righteous art Thou, O Lord: and upright are Thy judgments.
Deal with Thy servant: according to Thy mercy.
Psalm. Blessed are the undefiled in the way: 
who walk in the Law of the Lord.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19

Lord, we beseech Thee, grant Thy people grace to withstand the temptations 
of the devil and with pure hearts and minds to follow Thee, the only God; 
through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth, etc.
The Epistle and Gradual       

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: 
and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.
V. By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made: 
and all the host of them by the Breath of His mouth. 
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
V. The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. Hallelujah!

The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #19           All Praise to Thee Who Reins in Above                

What Is Truth?

8. By faith I call Thy holy Table
The testament of Thy deep love;
For, lo, thereby I now am able
To see how love Thy heart doth move.

9. What higher gift can we inherit?
It is faith’s bond and solid base;
It is the strength of heart and spirit,
The covenant of hope and grace.

10. This feast is manna, wealth abounding
Unto the poor, to weak ones power,
To angels joy, to hell confounding,
And life for us in death’s dark hour.

11. Thy body, given for me, O Savior,
Thy blood which Thou for me didst shed,
These are my life and strength forever,
By them my hungry soul is fed. 

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord’s Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 361                  O Jesus, King

                      In Our Prayers 
  • Pastor K and others, dealing with diabetes.
  • Medical treatments: Mary Howell, John Hicks, Pastor Jim Shrader, Chris Shrader, Kermit and Maria Way.
  • Leg therapy – Randy Anderson.

KJV Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lordone faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

KJV Luke 14:1 And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched him. 2 And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. 3 And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? 4 And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; 5 And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day? 6 And they could not answer him again to these things. 7 And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them, 8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; 9 And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. 10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. 11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity

Lord God, heavenly Father: We beseech Thee so to guide and direct us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may not exalt ourselves, but humbly fear Thee, with our whole hearts hear and keep Thy word, and hallow the Lord’s day, that we also may be hallowed by Thy word; help us, first, to place our hope and confidence in Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who alone is our righteousness and Redeemer, and, then, so to amend and better our lives in accordance with Thy word, that we may avoid all offenses and finally obtain eternal salvation, through Thy grace in Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God. world without end. Amen.
What Is Truth?
Background for Ephesian 4:1-5
This remarkable passage names the Trinity and uses “one” seven times. That eloquence by itself is noteworthy, because speaking of the Godhead and unity – using simple language – is almost impossible to carry out effectively. For example, when I inserted GO BENGALS into a parish newsletter, people said, “That paragraph did not make sense. The sentences were there, but without meaning.” That is usually true with attempts to showboat in writing.

There are hundreds of examples of revealing the Trinity in the Bible, and they must have been skillfully executed, because the rationalists cannot find a single one. That was my first lesson from the Harvard ThD teaching the Bible at Augustana College – “The Trinity is not in the Bible.” I asked, “What about the Great Commission?” The professor said, “That was put on the lips of Jesus by the later editors.” The shocking truth – which they deny – is that the Trinity is found and also suggested in hundreds of passages in Old and New Testament. See The Holy Trinity Revealed in the Scriptures, published by Amazon.

The modernist Bible salesmen of the denominations must be appalled by the King James Version of the Bible, because their NIV/ESV/TEV versions go to great lengths to blunt the divinity of Christ, the power and majesty of the KJV prose. But – like the Sunday comics – “The NIV, ESV, and TEV are easier to read.”

Being angered and repulsed by the Truth is one of the clearest proofs that there is such a thing as Truth. Persecution of the Truth is another automatic response, and there are blessings from persecution which show that Truth is not merely a philosophical construct but the very nature of God. Jesus said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father, except by Me.”
What Is Truth?

Mankind looks for Truth, waters it down, shuns, and rejects it. We have all kinds of standards, norms, protocols, but 

“What is Truth?” said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. (Bacon essay, Of Truth, John 18:38)

This is the answer – 

KJV John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

This passage below from Ephesians 4 made me think about the contemporary failure of the denominations. What do they have in common? They all teach and preach the denomination, and compare them to others. They consider themselves businesses and have business goals which show they are failures. Our only goal is to teach that Truth which is revealed in the original Scriptures and taught in harmony with the Lutheran Reformation. 

KJV Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;


1. This, too, is a beautiful sermon, delivered by Paul to the Ephesians, concerning the good works of Christians, who believe and are obedient to the doctrine of the Gospel. In the knowledge of good works Paul desires Christians to grow and increase, as we learned in the epistle for last Sunday. The ground of all doctrine, of all right living, the supreme and eternal treasure of him who is a Christian in the sight of God, is faith in Christ. It alone secures forgiveness o£ sins and makes us children of God.

Now, where this faith is, fruits should follow as evidence that Christians in their lives honor and obey God. They are necessary for God’s glory and for the Christian’s own honor and eternal reward before him.

Is this passage about people getting along with each other, or about the Trinity? The answer is – both, because God has revealed Himself so that we can enjoy the kind of life which is promised in the Scriptures.

The invisible Church is made up of believers, and that is all the New Testament talks about. There is nothing about endowment funds, properties, silverware, goldware, men’s groups, women’s groups, youth groups. Wouldn’t the apostles gasp at a money shortage where they keep $100 million in the bank?

Paul is invoking his prisoner status because that meant he would probably die, from maltreatment if not from execution itself. However, this was God’s plan – a prisoner of the Lord – to glorify His Name. The apostles had great honors as witness of Christ but very short lifespans. John lived the longest. The ultimate value of his Gospel came from being the one to unify the first three Gospels and to include essential teaching from Christ.

Paul in naming his imprisonment is showing that this will possibly be their fates, too, but it is in God’s hands. In this life we should see ourselves as 

2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

Who called Himself lowly and meek? 

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Luther points out in in his sermon for this Sunday that these attributes are enough for the Christian. The believer does not have to separate himself from society or join a monastery. There are no peculiar actions that make him a saint, someone made holy (sanctified) by the Gospel of faith in Jesus Christ.   

That makes all the difference, because there is a lot less done in “have to” and a lot more done in “want to.” I want told when they taught us about the phone, “Never say – I have to – because that sounds like a burden when you are doing service work for the client.” When parents say, “Clean your room,” the automatic response is – “Do I have to?”

The solution for each individual is to think of everything as “want to,” which makes it fun and fulfilling as well. I knew that Christina wanted a clean kitchen, so I cleaned up while I prepared food on the stove and in the microwave. She said, “How can you do both at once?” I said, “I grew up in fast food. We made the products and cleaned  all day – and took care of customers.” And it was fun to suggest menus and changes that worked out or were never mentioned again.

One of the clear and obnoxious signs of Pietism is “I will do this for my friends but not for anyone who has annoyed me in any way.” That quickly descends into a bunch of superficial and self-righteous works-saints and cell groups who are just the opposite of what Paul talks about – being meek, lowly, and long-suffering. 

I know many pastors are afraid of speaking their minds because they are afraid of retribution, the bishop or DP getting even. Fear is a reaction coming from a lack of faith. Perhaps the Lord High Bishop is just God’s instrument for moving a faithful pastor into the work he should do – in another capacity, another place? 

Forbearing one another in love means not expecting others to be as perfect as we imagine ourselves to be. Shunning and the stink-eye are not the two Sacraments, though they are immensely popular and practiced frequently.\

3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

We can often substitute the Word of God for the Spirit, simply because they always work together. Unity of the Spirit comes from placing ourselves under the teaching of the Scriptures. That does not mean we cannot disagree, but it does mean that we seek the Truth from that source alone and faithful exponents of that source. But it always begins with the Scriptures and everything must rest on that unique, divine, inerrant, and efficacious Word.

We can see what horrible divisions and errors have come from the denial of:

  • The Holy Trinity
  • The divinity of Christ
  • The Virgin Birth of Christ and His miracles
  • The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
  • The Sacraments being effective
  • The immortality of the soul.
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lordone faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

These are simple words with a powerful message. As Christian believers we are fashioned and led by these inspired words. We are not on our own or alone, because we are God’s Creation in two ways. He gave us life and the complexity of our bodies, but He also gave us faith and sealed us in His Kingdom through the Gospel Word, 
  1. either when baptized as babies or 
  2. converted as adults and baptized.
Both creations are marvels, self-healing (self-healing with some help from the doctor; self-healing from drowning our sins in the ocean of His grace – from the Means of Grace).

Luther has much more to say about this in his sermon for today, posted below.

Luther’s Sermon on Ephesians 4:1-5. Trinity 17. Exhortation to Live According to the Christian Calling, and in the Unity of the Spirit. Ephesians 4:1-6

 Norma Boeckler’s art



EPHESIANS 4:1-6. 1 I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, 2 with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.


1. This, too, is a beautiful sermon, delivered by Paul to the Ephesians, concerning the good works of Christians, who believe and are obedient to the doctrine of the Gospel. In the knowledge of good works Paul desires Christians to grow and increase, as we learned in the epistle for last Sunday. The ground of all doctrine, of all right living, the supreme and eternal treasure of him who is a Christian in the sight of God, is faith in Christ. It alone secures forgiveness o£ sins and makes us children of God.

Now, where this faith is, fruits should follow as evidence that Christians in their lives honor and obey God. They are necessary for God’s glory and for the Christian’s own honor and eternal reward before him.

2. Paul, remembering the imprisonment and tribulations he suffered because of the Gospel and for the advantage, as he before said, of the Ephesians, gives the admonition here. He would have them, in return for his sufferings, honor the Gospel in their lives. First he names a general rule of life for Christians. “To walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called.”


3. The chief thing that should influence a Christian’s outward walk is the remembrance of his calling and appointment by God. He should be mindful of why he is called a Christian, and live consistently. He must shine before the world; that is, through his life and God’s work, the Word and the name of Christ the Lord must be exalted. Christ exhorts his disciples: “Even so let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

4. Similarly, Paul would say: “You have received God’s grace and his Word and are a blessed people. In Christ all your needs are blessedly supplied. Be mindful of this and remember you are called to a far different and vastly higher life than others know. Show by your manner of living that you seek a higher good than the world seeks — indeed, that you have received far greater blessings. Let your lives honor and glorify the Lord who has given you such blessings. Give no occasion for dishonoring your treasured faith, or for scorning his Word. Rather, influence men by your godly walk and good works to believe in Christ and to glorify him.”

5. Let the Christian know his earthly life is not unto himself, nor for his own sake; his life and work here belong to Christ, his Lord. Hence must his walk be such as shall contribute to the honor and glory of his Master, whom he should so serve that he may be able to say with Paul, not only with respect to the spiritual life — the life of faith and of righteousness by grace — but also with respect to its fruits — the outward conduct: “It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me.” Galatians 2:20. The Christian’s manner of life may be styled “walking in Christ”; yes, as Paul elsewhere has it ( Romans 13:14), “putting on” the Lord Jesus Christ, like a garment or an ornament. The world is to recognize Christ by his shining in us.

6. But the so-called Christian life that does not honor Christ makes its sin the more heinous for the name it bears. Every sin the people of God commit is a provocation of Jehovah; not only in the act of disobedience itself, but also in the transgression of the second commandment. The enormity of the sin is magnified by the conditions that make it a blasphemy of God’s name and an occasion of offense to others. Paul says in Romans 2:24: “For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” So a Christian should, in his life, by all means guard the honor of God — of Christ. He must take heed that he be not guilty of blaspheming that name and of doing wickedness. The devil, aided by the world, construes every act, when possible, to reflect upon God’s honor and glory. His purpose is to manifest his bitter hatred against Christ and the Word; also to injure the Church by charging offenses, thus deterring unbelievers from embracing the Gospel and causing the weak to fall away.

7. To guard against such disaster, Christians should be particularly careful to give, in their conduct, no occasion for offense, and to value the name and honor of their God too highly to permit blasphemy of them. They should prefer to lose their own honor, their wealth, their physical wellbeing, even their lives, rather than that these, their most precious possessions and greatest blessings, should suffer disgrace. Let them remember that upon keeping sacred the name and honor of God depends their own standing before God and men. God promises ( 1 Samuel 2:30), “Them that honor me! will honor.” But pursuing the opposite course, Christians bring upon themselves God’s sternest wrath and effect their own rejection and shame. For he says further: “They that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” And in the second commandment God threatens certain and terrible punishment to abusers of his name; that is, to them who do not employ it to his honor and praise.

8. Well may every Christian examine his own life to see if he is careful to guard against offense to the Gospel and to regulate his words and conduct by God’s first commandment, making them contribute to the honor and praise of the divine name and the holy Gospel. Weighty indeed and well calculated to cause complaint are the sins to which every Christian is liable in this respect; well may he avoid them lest he heap to himself the wrath of God. Especially need we be careful in these last and evil times when the Gospel is everywhere suppressed by great offenses. Man was created to be the image of God, that through this his image God might himself be expressed. God’s image, then, should be reflected in the lives of men as a likeness in a glass, and a Christian can have no higher concern than to live without dishonor to the name of God.


9. Such is the first part of Paul’s admonition concerning the general life of Christians. He goes on to make special mention of several good works which Christians should diligently observe: humility, meekness, longsuffering, preservation of the unity of the Spirit, and so on. These have been specially treated before, in other epistle lessons, particularly those from Peter. Humility, for instance — mentioned in today’s lesson — is taken up the third Sunday after Trinity; patience and meekness, the second Sunday after Easter, and the fifth Sunday after Trinity.

10. The text here presents good works sufficient to occupy all Christians in every station of life; we need not seek other nor better ones. Paul would not impose upon Christians peculiar works, something unrelated to the ordinary walks of life, as certain false saints taught and practiced. These teachers commanded separation from society, isolation in the wilderness, the establishment of monkeries and the performance of self-appointed works. Such works they exalted as superior to ordinary Christian virtues.

Indeed, their practice amounted to rejection of the latter, and they actually regarded them as dangerous. The Papacy has in the past shamelessly styled the observance of Christian good works as worldly living, and men were compelled to believe they would find it hard to reach heaven unless they became ecclesiasts — for they regarded only the monks and priests worthy — or at least made themselves partakers of the works of ecclesiasts by purchasing their merits.

But Paul — in fact, the entire Scriptures — teaches no other good works than God enjoins upon all men in the Ten Commandments, and which pertain to the common conditions of life. True, these make not such brilliant show in the eyes of the world as do the self-appointed ceremonials constituting the divine service of hypocrites; nevertheless, they are true, worthy, good and profitable works in the sight of God and man. What can be more acceptable to God and advantageous to man than a life lived, in its own calling, in the way that contributes to the honor of God, and that by its example influences others to love God’s Word and to praise his name?

Moreover, what virtues, of all man possesses, serve him better than humility, meekness, patience and harmony of mind?

11. Now, where is a better opportunity for the exercise of these virtues than amidst the conditions in which God destined us to live — in society, where we mingle with one another? Upon these conditions, self-appointed, unusual lives and monastic holiness have no bearing. For what other person is profited by your entering a cloister, making yourself peculiar, refusing to live as your fellows do? Who is benefited by your cowl, your austere countenance, your hard bed? Who comes to know God or to have a peaceful conscience by such practices on your part, or who is thereby influenced to love his neighbor? Indeed, how can you serve your neighbor by such a life? How manifest your love, humility, patience and meekness if you are unwilling to live among men? if you so strenuously adhere to your self-appointed orders as to allow your neighbor to suffer want before you would dishonor your rules?

12. Astonishing fact, that the world is merged in darkness so great it utterly disregards the Word of God and the conditions he designed for our daily living. If we preach to the world faith in God’s Word, the world receives it as heresy. If we speak of works instituted of God himself and conditions of his own appointing, the world regards it as idle talk; it knows better. To live a simple Christian life in one’s own family, to faithfully perform the duties of a man-servant or maid-servant — “Oh, that,” it says, “is merely the following of worldly pursuits. To do good works you must set about it in a different way. You must creep into a corner, don a cap, make pilgrimages to some saint; then you may be able to help yourself and others to gain heaven.” If the question be asked, “Why do so? where has God commanded it?” there is, according to their theory, really no answer to make but this: Our Lord God knows nothing about the matter; he does not understand what good works are. How can he teach us? He must himself be tutored by these remarkably enlightened saints.


13. But all this error results from that miserable inherent plague, that evil termed “original sin.” It is a blind wickedness, refusing to recognize the Word of God and his will and work, but introducing instead things of its own heathenish imagination. It draws such a thick covering over eyes, ears and hearts that it renders men unable to perceive how the simple life of a Christian, of husband or wife, of the lower or the higher walks of life, can be beautified by honoring the Word of God. Original sin will not be persuaded to the faithful performance of the works that God testifies are well pleasing to him when wrought by believers in Christ. In a word, universal experience proves that to perform really good works is a special and remarkable grace to which few attain; while the great mass of souls aspiring after holiness vainly busy themselves with worthless works, being deceived into thinking them great, and thus make themselves, as Paul says, “unto every good work reprobate.” Titus 1:16. This fruitless effort is one evil result of the error of human ideas of holiness and the practice of self-chosen works.

14. Another error is the hindrance — yes, the suppression and destruction — f the beautiful virtues of humility, meekness, patience and spiritual harmony here commended of Paul. At the same time the devil is given occasion to encourage fiendish blasphemy. In every instance where the Word of God is set aside for humanly-appointed works, differing views and theories must obtain. One introduces this and another that, each striving for first recognition; then a third endeavors to improve upon their doctrine.

Consequently divisions and factions ensue as numerous as the teachers and their creeds; as exemplified in the countless sects to this time prevalent in Popedom, and in the factious spirits of all time. Under such circumstances, none of the virtues like humility, meekness, patience, love, can have place.

Opposite conditions must prevail, since harmony of hearts and minds is lacking. One teacher haughtily rejects another, and if his own opinions fail to receive recognition and approval, he displays anger, envy and hatred. He will neither affiliate with nor tolerate him whose practices accord not with his own.

15. On the other hand, the Christian life, the life of faith with its fruits, controlled as it is by the Word of God, is in every way conducive to the preservation of love and harmony, and to the promotion of all virtues. It interferes not with the God-ordained relations of life and their attendant obligations upon men — the requirements of social order, the duties of father and mother, of son and daughter, master and mistress, servant and maid. All life’s relations are confirmed by it as valid and its duties as vital.

The Christian faith bids each person in his life, and all in common, to be diligent in the works of love, humility, patience. It teaches that one be not intolerant of another, but rather render him his due, remembering that he whose condition in life is the most insignificant can be equally upright and blessed before God with the occupant of the most significant position.

Again, it teaches that man must have patience with the weakness of his fellow, being mindful of how others must bear with his own imperfections.

In short, it says one must manifest to another the love and kindness he would have that other extend to him.

16. To this Christian attainment, contributes very largely the single fact that a Christian is conscious he has, through Christ, the grace of God, the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. And these not for his own merits or peculiar life and works, but because he is, no matter how insignificant in condition before the world, a child of God and blessed; a partaker, if he but believes, in all the blessings of Christ, sharing equally with the most eminent saint. So, then, he need not look about for works not enjoined upon him. He need not covet those wrought in prominence and by the aid of great gifts of God — of unusual attainments. Let him confine himself to his own sphere; let him serve God in his vocation, remembering that God makes him, too, his instrument in his own place.

Again, the occupant of a higher sphere, the possessor of higher gifts and accomplishments, who likewise serves in his vocation received from God, should learn and exhibit harmony of mind. So shall he continue humble and be tolerant of others. He should remember that he is not worthier in the eyes of God because of his greater gifts, but rather is under deeper obligation to serve his fellows, and that God can use the possessor of lesser gifts for even greater accomplishments than himself can boast. Having so learned, he will be able to manifest patience, meekness and love toward his weak and imperfect neighbors, considering them members of Christ with him, and partakers of the same grace and salvation.


17. Now you have the reason why the apostles Paul and Peter everywhere so faithfully enforce this virtue, the unity of the Spirit. It is the most necessary and beautiful grace that Christians possess. It holds together the Christian community, preventing factions and schisms, as before explained.

So Paul here admonishes men to be careful for harmony, making every endeavor to preserve it. The term “unity of the Spirit” is used to make plain the apostle’s meaning. He would thus emphasize oneness of doctrine — the one true faith. Since the Holy Spirit is present only where there is knowledge of and faith in the Gospel of Christ, “unity of the Spirit” implies a unity of faith. Above all things, then, the effort must be to preserve, in the Church, the doctrine of the Scriptures, pure and in its unity.

18. One of the wickedest offenses possible to commit against the Church is the stirring up of doctrinal discord and division, a thing the devil encourages to the utmost. This sin usually has its rise with certain haughty, conceited, self-seeking leaders who desire peculiar distinction for themselves and strive for personal honor and glory. They harmonize with none and would think themselves disgraced were they not honored as superior and more learned individuals than their fellows, a distinction they do not merit. They will give honor to no one, even when they have to recognize the superiority of his gifts over their own. In their envy, anger, hatred and vengefulness, they seek occasion to create factions and to draw people to themselves. Therefore Paul exhorts first to the necessary virtue of love, having which men will be enabled to exercise humility, patience and forbearance toward one another.

19. The character of the evils resulting to the Church from divisions and discords in doctrine is evident from the facts. Many are deceived; the masses immediately respond to new doctrine brilliantly presented in specious words by presumptuous individuals thirsting for fame. More than that, many weak but well-meaning ones fall to doubting, uncertain where to stand or with whom to hold. Consequently men reject and blaspheme the Christian doctrine and seek occasion to dispute it. Many become reckless pleasure-lovers, disregarding all religion and ignoring the Word of God. Further, even they who are called Christians come to have hard feelings against one another, and, figuratively, bite and devour in their hate and envy. Consequently their love grows cold and faith is extinguished.

20. Of so much disturbance in the Church, and of the resulting injuries to souls, are guilty those conceited, factious leaders who do not adhere to the true doctrine, preserving the unity of the Spirit, but seek to institute something new for the sake of advancing their own ideas and their own honor, or gratifying their revenge. They thus bring upon themselves damnation infinitely more intolerable than others suffer. Christians, then, should be careful to give no occasion for division or discord, but to be diligent, as Paul here admonishes, to preserve unity. And this is not an easy thing to do, for among Christians occasions frequently arise provoking selfwill, anger and hatred. The devil is always at hand to stir and blow the flame of discord. Let Christians take heed they do not give place to the promptings of the devil and of the flesh. They must strive against them, submitting to all suffering, and performing all demands, whether honor, property, physical welfare or life itself be involved, in the effort to prevent, so far as in them lies, any disturbance of the unity of doctrine, of faith and of Spirit. “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.”

21. Christians should feel bound to maintain the unity of the Spirit, since they are all members of one body and partakers of the same spiritual blessings. They have the same priceless treasures — one God and Father in heaven, one Lord and Savior, one Word, baptism and faith; in short, one and the same salvation, a blessing common to all whereof one has as much as another, and cannot obtain more. What occasion, then, for divisions or for further seeking?

22. Here Paul teaches what the true Christian Church is and how it may be identified. There is not more than one Church, or people of God, one earth.

This one Church has one faith, one baptism, one confession of God the Father and of Jesus Christ. Its members faithfully hold, and abide by, these common truths. Every one desiring to be saved and to come to God must be incorporated into this Church, outside of which no one will be saved.

23. Unity of the Church does not consist in similarity of outward form of government, likeness of Law, tradition and ecclesiastical customs, as the Pope and his followers claim. They would exclude from the Church all not obedient to them in these outward things, though members of the one faith, one baptism, and so on. The Church is termed “one holy, catholic or Christian Church,” because it represents one plain, pure Gospel doctrine, and an outward confession thereof, always and everywhere, regardless of dissimilarity of physical life, or of outward ordinances, customs and ceremonies.

24. But they are not members of the true Church of Christ who, instead of preserving unity of doctrine and oneness of Christian faith, cause divisions and offenses — as Paul says ( Romans 16:17) — by the human doctrines and self-appointed works for which they contend, imposing them upon all Christians as necessary. They are perverters and destroyers of the Church, as we have elsewhere frequently shown. The consolation of the true doctrine is ours, and we hold it in opposition to Popedom, which accuses us of having withdrawn from them, and so condemns us as apostates from the Church. They are, however, themselves the real apostates, persecuting the truth and destroying the unity of the Spirit under the name and title of the Church and of Christ. Therefore, according to the command of God, all men are under obligation to shun them and withdraw from them.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Lutheran Librarian Has a Song for Everyone


Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
It’s good enough for me.

1 It was good for Loy and Luther,
It was good for Loy and Luther,
It was good for Loy and Luther,
It’s good enough for me. [Refrain]

2 It was good for the Lenski students,
It was good for the Lenski students,
It was good for the Lenski students,
It’s good enough for me. [Refrain]

3 It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It’s good enough for me. [Refrain]

Friday, September 24, 2021

Plant It and Flowers Will Come


These large alliums have various names, like Globemaster. The flowers come in many varieties, often smaller, with various colors, and attract bees like crazy. The bulbs all have that garlic fragrance. 

I put a couple of small boxes in the library and closed the door overnight. This morning I wondered what happened in that room. “Oh! That is garlic!” (I talk to myself whenever I need expert advice.) The fumes came from some alliums I ordered, the aroma coming out of the bulbs, through the packages, out of the cardboard box, trapped in the room.

Hair Allium

I moved the alliums into a larger room with more air circulation. Our helper came over to help in the gardening labors today. The recent rain made digging clay much easier. I took over the alliums, leaving specialty daffodils for the center part of the Rose Garden. 

Daffodils are another easy choice to make. Few animals eat or dig them up. They multiply on their own and brighten up the spring. Sadly, this is not tulip country, so I do not order them.

As a member reminded me, Minnesota was perfect for hardy (fall planted) bulbs. They not only tolerate cold – they demand cold. Gladiolas are tender (spring planted) bulbs, and they will come back again the next year – in this area. 

God’s Creation is on full display in the garden. Each plant and animal has a purpose-driven life, engineered to do its job, to repair damage, and to flourish with its brethren and sistern. 

True bulbs are already flowers encased in plant material and food for the journey upward. I am watering all the planted bulbs now, so hydrate, put out their roots, and begin to reach the surface.

Weather in the spring will trigger their blooms at divinely designated times. The varieties are great fun to watch in a garden where someone keeps trying out different kinds, sizes, and attributes.

Sassy came outside and guarded our work, as she always does. She finds the low level birdbath a perfect drinking source, so she reminds me to keep it clean and full for her. Others must benefit because I pour in a gallon a day into it after cleaning.

Trumpet Vine and a Hummingbird

Everyone loves to sit on the porch and look at the birds, squirrels, hummingbirds, and bees. Christina came out as often as possible. Sassy always parks herself in front of the porch sitters, looking for food and attention. If everyone praises her and tosses some cracker, she is happy.

A senior in high school comes by often, and she gets a rose to take home (two houses down). Mrs. Gardener comes by to offer extra desserts from her latest expert effort.

Enchanted Peace is blooming more than anyone could hope – in its first year.

 Enchanted Peace

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?

Cue West Side Story music
There’s a place for us, 
A time and place for us. 
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there. 
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there 
Some day, 

Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?:

“Nearly two years ago — March 21, 2011 — The Clergy Project launched.

It is funded by the Stiefel Freethought Foundation (SFF), The Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science. [GJ – Curt Peterson was a Church Growther and pal of David Valleskey. In the LCMS and WELS he promoted CGism. He is now a publishing member of this loud and proud atheistic foundation, but his four essays are still in the Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay Files.]

Priests and ministers who become atheists can turn to the Project as

a safe haven for active and former clergy who do not hold supernatural beliefs,” has already launched scholarships to help non-believing clergy, a new “Employment Transition Program” is launching next month.

The words ‘a safe haven’ are puzzling. True Christians would be only too happy to see such clergy renounce their vocations and quietly leave the pulpit and the Church.”

More at this link.

‘via Blog this’

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: 48 Detroit parishes may close, including famed Assumption Grotto : News Headlines – Catholic Culture

Thursday, December 1, 2011

48 Detroit parishes may close, including famed Assumption Grotto : News Headlines – Catholic Culture

48 Detroit parishes may close, including famed Assumption Grotto : News Headlines – Catholic Culture:

A lay-led panel of the Archdiocese of Detroit has recommended that Archbishop Allen Vigneron close 48 parishes, including the historic St. Florian Church in Hamtramck and Assumption Grotto, known nationwide for its reverent celebration of the Latin liturgy.

“Within five years, nine parishes are proposed to close,” according to the panel’s recommendations. “In addition to the above, 60 parishes are proposed to merge down to 21, resulting in 39 fewer parishes. Also during this time period, seven worship sites are proposed to close. Additionally, a number of the worship sites impacted by the merging process would likely close.”

The proposed closures would reduce the number of parishes to 232–down from 347 in 1966, 344 in 1980, 308 in 1990, and 270 today.

The panel recommended that “the parish and planning group should … begin in early 2012 to discuss the closing or merger of Assumption Grotto with a neighboring parish, to be implemented upon the retirement, reassignment or pastoral vacancy of the priest, if a replacement is not available to be assigned. Assumption Grotto must also develop in the first quarter of 2012 a realistic financial plan that addresses how the parish will pay outstanding debt.”

After considering the panel’s recommendations, Archbishop Allen Vigneron is expected to announce in February which parishes will close.

‘via Blog this’

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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: WELS Discussions Group on Facebook Links Lutheran Clergy Sexual Abuse Support Group

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

WELS Discussions Group on Facebook Links Lutheran Clergy Sexual Abuse Support Group


This should be as pan-Lutheran as Thrivent, because all the Lutheran sects are involved in the cover-ups, lies, and threats against the victims.

Does showing porn to a female church staff member count?

Need a call to a foreign mission field? Drive your car up a utility pole – drunk. The same Circuit Pastors and District Presidents who manufacture any slander against dissenters will say nothing about your close encounter with the utility pole – “Awfussur, I never saw it coming!” – and your DUI ticket.

Need to establish CRM status after being forced to resign? Teach false doctrine copied from Enthusiasts, lie about it, drink on the job, scream at female staff, and share your fantasies, porn, and disgusting slang with women. Outraged by the truth, take your victim to court. Bonus – you get a divine call as your reward.

Never forget WELS Sharia law – anything done to her is her fault alone. She will be blamed, humiliated, and drummed out of the sect. The only sin is telling the truth, and that is never forgiven.

 Martin Luther College’s ministry program will
 transform your son!
 Just kidding. I am Lily Reborn now.

If you like cross-dressing and role playing another sex, the WELS educational system is perfect for you – light on English skills, heavy on drinking and cross-dressing. You can graduate, get ordained, and join your church council in a cross-dressing picnic, like Mrs. Andy Mueller, Church and Changer extraordinaire.

Your hooker – or perhaps a cop – is on the Net –
waiting to fulfill your fantasies or fears.

 Born forgiven!
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